{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Main ( main ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL8 import Data.Int import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import Data.Time import Data.Word import System.Envy import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck import Test.QuickCheck.Instances () import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ data ConnectInfo = ConnectInfo { pgHost :: String , pgPort :: Word16 , pgUser :: String , pgPass :: String , pgDB :: String } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Arbitrary ConnectInfo where arbitrary = ConnectInfo <$> nonulls <*> arbitrary <*> nonulls <*> nonulls <*> nonulls where nonempty = getNonEmpty <$> arbitrary nonulls = nonempty `suchThat` (not . ('\NUL' `elem`)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Posgtres config data PGConfig = PGConfig { pgConnectInfo :: ConnectInfo -- ^ Connnection Info } deriving (Eq) instance Arbitrary PGConfig where arbitrary = PGConfig <$> arbitrary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Custom show instance instance Show PGConfig where show PGConfig {..} = "" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | FromEnv Instances, supports popular aeson combinators *and* IO -- for dealing with connection pools instance FromEnv PGConfig where fromEnv = PGConfig <$> (ConnectInfo <$> envMaybe "PG_HOST" .!= "localhost" <*> env "PG_PORT" <*> env "PG_USER" <*> env "PG_PASS" <*> env "PG_DB") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | To Environment Instances instance ToEnv PGConfig where toEnv PGConfig{..} = let ConnectInfo{..} = pgConnectInfo in makeEnv [ "PG_HOST" .= pgHost , "PG_PORT" .= pgPort , "PG_USER" .= pgUser , "PG_PASS" .= pgPass , "PG_DB" .= pgDB ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Start tests main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "Var ismorphisms hold" $ do it "Word8 Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: Word8) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "Word16 Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: Word16) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "Word32 Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: Word32) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "Int Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: Int) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "Int8 Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: Int8) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "Int16 Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: Int16) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "Int32 Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: Int32) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "Int64 Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: Int64) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "String Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: String) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "Double Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: Double) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "UTCTime Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: UTCTime) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "ByteString Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: B8.ByteString) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "ByteString Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: BL8.ByteString) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "Lazy Text Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: LT.Text) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) it "Text Var isomorphism" $ property $ \(x :: T.Text) -> Just x == fromVar (toVar x) describe "Can set to and from environment" $ it "Isomorphism through setEnvironment['] and decodeEnv" $ property $ \(pgConf::PGConfig) -> monadicIO $ do res <- run $ do _ <- setEnvironment' pgConf decodeEnv assert $ res == Right pgConf