#include "stdfuns.h" #include "closure.h" #include #include #include #include void printInt(int x) { printf("%d\n",x); } void putStr(char* s) { printf("%s",s); } void printBigInt(mpz_t x) { printf("%s\n",mpz_get_str(NULL,10,x)); } void epicGC() { GC_gcollect(); } void epicMemInfo() { GC_gcollect(); int heap = GC_get_heap_size(); int free = GC_get_free_bytes(); int total = GC_get_total_bytes(); printf("Heap size %d\n", heap); printf("Heap used %d\n", heap-free); printf("Total allocations %d\n", total); } int readInt() { return atoi(readStr()); } // FIXME: Do this properly! char* readStr() { char *buf = NULL; if (buf==NULL) { buf = EMALLOC(sizeof(char)*512); } // yeah, right... fgets(buf,512,stdin); char *loc = strchr(buf,'\n'); *loc = '\0'; return buf; } // FIXME: Do this properly! void* freadStr(void* h) { static char bufin[128]; bufin[0]='\0'; FILE* f = (FILE*)h; fgets(bufin,128,f); int len = strlen(bufin); VAL c = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(sizeof(Closure)+len*sizeof(char)+sizeof(char)+1); SETTY(c, STRING); c->info = ((void*)(c+1)); char *buf = (char*)(c->info); strcpy(buf,bufin); char *loc = strchr(buf,'\n'); if (loc) *loc = '\0'; else buf[0]='\0'; return ((void*)c); } void fputStr(void* h, char* str) { FILE* f = (FILE*)h; fputs(str, f); } int streq(char* x, char* y) { return !(strcmp(x,y)); } int strlt(char* x, char* y) { return strcmp(x,y)<0; } int strToInt(char* str) { return strtol(str,NULL,10); } char* intToStr(int x) { char* buf = EMALLOC(16); sprintf(buf,"%d",x); return buf; } void* getNative(void * fn) { return fn; } int strIndex(char* str, int i) { return (int)(str[i]); } int strHead(char* str) { if (str[0]=='\0') ERROR("Can't take the head of an empty string"); return (int)(str[0]); } char* strTail(char* str) { if (str[0]=='\0') ERROR("Can't take the tail of an empty string"); return str+1; // I'll need to check the GC will understand this... } char* strCons(int h, char* str) { char* buf = EMALLOC((1+strlen(str))*sizeof(char)); buf[0]=(char)h; strcpy(buf+1, str); return buf; } char* append(char* x, char* y) { char* buf = EMALLOC((strlen(x)+strlen(y))*sizeof(char)); strcpy(buf,x); strcat(buf,y); return buf; } mpz_t* addBigInt(mpz_t x, mpz_t y) { mpz_t* answer = EMALLOC(sizeof(mpz_t)); mpz_add(*answer, x, y); return answer; } mpz_t* subBigInt(mpz_t x, mpz_t y) { mpz_t* answer = EMALLOC(sizeof(mpz_t)); mpz_sub(*answer, x, y); return answer; } mpz_t* mulBigInt(mpz_t x, mpz_t y) { mpz_t* answer = EMALLOC(sizeof(mpz_t)); mpz_mul(*answer, x, y); return answer; } mpz_t* divBigInt(mpz_t x, mpz_t y) { mpz_t* answer = EMALLOC(sizeof(mpz_t)); mpz_tdiv_q(*answer, x, y); return answer; } mpz_t* modBigInt(mpz_t x, mpz_t y) { mpz_t* answer = EMALLOC(sizeof(mpz_t)); mpz_tdiv_r(*answer, x, y); return answer; } int eqBigInt(mpz_t x, mpz_t y) { return mpz_cmp(x,y)==0; } int ltBigInt(mpz_t x, mpz_t y) { return mpz_cmp(x,y)<0; } int gtBigInt(mpz_t x, mpz_t y) { return mpz_cmp(x,y)>0; } int leBigInt(mpz_t x, mpz_t y) { return mpz_cmp(x,y)<=0; } int geBigInt(mpz_t x, mpz_t y) { return mpz_cmp(x,y)>=0; } mpz_t* strToBigInt(char* str) { mpz_t* answer = EMALLOC(sizeof(mpz_t)); mpz_init(*answer); mpz_set_str(*answer, str, 10); return answer; } char* bigIntToStr(mpz_t x) { char* str = mpz_get_str(NULL,10,x); char* buf = EMALLOC(strlen(str)+1); strcpy(buf,str); free(str); return buf; } // IORefs int numrefs = 0; void** iorefs = NULL; int newRef() { // Increase space for the iorefs if (iorefs==NULL) { iorefs = (void**)(EMALLOC(sizeof(void*))); numrefs=1; } else { iorefs = (void**)(EREALLOC(iorefs, sizeof(void*)*(numrefs+1))); numrefs++; } return numrefs-1; } void* readRef(int r) { return iorefs[r]; } void writeRef(int r, void* val) { iorefs[r]=val; } // Threads and locks typedef struct { pthread_mutex_t m_id; } Mutex; typedef struct { pthread_t t_id; } Thread; Mutex** ms = NULL; int mutexes = 0; int newLock(int sem) { pthread_mutex_t m; pthread_mutex_init(&m, NULL); Mutex* newm = EMALLOC(sizeof(Mutex)); newm->m_id = m; // Increase space for the mutexes if (ms==NULL) { ms = (Mutex**)EMALLOC(sizeof(Mutex*)); mutexes=1; } else { ms = (Mutex**)(EREALLOC(ms, sizeof(Mutex*)*(mutexes+1))); mutexes++; } ms[mutexes-1] = newm; return mutexes-1; } void doLock(int lock) { pthread_mutex_lock(&(ms[lock]->m_id)); } void doUnlock(int lock) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(ms[lock]->m_id)); } struct threadinfo { void* proc; void* result; }; void* runThread(void* th_in) { struct threadinfo* th = (struct threadinfo*)th_in; void* v = DO_EVAL(th->proc, 1); th->result = v; return v; } void doFork(void* proc) { pthread_t* t = EMALLOC(sizeof(pthread_t)); struct threadinfo th; th.proc = proc; th.result = NULL; pthread_create(t, NULL, runThread, &th); } void* doWithin(int limit, void* proc, void* doOnFail) { pthread_t* t = EMALLOC(sizeof(pthread_t)); // printf("CREATING THREAD %d\n", t); struct threadinfo th; th.proc = proc; th.result = NULL; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); int tnow, tthen = do_utime(); pthread_create(t, NULL, runThread, &th); // printf("tthen %d\n", tthen); void* ans; do { // If the answer has been updated, we're done. if (th.result!=NULL) { pthread_join(*t, &ans); return ans; } gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); tnow = do_utime(); usleep(100); // printf("tnow %d\n", tnow); } while(tnow<(tthen+(limit*1000))); pthread_cancel(*t); return DO_EVAL(doOnFail,1); } int do_utime() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); static int start=0; if (start==0) { start = tv.tv_sec; } return 1000000*(tv.tv_sec - start)+tv.tv_usec; } // Basic file handling void* fileOpen(char* name, char* mode) { FILE* f = fopen(name, mode); return (void*)f; } void fileClose(void* h) { FILE* f = (FILE*)h; fclose(f); } int isNull(void* ptr) { return ptr==NULL; }