{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
-- |
-- Copyright :  © Edward Kmett 2010-2015, © Eric Mertens 2014, Johan Kiviniemi 2013
-- License   :  BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
-- Stability :  experimental
-- Portability: non-portable
-- 'Bits' is an arbitrary length natural number type
module Ersatz.Bits
  -- * Fixed length bit vectors
    Bit1(..), Bit2(..), Bit3(..), Bit4(..), Bit5(..), Bit6(..), Bit7(..), Bit8(..)
  -- * Variable length bit vectors
  , Bits(Bits)
  , HasBits(..)
  , isEven
  , isOdd
  , sumBit
  , sumBits
  -- * Adders
  , fullAdder, halfAdder
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (State, runState, get, put)
import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.), shiftL, shiftR)
import qualified Data.Bits as Data
import Data.Foldable (Foldable, toList)
import Data.List (unfoldr, foldl')
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Ersatz.Bit
import Ersatz.Codec
import Ersatz.Equatable
import Ersatz.Orderable
import Ersatz.Variable
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude hiding (and, or, not, (&&), (||))

-- | A container of 1 'Bit' that 'encode's from and 'decode's to 'Word8'
newtype Bit1 = Bit1 Bit deriving (Show,Typeable,Generic)
-- | A container of 2 'Bit's that 'encode's from and 'decode's to 'Word8'
data Bit2 = Bit2 !Bit !Bit deriving (Show,Typeable,Generic)
-- | A container of 3 'Bit's that 'encode's from and 'decode's to 'Word8'
data Bit3 = Bit3 !Bit !Bit !Bit deriving (Show,Typeable,Generic)
-- | A container of 4 'Bit's that 'encode's from and 'decode's to 'Word8'
data Bit4 = Bit4 !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit deriving (Show,Typeable,Generic)
-- | A container of 5 'Bit's that 'encode's from and 'decode's to 'Word8'
data Bit5 = Bit5 !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit deriving (Show,Typeable,Generic)
-- | A container of 6 'Bit's that 'encode's from and 'decode's to 'Word8'
data Bit6 = Bit6 !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit deriving (Show,Typeable,Generic)
-- | A container of 7 'Bit's that 'encode's from and 'decode's to 'Word8'
data Bit7 = Bit7 !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit deriving (Show,Typeable,Generic)
-- | A container of 8 'Bit's that 'encode's from and 'decode's to 'Word8'
data Bit8 = Bit8 !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit !Bit deriving (Show,Typeable,Generic)

instance Boolean Bit1
instance Boolean Bit2
instance Boolean Bit3
instance Boolean Bit4
instance Boolean Bit5
instance Boolean Bit6
instance Boolean Bit7
instance Boolean Bit8

instance Equatable Bit1
instance Equatable Bit2
instance Equatable Bit3
instance Equatable Bit4
instance Equatable Bit5
instance Equatable Bit6
instance Equatable Bit7
instance Equatable Bit8

instance Orderable Bit1
instance Orderable Bit2
instance Orderable Bit3
instance Orderable Bit4
instance Orderable Bit5
instance Orderable Bit6
instance Orderable Bit7
instance Orderable Bit8

instance Variable Bit1
instance Variable Bit2
instance Variable Bit3
instance Variable Bit4
instance Variable Bit5
instance Variable Bit6
instance Variable Bit7
instance Variable Bit8

instance Codec Bit1 where
  type Decoded Bit1 = Word8
  decode s (Bit1 a) = boolsToNum1 <$> decode s a
  encode i = Bit1 a where (a:_) = bitsOf i

instance Codec Bit2 where
  type Decoded Bit2 = Word8
  decode s (Bit2 a b) = boolsToNum2 <$> decode s a <*> decode s b
  encode i = Bit2 a b where (b:a:_) = bitsOf i

instance Codec Bit3 where
  type Decoded Bit3 = Word8
  decode s (Bit3 a b c) = boolsToNum3 <$> decode s a <*> decode s b <*> decode s c
  encode i = Bit3 a b c where (c:b:a:_) = bitsOf i

instance Codec Bit4 where
  type Decoded Bit4 = Word8
  decode s (Bit4 a b c d) = boolsToNum4 <$> decode s a <*> decode s b <*> decode s c <*> decode s d
  encode i = Bit4 a b c d where (d:c:b:a:_) = bitsOf i

instance Codec Bit5 where
  type Decoded Bit5 = Word8
  decode s (Bit5 a b c d e) = boolsToNum5 <$> decode s a <*> decode s b <*> decode s c <*> decode s d <*> decode s e
  encode i = Bit5 a b c d e where (e:d:c:b:a:_) = bitsOf i

instance Codec Bit6 where
  type Decoded Bit6 = Word8
  decode s (Bit6 a b c d e f) = boolsToNum6 <$> decode s a <*> decode s b <*> decode s c <*> decode s d <*> decode s e <*> decode s f
  encode i = Bit6 a b c d e f where (f:e:d:c:b:a:_) = bitsOf i

instance Codec Bit7 where
  type Decoded Bit7 = Word8
  decode s (Bit7 a b c d e f g) = boolsToNum7 <$> decode s a <*> decode s b <*> decode s c <*> decode s d <*> decode s e <*> decode s f <*> decode s g
  encode i = Bit7 a b c d e f g where (g:f:e:d:c:b:a:_) = bitsOf i

instance Codec Bit8 where
  type Decoded Bit8 = Word8
  decode s (Bit8 a b c d e f g h) = boolsToNum8 <$> decode s a <*> decode s b <*> decode s c <*> decode s d <*> decode s e <*> decode s f <*> decode s g <*> decode s h
  encode i = Bit8 a b c d e f g h where (h:g:f:e:d:c:b:a:_) = bitsOf i

boolsToNum1 :: Bool -> Word8
boolsToNum1 = boolToNum

boolsToNum2 :: Bool -> Bool -> Word8
boolsToNum2 a b = boolsToNum [a,b]

boolsToNum3 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Word8
boolsToNum3 a b c = boolsToNum [a,b,c]

boolsToNum4 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Word8
boolsToNum4 a b c d = boolsToNum [a,b,c,d]

boolsToNum5 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Word8
boolsToNum5 a b c d e = boolsToNum [a,b,c,d,e]

boolsToNum6 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Word8
boolsToNum6 a b c d e f = boolsToNum [a,b,c,d,e,f]

boolsToNum7 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Word8
boolsToNum7 a b c d e f g = boolsToNum [a,b,c,d,e,f,g]

boolsToNum8 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Word8
boolsToNum8 a b c d e f g h = boolsToNum [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h]

bitsOf :: (Num a, Data.Bits a) => a -> [Bit]
bitsOf n = bool (numToBool (n .&. 1)) : bitsOf (n `shiftR` 1)
{-# INLINE bitsOf #-}

numToBool :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> Bool
numToBool 0 = False
numToBool _ = True
{-# INLINE numToBool #-}

boolsToNum :: (Num a, Data.Bits a) => [Bool] -> a
boolsToNum = foldl' (\n a -> (n `shiftL` 1) .|. boolToNum a) 0
{-# INLINE boolsToNum #-}

boolToNum :: Num a => Bool -> a
boolToNum False = 0
boolToNum True  = 1
{-# INLINE boolToNum #-}

instance Num Bit1 where
  Bit1 a + Bit1 b = Bit1 (xor a b)
  Bit1 a * Bit1 b = Bit1 (a && b)
  Bit1 a - Bit1 b = Bit1 (xor a b)
  negate a = a
  abs a    = a
  signum a = a
  fromInteger = Bit1 . bool . odd

-- | Compute the sum and carry bit from adding three bits.
fullAdder :: Bit -> Bit -> Bit -> (Bit, Bit) -- ^ (sum, carry)
fullAdder a b cin = (s2, c1 || c2)
  where (s1,c1) = halfAdder a b
        (s2,c2) = halfAdder s1 cin

-- | Compute the sum and carry bit from adding two bits.
halfAdder :: Bit -> Bit -> (Bit, Bit) -- ^ (sum, carry)
halfAdder a b = (a `xor` b, a && b)

instance Num Bit2 where
  Bit2 a2 a1 + Bit2 b2 b1 = Bit2 s2 s1 where
    (s1,c2) = halfAdder a1 b1
    (s2,_)  = fullAdder a2 b2 c2
  Bit2 a2 a1 * Bit2 b2 b1 = Bit2 ((a1 && b2) `xor` (a2 && b1)) (a1 && b1)
    -- wallace tree
    --   XX
    --  XX
    -- ----
    --  XXX
    --  X
    -- ----
    -- XXXX
    -- But we only need the first 2 bits
  negate (Bit2 a b) = Bit2 (not a) (not b) + 1
  abs a = a
  signum (Bit2 a b) = Bit2 false (a || b)
  fromInteger k = Bit2 (bool (k .&. 2 /= 0)) (bool (k .&. 1 /= 0))

-- suitable for comparisons and arithmetic. Bits are stored
-- in little-endian order to enable phantom 'false' values
-- to be truncated.
newtype Bits = Bits { _getBits :: [Bit] } 
  deriving Typeable

instance Show Bits where
  showsPrec d (Bits xs) = showParen (d > 10) $
    showString "Bits " . showsPrec 11 xs

instance Equatable Bits where
  Bits xs === Bits ys = and (zipWithBits (===) xs ys)
  Bits xs /== Bits ys = or  (zipWithBits (/==) xs ys)

-- | Zip the component bits of a 'Bits' extending the
-- shorter argument with 'false' values.
zipWithBits :: (Bit -> Bit -> a) -> [Bit] -> [Bit] -> [a]
zipWithBits _ []     []     = []
zipWithBits f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipWithBits f xs ys
zipWithBits f xs     []     = map (`f` false) xs
zipWithBits f []     ys     = map (false `f`) ys

instance Orderable Bits where
  Bits xs <?  Bits ys = orderHelper false xs ys
  Bits xs <=? Bits ys = orderHelper true  xs ys

orderHelper :: Bit -> [Bit] -> [Bit] -> Bit
orderHelper c0 xs ys = foldl aux c0 (zipWithBits (,) xs ys)
    aux c (x,y) = c && x === y || x <? y

instance Codec Bits where
  type Decoded Bits = Integer

  decode s (Bits xs) =
    do ys <- traverse (decode s) xs
       -- bools to Integers
       let zs = map (\x -> if x then 1 else 0) ys
       -- Integers to Integer
       return (foldr (\x acc -> x + 2 * acc) 0 zs)

  encode = Bits . unfoldr step
    step x =
      case compare x 0 of
        LT -> error "Bits/encode: Negative number"
        EQ -> Nothing
        GT -> Just (if odd x then true else false, x `div` 2)

unbits :: HasBits a => a -> [Bit]
unbits a = case bits a of Bits xs -> xs

-- | Add two 'Bits' values given an incoming carry bit.
addBits :: (HasBits a, HasBits b) => Bit -> a -> b -> Bits
addBits c xs0 ys0 = Bits (add2 c (unbits xs0) (unbits ys0)) where
  add2 cin []     ys    = add1 cin ys
  add2 cin xs     []    = add1 cin xs
  add2 cin (x:xs) (y:ys)= s : add2 cout xs ys where
    (s,cout)            = fullAdder x y cin

  add1 cin []           = [cin]
  add1 cin (x:xs)       = s : add1 cout xs where
    (s,cout)            = halfAdder cin x

-- | Compute the sum of a source of 'Bits' values.
sumBits :: (Foldable t, HasBits a) => t a -> Bits
sumBits = sumBits' . map bits . toList

sumBits' :: [Bits] -> Bits
sumBits' []  = Bits []
sumBits' [x] = x
sumBits' xs0 = sumBits (merge xs0) where
  merge [x] = [x]
  merge []  = []
  merge (x1:x2:xs) = addBits false x1 x2 : merge xs

-- | Optimization of 'sumBits' enabled when summing
-- individual 'Bit's.
sumBit :: Foldable t => t Bit -> Bits
sumBit t =
  case runState (merge (map bits h2)) h1 of
    (s,[]) -> s
    _      -> error "Bits.betterSumBits: OOPS! Bad algorithm!"

  ts = toList t
  (h1,h2) = splitAt ((length ts-1) `div` 2) ts

  spareBit = do
    xs <- get
    case xs of
      []   -> return false
      y:ys -> put ys >> return y

  merge :: [Bits] -> State [Bit] Bits
  merge [x] = return x
  merge []  = return (Bits [])
  merge xs  = merge =<< merge' xs

  merge' :: [Bits] -> State [Bit] [Bits]
  merge' []  = return []
  merge' [x] = return [x]
  merge' (x1:x2:xs) =
    do cin <- spareBit
       xs' <- merge' xs
       return (addBits cin x1 x2 : xs')

-- | Predicate for odd-valued 'Bits's.
isOdd :: HasBits b => b -> Bit
isOdd b = case unbits b of 
  []    -> false
  (x:_) -> x

-- | Predicate for even-valued 'Bits's.
isEven :: HasBits b => b -> Bit
isEven = not . isOdd

-- | 'HasBits' provides the 'bits' method for embedding
-- fixed with numeric encoding types into the arbitrary width
-- 'Bits' type.
class HasBits a where
  bits :: a -> Bits

instance HasBits Bit where
  bits x = Bits [x]

instance HasBits Bit1 where
  bits (Bit1 x0) = Bits [x0]

instance HasBits Bit2 where
  bits (Bit2 x1 x0) = Bits [x0,x1]

instance HasBits Bit3 where
  bits (Bit3 x2 x1 x0) = Bits [x0,x1,x2]

instance HasBits Bit4 where
  bits (Bit4 x3 x2 x1 x0) = Bits [x0,x1,x2,x3]

instance HasBits Bit5 where
  bits (Bit5 x4 x3 x2 x1 x0) = Bits [x0,x1,x2,x3,x4]

instance HasBits Bit6 where
  bits (Bit6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1 x0) = Bits [x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5]

instance HasBits Bit7 where
  bits (Bit7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1 x0) = Bits [x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6]

instance HasBits Bit8 where
  bits (Bit8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1 x0) = Bits [x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7]

instance HasBits Bits where
  bits = id

mulBits :: Bits -> Bits -> Bits
mulBits (Bits xs) (Bits ys0)
  = sumBits
  $ zipWith aux xs (iterate times2 ys0)
  times2 = (false:)
  aux x ys = Bits (map (x &&) ys)

instance Num Bits where
  (+) = addBits false
  (*) = mulBits
  (-) = subBits
  fromInteger = encode
  signum (Bits xs) = Bits [or xs]
  abs x = x

fullSubtract :: Bit -> Bit -> Bit -> (Bit,Bit)
fullSubtract c x y =
  (x `xor` y `xor` c, x && y && c || not x && y || not x && c)

subBits :: (HasBits a, HasBits b) => a -> b -> Bits
subBits xs0 ys0 = Bits (map (not cN &&) ss) where
  (cN, ss) = aux false (unbits xs0) (unbits ys0)

  aux c [] [] = (c, [])
  aux c [] ys = aux c [false] ys
  aux c xs [] = aux c xs      [false]
  aux c (x:xs) (y:ys) = fmap (z :) (aux cout xs ys) where
    (z,cout) = fullSubtract c x y