-- Copyright: 2010, 2011 Dino Morelli -- License: BSD3 (see LICENSE) -- Author: Dino Morelli {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- | Module for extracting the metadata from an ePub file module Codec.Epub.Opf.Parse ( parseXmlToOpf , parseEpubOpf ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow.ListArrows import Control.Monad.Error import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs ( NTree ) import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Namespace ( propagateNamespaces ) import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState ( no, runX, withValidate ) import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.ReadDocument ( readString ) import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs import Codec.Epub.IO import Codec.Epub.Opf.Package -- HXT helpers {- Not used at this time. But may be used someday atTag :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> a (NTree XNode) XmlTree atTag tag = deep (isElem >>> hasName tag) -} atQTag :: (ArrowXml a) => QName -> a (NTree XNode) XmlTree atQTag tag = deep (isElem >>> hasQName tag) text :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) String text = getChildren >>> getText notNullA :: (ArrowList a) => a [b] [b] notNullA = isA $ not . null mbQTagText :: (ArrowXml a) => QName -> a (NTree XNode) (Maybe String) mbQTagText tag = ( atQTag tag >>> text >>> notNullA >>> arr Just ) `orElse` (constA Nothing) mbGetAttrValue :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> a XmlTree (Maybe String) mbGetAttrValue n = (getAttrValue n >>> notNullA >>> arr Just) `orElse` (constA Nothing) mbGetQAttrValue :: (ArrowXml a) => QName -> a XmlTree (Maybe String) mbGetQAttrValue qn = (getQAttrValue qn >>> notNullA >>> arr Just) `orElse` (constA Nothing) {- ePub parsing helpers Note that these URIs could conceivably change in the future Is it ok that they're hardcoded like this? Well, ok, the xml namespace URI will probably never change. -} dcName, opfName, xmlName :: String -> QName dcName local = mkQName "dc" local "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" opfName local = mkQName "opf" local "http://www.idpf.org/2007/opf" xmlName local = mkQName "xml" local "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" getPackage :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) (String, String) getPackage = atQTag (opfName "package") >>> proc x -> do v <- getAttrValue "version" -< x u <- getAttrValue "unique-identifier" -< x returnA -< (v, u) getTitle :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) MetaTitle getTitle = atQTag (dcName "title") >>> proc x -> do l <- mbGetQAttrValue (xmlName "lang") -< x c <- text -< x returnA -< MetaTitle l c {- Since creators and contributors have the same exact XML structure, this arrow is used to get either of them -} getCreator :: (ArrowXml a) => String -> a (NTree XNode) MetaCreator getCreator tag = atQTag (dcName tag) >>> ( unwrapArrow $ MetaCreator <$> (WrapArrow $ mbGetQAttrValue (opfName "role")) <*> (WrapArrow $ mbGetQAttrValue (opfName "file-as")) <*> (WrapArrow $ text) ) getSubject :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) String getSubject = atQTag (dcName "subject") >>> text getDescription :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) (Maybe String) getDescription = mbQTagText $ dcName "description" getPublisher :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) (Maybe String) getPublisher = mbQTagText $ dcName "publisher" getDate :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) MetaDate getDate = atQTag (dcName "date") >>> proc x -> do e <- mbGetQAttrValue (opfName "event") -< x c <- text -< x returnA -< MetaDate e c getType :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) (Maybe String) getType = mbQTagText $ dcName "type" getFormat :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) (Maybe String) getFormat = mbQTagText $ dcName "format" getId :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) MetaId getId = atQTag (dcName "identifier") >>> proc x -> do mbi <- mbGetAttrValue "id" -< x s <- mbGetQAttrValue (opfName "scheme") -< x c <- text -< x let i = maybe "[WARNING: missing required id attribute]" id mbi returnA -< MetaId i s c getSource :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) (Maybe String) getSource = mbQTagText $ dcName "source" getLang :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) String getLang = atQTag (dcName "language") >>> text getRelation :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) (Maybe String) getRelation = mbQTagText $ dcName "relation" getCoverage :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) (Maybe String) getCoverage = mbQTagText $ dcName "coverage" getRights :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) (Maybe String) getRights = mbQTagText $ dcName "rights" getMeta :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) Metadata getMeta = atQTag (opfName "metadata") >>> ( unwrapArrow $ Metadata <$> (WrapArrow $ listA getTitle) <*> (WrapArrow $ listA $ getCreator "creator") <*> (WrapArrow $ listA $ getCreator "contributor") <*> (WrapArrow $ listA getSubject) <*> (WrapArrow $ getDescription) <*> (WrapArrow $ getPublisher) <*> (WrapArrow $ listA getDate) <*> (WrapArrow $ getType) <*> (WrapArrow $ getFormat) <*> (WrapArrow $ listA getId) <*> (WrapArrow $ getSource) <*> (WrapArrow $ listA getLang) <*> (WrapArrow $ getRelation) <*> (WrapArrow $ getCoverage) <*> (WrapArrow $ getRights) ) getManifestItem :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) ManifestItem getManifestItem = atQTag (opfName "item") >>> proc x -> do i <- getAttrValue "id" -< x h <- getAttrValue "href" -< x m <- getAttrValue "media-type" -< x returnA -< ManifestItem i h m getManifest :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) [ManifestItem] getManifest = atQTag (opfName "manifest") >>> proc x -> do l <- listA getManifestItem -< x returnA -< l getSpineItemref :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) SpineItemref getSpineItemref = atQTag (opfName "itemref") >>> proc x -> do i <- getAttrValue "idref" -< x ml <- mbGetAttrValue "linear" -< x let l = maybe Nothing (\v -> if v == "no" then Just False else Just True) ml returnA -< SpineItemref i l getSpine :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) Spine getSpine = atQTag (opfName "spine") >>> proc x -> do i <- getAttrValue "toc" -< x l <- listA getSpineItemref -< x returnA -< (Spine i l) getGuideRef :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) GuideRef getGuideRef = atQTag (opfName "reference") >>> proc x -> do t <- getAttrValue "type" -< x mt <- mbGetAttrValue "title" -< x h <- getAttrValue "href" -< x returnA -< GuideRef t mt h getGuide :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) [GuideRef] getGuide = atQTag (opfName "guide") >>> proc x -> do l <- listA getGuideRef -< x returnA -< l getBookData :: (ArrowXml a) => a (NTree XNode) Package getBookData = proc x -> do (v, u) <- getPackage -< x m <- getMeta -< x mf <- getManifest -< x sp <- getSpine -< x gl <- listA getGuide -< x let g = case gl of [] -> [] [e] -> e _ -> error "ERROR: more than one guide entries" returnA -< (Package v u m mf sp g) {- | Extract the ePub OPF Package data contained in the supplied XML string -} parseXmlToOpf :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => String -> m Package parseXmlToOpf contents = do {- Improper encoding and schema declarations have been causing havok with this parse, cruelly strip them out. -} let cleanedContents = removeEncoding . removeDoctype $ contents result <- liftIO $ runX ( readString [withValidate no] cleanedContents >>> propagateNamespaces >>> getBookData ) case result of (p : []) -> return p _ -> throwError "ERROR: Parse didn't result in a single document metadata" -- | Given the path to an ePub file, extract the OPF Package data parseEpubOpf :: (MonadIO m, MonadError String m) => FilePath -> m Package parseEpubOpf zipPath = do (_, contents) <- opfContentsFromZip zipPath parseXmlToOpf contents