{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | -- Module : $Header$ -- Description : Data.IntMap.Strict with Enum keys. -- Copyright : (c) 2011-2019 Michal Terepeta -- (c) 2019-2022 Mikolaj Konarski and others (see git history) -- License : BSD3 -- Maintainer : mikolaj.konarski@funktory.com -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : uses DeriveDataTypeable and GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving -- This is a simple wrapper for 'Data.IntMap.Strict' that works with any type of -- keys that are instances of 'Enum' type class. For documentation please see -- the one for 'Data.IntMap'. module Data.EnumMap.Strict ( EnumMap -- * Wrapping/unwrapping , intMapToEnumMap , enumMapToIntMap -- * Operators , (!) , (\\) -- * Query , null , size , member , notMember , lookup , findWithDefault , lookupLT , lookupGT , lookupLE , lookupGE -- * Construction , empty , singleton -- ** Insertion , insert , insertWith , insertWithKey , insertLookupWithKey -- ** Delete\/Update , delete , adjust , adjustWithKey , update , updateWithKey , updateLookupWithKey , alter , alterF -- * Combine -- ** Union , union , unionWith , unionWithKey , unions , unionsWith -- ** Difference , difference , differenceWith , differenceWithKey -- ** Intersection , intersection , intersectionWith , intersectionWithKey -- ** Universal combining function , mergeWithKey -- * Traversal -- ** Map , map , mapWithKey , traverseWithKey , mapAccum , mapAccumWithKey , mapAccumRWithKey , mapKeys , mapKeysWith , mapKeysMonotonic -- * Folds , foldr , foldl , foldrWithKey , foldlWithKey -- ** Strict folds , foldr' , foldl' , foldrWithKey' , foldlWithKey' -- * Conversion , elems , keys , assocs , keysSet , fromSet -- ** Lists , toList , fromList , fromListWith , fromListWithKey -- ** Ordered lists , toAscList , toDescList , fromAscList , fromAscListWith , fromAscListWithKey , fromDistinctAscList -- * Filter , filter , filterWithKey #if (MIN_VERSION_containers(0,5,8)) , restrictKeys , withoutKeys #endif , partition , partitionWithKey , mapMaybe , mapMaybeWithKey , mapEither , mapEitherWithKey , split , splitLookup -- * Submap , isSubmapOf , isSubmapOfBy , isProperSubmapOf , isProperSubmapOfBy -- * Min\/Max , lookupMin , lookupMax , findMin , findMax , deleteMin , deleteMax , deleteFindMin , deleteFindMax , updateMin , updateMax , updateMinWithKey , updateMaxWithKey , minView , maxView , minViewWithKey , maxViewWithKey ) where import Prelude hiding (Foldable(..), filter, lookup, map) import qualified Prelude as P import Control.Arrow (first, second, (***)) import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as I import Data.EnumSet (EnumSet) import qualified Data.EnumSet as EnumSet import Data.EnumMap.Base hiding (adjust, adjustWithKey, alter, alterF, differenceWith, differenceWithKey, findWithDefault, fromAscList, fromAscListWith, fromAscListWithKey, fromDistinctAscList, fromList, fromListWith, fromListWithKey, fromSet, insert, insertLookupWithKey, insertWith, insertWithKey, intersectionWith, intersectionWithKey, map, mapAccum, mapAccumRWithKey, mapAccumWithKey, mapEither, mapEitherWithKey, mapKeysWith, mapMaybe, mapMaybeWithKey, mapWithKey, mergeWithKey, singleton, unionWith, unionWithKey, unionsWith, update, updateLookupWithKey, updateMax, updateMaxWithKey, updateMin, updateMinWithKey, updateWithKey) findWithDefault :: (Enum k) => a -> k -> EnumMap k a -> a findWithDefault def k = I.findWithDefault def (fromEnum k) . unWrap {-# INLINE findWithDefault #-} singleton :: (Enum k) => k -> a -> EnumMap k a singleton k = EnumMap . I.singleton (fromEnum k) {-# INLINE singleton #-} insert :: (Enum k) => k -> a -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a insert k a = EnumMap . I.insert (fromEnum k) a . unWrap {-# INLINE insert #-} insertWith :: (Enum k) => (a -> a -> a) -> k -> a -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a insertWith f k a = EnumMap . I.insertWith f (fromEnum k) a . unWrap {-# INLINE insertWith #-} insertWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> a -> a) -> k -> a -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a insertWithKey f k a = EnumMap . I.insertWithKey (f . toEnum) (fromEnum k) a . unWrap {-# INLINE insertWithKey #-} insertLookupWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> a -> a) -> k -> a -> EnumMap k a -> (Maybe a, EnumMap k a) insertLookupWithKey f k a = second EnumMap . I.insertLookupWithKey (f . toEnum) (fromEnum k) a . unWrap {-# INLINE insertLookupWithKey #-} adjust :: (Enum k) => (a -> a) -> k -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a adjust f k = EnumMap . I.adjust f (fromEnum k) . unWrap {-# INLINE adjust #-} adjustWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> a) -> k -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a adjustWithKey f k = EnumMap . I.adjustWithKey (f . toEnum) (fromEnum k) . unWrap {-# INLINE adjustWithKey #-} alter :: (Enum k) => (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> k -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a alter f k = EnumMap . I.alter f (fromEnum k) . unWrap {-# INLINE alter #-} alterF :: (Enum k, Functor f) => (Maybe a -> f (Maybe a)) -> k -> EnumMap k a -> f (EnumMap k a) alterF f k = fmap EnumMap . I.alterF f (fromEnum k) . unWrap {-# INLINE alterF #-} unionsWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> [EnumMap k a] -> EnumMap k a unionsWith f = EnumMap . I.unionsWith f . P.map unWrap {-# INLINE unionsWith #-} unionWith :: (a -> a -> a) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a unionWith f (EnumMap im1) (EnumMap im2) = EnumMap $ I.unionWith f im1 im2 {-# INLINE unionWith #-} unionWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> a -> a) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a unionWithKey f (EnumMap im1) (EnumMap im2) = EnumMap $ I.unionWithKey (f . toEnum) im1 im2 {-# INLINE unionWithKey #-} differenceWith :: (a -> b -> Maybe a) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k b -> EnumMap k a differenceWith f (EnumMap im1) (EnumMap im2) = EnumMap $ I.differenceWith f im1 im2 {-# INLINE differenceWith #-} differenceWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> b -> Maybe a) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k b -> EnumMap k a differenceWithKey f (EnumMap im1) (EnumMap im2) = EnumMap $ I.differenceWithKey (f . toEnum) im1 im2 {-# INLINE differenceWithKey #-} intersectionWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k b -> EnumMap k c intersectionWith f (EnumMap im1) (EnumMap im2) = EnumMap $ I.intersectionWith f im1 im2 {-# INLINE intersectionWith #-} intersectionWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> b -> c) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k b -> EnumMap k c intersectionWithKey f (EnumMap im1) (EnumMap im2) = EnumMap $ I.intersectionWithKey (f . toEnum) im1 im2 {-# INLINE intersectionWithKey #-} mergeWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> b -> Maybe c) -> (EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k c) -> (EnumMap k b -> EnumMap k c) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k b -> EnumMap k c mergeWithKey f ga gb = \ma mb -> EnumMap $ I.mergeWithKey (f . toEnum) (unWrap . ga . EnumMap) (unWrap . gb . EnumMap) (unWrap ma) (unWrap mb) {-# INLINE mergeWithKey #-} update :: (Enum k) => (a -> Maybe a) -> k -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a update f k = EnumMap . I.update f (fromEnum k) . unWrap {-# INLINE update #-} updateWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> Maybe a) -> k -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a updateWithKey f k = EnumMap . I.updateWithKey (f . toEnum) (fromEnum k) . unWrap {-# INLINE updateWithKey #-} updateLookupWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> Maybe a) -> k -> EnumMap k a -> (Maybe a,EnumMap k a) updateLookupWithKey f k = second EnumMap . I.updateLookupWithKey (f . toEnum) (fromEnum k) . unWrap {-# INLINE updateLookupWithKey #-} updateMinWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> Maybe a) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a updateMinWithKey f = EnumMap . I.updateMinWithKey (f . toEnum) . unWrap {-# INLINE updateMinWithKey #-} updateMaxWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> Maybe a) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a updateMaxWithKey f = EnumMap . I.updateMaxWithKey (f . toEnum) . unWrap {-# INLINE updateMaxWithKey #-} updateMax :: (a -> Maybe a) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a updateMax f = EnumMap . I.updateMax f . unWrap {-# INLINE updateMax #-} updateMin :: (a -> Maybe a) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a updateMin f = EnumMap . I.updateMin f . unWrap {-# INLINE updateMin #-} map :: (a -> b) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k b map f = EnumMap . I.map f . unWrap {-# INLINE map #-} mapWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> b) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k b mapWithKey f = EnumMap . I.mapWithKey (f . toEnum) . unWrap {-# INLINE mapWithKey #-} mapAccum :: (a -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> EnumMap k b -> (a, EnumMap k c) mapAccum f a = second EnumMap . I.mapAccum f a . unWrap {-# INLINE mapAccum #-} mapAccumWithKey :: (Enum k) => (a -> k -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> EnumMap k b -> (a, EnumMap k c) mapAccumWithKey f a = second EnumMap . I.mapAccumWithKey (\b -> f b . toEnum) a . unWrap {-# INLINE mapAccumWithKey #-} mapAccumRWithKey :: (Enum k) => (a -> k -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> EnumMap k b -> (a, EnumMap k c) mapAccumRWithKey f a = second EnumMap . I.mapAccumRWithKey (\b -> f b . toEnum) a . unWrap {-# INLINE mapAccumRWithKey #-} mapKeysWith :: (Enum k) => (a -> a -> a) -> (k -> k) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k a mapKeysWith f g = EnumMap . I.mapKeysWith f (fromEnum . g . toEnum) . unWrap {-# INLINE mapKeysWith #-} mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k b mapMaybe f = EnumMap . I.mapMaybe f . unWrap {-# INLINE mapMaybe #-} mapMaybeWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> Maybe b) -> EnumMap k a -> EnumMap k b mapMaybeWithKey f = EnumMap . I.mapMaybeWithKey (f . toEnum) . unWrap {-# INLINE mapMaybeWithKey #-} mapEither :: (a -> Either b c) -> EnumMap k a -> (EnumMap k b, EnumMap k c) mapEither f = (EnumMap *** EnumMap) . I.mapEither f . unWrap {-# INLINE mapEither #-} mapEitherWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> Either b c) -> EnumMap k a -> (EnumMap k b, EnumMap k c) mapEitherWithKey f = (EnumMap *** EnumMap) . I.mapEitherWithKey (f . toEnum) . unWrap {-# INLINE mapEitherWithKey #-} fromSet :: (Enum k) => (k -> a) -> EnumSet k -> EnumMap k a fromSet f = EnumMap . I.fromSet (f . toEnum) . EnumSet.enumSetToIntSet {-# INLINE fromSet #-} fromList :: (Enum k) => [(k, a)] -> EnumMap k a fromList = EnumMap . I.fromList . P.map (first fromEnum) {-# INLINE fromList #-} fromListWith :: (Enum k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [(k, a)] -> EnumMap k a fromListWith f = EnumMap . I.fromListWith f . P.map (first fromEnum) {-# INLINE fromListWith #-} fromListWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> a -> a) -> [(k, a)] -> EnumMap k a fromListWithKey f = EnumMap . I.fromListWithKey (f . toEnum) . P.map (first fromEnum) {-# INLINE fromListWithKey #-} fromAscList :: (Enum k) => [(k, a)] -> EnumMap k a fromAscList = EnumMap . I.fromAscList . P.map (first fromEnum) {-# INLINE fromAscList #-} fromAscListWith :: (Enum k) => (a -> a -> a) -> [(k, a)] -> EnumMap k a fromAscListWith f = EnumMap . I.fromAscListWith f . P.map (first fromEnum) {-# INLINE fromAscListWith #-} fromAscListWithKey :: (Enum k) => (k -> a -> a -> a) -> [(k, a)] -> EnumMap k a fromAscListWithKey f = EnumMap . I.fromAscListWithKey (f . toEnum) . P.map (first fromEnum) {-# INLINE fromAscListWithKey #-} fromDistinctAscList :: (Enum k) => [(k, a)] -> EnumMap k a fromDistinctAscList = EnumMap . I.fromDistinctAscList . P.map (first fromEnum) {-# INLINE fromDistinctAscList #-}