{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds , EmptyDataDecls , FlexibleContexts , GADTs , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , MultiParamTypeClasses , OverloadedStrings , QuasiQuotes , Rank2Types , TemplateHaskell , TypeFamilies #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>)) import Control.Monad (replicateM_) import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase(..)) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO)) import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLogger(..), LogLevel(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl(..)) import Database.Esqueleto import Database.Persist.Sqlite (withSqliteConn) import Database.Persist.TH import Language.Haskell.TH (Loc(..)) import System.IO (stderr) import Test.Hspec import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Reader as R import qualified Data.Conduit as C import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified System.Log.FastLogger as FL -- Test schema share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"] [persist| Person name String age Int Maybe deriving Eq Show BlogPost title String authorId PersonId deriving Eq Show Follow follower PersonId followed PersonId deriving Eq Show |] main :: IO () main = do let p1 = Person "John" (Just 36) p2 = Person "Rachel" Nothing p3 = Person "Mike" (Just 17) p4 = Person "Livia" (Just 17) hspec $ do describe "select" $ do it "works for a single value" $ run $ do ret <- select $ return $ val (3 :: Int) liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value 3 ] it "works for a single NULL value" $ run $ do ret <- select $ return $ nothing liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value (Nothing :: Maybe Int) ] describe "select/from" $ do it "works for a simple example" $ run $ do p1e <- insert' p1 ret <- select $ from $ \person -> return person liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e ] it "works for a simple self-join (one entity)" $ run $ do p1e <- insert' p1 ret <- select $ from $ \(person1, person2) -> return (person1, person2) liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ (p1e, p1e) ] it "works for a simple self-join (two entities)" $ run $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 ret <- select $ from $ \(person1, person2) -> return (person1, person2) liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ (p1e, p1e) , (p1e, p2e) , (p2e, p1e) , (p2e, p2e) ] it "works for a simple projection" $ run $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> return (p ^. PersonId, p ^. PersonName) liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ (Value p1k, Value (personName p1)) , (Value p2k, Value (personName p2)) ] it "works for a simple projection with a simple implicit self-join" $ run $ do _ <- insert p1 _ <- insert p2 ret <- select $ from $ \(pa, pb) -> return (pa ^. PersonName, pb ^. PersonName) liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ (Value (personName p1), Value (personName p1)) , (Value (personName p1), Value (personName p2)) , (Value (personName p2), Value (personName p1)) , (Value (personName p2), Value (personName p2)) ] it "works with many kinds of LIMITs and OFFSETs" $ run $ do [p1e, p2e, p3e, p4e] <- mapM insert' [p1, p2, p3, p4] let people = from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p ret1 <- select $ do p <- people limit 2 limit 1 return p liftIO $ ret1 `shouldBe` [ p1e ] ret2 <- select $ do p <- people limit 1 limit 2 return p liftIO $ ret2 `shouldBe` [ p1e, p4e ] ret3 <- select $ do p <- people offset 3 offset 2 return p liftIO $ ret3 `shouldBe` [ p3e, p2e ] ret4 <- select $ do p <- people offset 3 limit 5 offset 2 limit 3 offset 1 limit 2 return p liftIO $ ret4 `shouldBe` [ p4e, p3e ] ret5 <- select $ do p <- people offset 1000 limit 1 limit 1000 offset 0 return p liftIO $ ret5 `shouldBe` [ p1e, p4e, p3e, p2e ] describe "select/JOIN" $ do it "works with a LEFT OUTER JOIN" $ run $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 p4e <- insert' p4 b12e <- insert' $ BlogPost "b" (entityKey p1e) b11e <- insert' $ BlogPost "a" (entityKey p1e) b31e <- insert' $ BlogPost "c" (entityKey p3e) ret <- select $ from $ \(p `LeftOuterJoin` mb) -> do on (just (p ^. PersonId) ==. mb ?. BlogPostAuthorId) orderBy [ asc (p ^. PersonName), asc (mb ?. BlogPostTitle) ] return (p, mb) liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ (p1e, Just b11e) , (p1e, Just b12e) , (p4e, Nothing) , (p3e, Just b31e) , (p2e, Nothing) ] it "typechecks (A LEFT OUTER JOIN (B LEFT OUTER JOIN C))" $ let _ = run $ select $ from $ \(a `LeftOuterJoin` (b `LeftOuterJoin` c)) -> let _ = [a, b, c] :: [ SqlExpr (Entity Person) ] in return a in return () :: IO () it "typechecks ((A LEFT OUTER JOIN B) LEFT OUTER JOIN C)" $ let _ = run $ select $ from $ \((a `LeftOuterJoin` b) `LeftOuterJoin` c) -> let _ = [a, b, c] :: [ SqlExpr (Entity Person) ] in return a in return () :: IO () it "throws an error for using on without joins" $ run (select $ from $ \(p, mb) -> do on (just (p ^. PersonId) ==. mb ?. BlogPostAuthorId) orderBy [ asc (p ^. PersonName), asc (mb ?. BlogPostTitle) ] return (p, mb) ) `shouldThrow` (\(OnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException _) -> True) it "throws an error for using too many ons" $ run (select $ from $ \(p `FullOuterJoin` mb) -> do on (just (p ^. PersonId) ==. mb ?. BlogPostAuthorId) on (just (p ^. PersonId) ==. mb ?. BlogPostAuthorId) orderBy [ asc (p ^. PersonName), asc (mb ?. BlogPostTitle) ] return (p, mb) ) `shouldThrow` (\(OnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException _) -> True) describe "select/where_" $ do it "works for a simple example with (==.)" $ run $ do p1e <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonName ==. val "John") return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e ] it "works for a simple example with (==.) and (||.)" $ run $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonName ==. val "John" ||. p ^. PersonName ==. val "Rachel") return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e, p2e ] it "works for a simple example with (>.) [uses val . Just]" $ run $ do p1e <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonAge >. val (Just 17)) return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e ] it "works for a simple example with (>.) and not_ [uses just . val]" $ run $ do _ <- insert' p1 _ <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (not_ $ p ^. PersonAge >. just (val 17)) return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ p3e ] it "works with isNothing" $ run $ do _ <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ $ isNothing (p ^. PersonAge) return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ p2e ] it "works for a many-to-many implicit join" $ run $ do p1e@(Entity p1k _) <- insert' p1 p2e@(Entity p2k _) <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 p4e@(Entity p4k _) <- insert' p4 f12 <- insert' (Follow p1k p2k) f21 <- insert' (Follow p2k p1k) f42 <- insert' (Follow p4k p2k) f11 <- insert' (Follow p1k p1k) ret <- select $ from $ \(follower, follows, followed) -> do where_ $ follower ^. PersonId ==. follows ^. FollowFollower &&. followed ^. PersonId ==. follows ^. FollowFollowed orderBy [ asc (follower ^. PersonName) , asc (followed ^. PersonName) ] return (follower, follows, followed) liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ (p1e, f11, p1e) , (p1e, f12, p2e) , (p4e, f42, p2e) , (p2e, f21, p1e) ] it "works for a many-to-many explicit join" $ run $ do p1e@(Entity p1k _) <- insert' p1 p2e@(Entity p2k _) <- insert' p2 _ <- insert' p3 p4e@(Entity p4k _) <- insert' p4 f12 <- insert' (Follow p1k p2k) f21 <- insert' (Follow p2k p1k) f42 <- insert' (Follow p4k p2k) f11 <- insert' (Follow p1k p1k) ret <- select $ from $ \(follower `InnerJoin` follows `InnerJoin` followed) -> do on $ followed ^. PersonId ==. follows ^. FollowFollowed on $ follower ^. PersonId ==. follows ^. FollowFollower orderBy [ asc (follower ^. PersonName) , asc (followed ^. PersonName) ] return (follower, follows, followed) liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ (p1e, f11, p1e) , (p1e, f12, p2e) , (p4e, f42, p2e) , (p2e, f21, p1e) ] it "works for a many-to-many explicit join with LEFT OUTER JOINs" $ run $ do p1e@(Entity p1k _) <- insert' p1 p2e@(Entity p2k _) <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 p4e@(Entity p4k _) <- insert' p4 f12 <- insert' (Follow p1k p2k) f21 <- insert' (Follow p2k p1k) f42 <- insert' (Follow p4k p2k) f11 <- insert' (Follow p1k p1k) ret <- select $ from $ \(follower `LeftOuterJoin` mfollows `LeftOuterJoin` mfollowed) -> do on $ mfollowed ?. PersonId ==. mfollows ?. FollowFollowed on $ just (follower ^. PersonId) ==. mfollows ?. FollowFollower orderBy [ asc ( follower ^. PersonName) , asc (mfollowed ?. PersonName) ] return (follower, mfollows, mfollowed) liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ (p1e, Just f11, Just p1e) , (p1e, Just f12, Just p2e) , (p4e, Just f42, Just p2e) , (p3e, Nothing, Nothing) , (p2e, Just f21, Just p1e) ] describe "select/orderBy" $ do it "works with a single ASC field" $ run $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc $ p ^. PersonName] return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e, p3e, p2e ] it "works with two ASC fields" $ run $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 p4e <- insert' p4 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonAge), asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ p2e, p4e, p3e, p1e ] it "works with one ASC and one DESC field" $ run $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 p4e <- insert' p4 ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [desc (p ^. PersonAge), asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ p1e, p4e, p3e, p2e ] describe "selectDistinct" $ it "works on a simple example" $ run $ do p1k <- insert p1 let (t1, t2, t3) = ("a", "b", "c") mapM_ (insert . flip BlogPost p1k) [t1, t3, t2, t2, t1] ret <- selectDistinct $ from $ \b -> do let title = b ^. BlogPostTitle orderBy [asc title] return title liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ Value t1, Value t2, Value t3 ] describe "text functions" $ it "like, (%) and (++.) work on a simple example" $ run $ do [p1e, p2e, p3e, p4e] <- mapM insert' [p1, p2, p3, p4] let nameContains t expected = do ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do where_ (p ^. PersonName `like` (%) ++. val t ++. (%)) orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` expected nameContains "h" [p1e, p2e] nameContains "i" [p4e, p3e] nameContains "iv" [p4e] describe "delete" $ it "works on a simple example" $ run $ do p1e <- insert' p1 p2e <- insert' p2 p3e <- insert' p3 ret1 <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p liftIO $ ret1 `shouldBe` [ p1e, p3e, p2e ] () <- delete $ from $ \p -> where_ (p ^. PersonName ==. val (personName p1)) ret2 <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [asc (p ^. PersonName)] return p liftIO $ ret2 `shouldBe` [ p3e, p2e ] describe "update" $ do it "works on a simple example" $ run $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 let anon = "Anonymous" () <- update $ \p -> do set p [ PersonName =. val anon , PersonAge *=. just (val 2) ] where_ (p ^. PersonName !=. val "Mike") ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [ asc (p ^. PersonName), asc (p ^. PersonAge) ] return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ Entity p2k (Person anon Nothing) , Entity p1k (Person anon (Just 72)) , Entity p3k p3 ] it "works with a subexpression having COUNT(*)" $ run $ do p1k <- insert p1 p2k <- insert p2 p3k <- insert p3 replicateM_ 3 (insert $ BlogPost "" p1k) replicateM_ 7 (insert $ BlogPost "" p3k) let blogPostsBy p = from $ \b -> do where_ (b ^. BlogPostAuthorId ==. p ^. PersonId) return countRows () <- update $ \p -> do set p [ PersonAge =. just (sub_select (blogPostsBy p)) ] ret <- select $ from $ \p -> do orderBy [ asc (p ^. PersonName) ] return p liftIO $ ret `shouldBe` [ Entity p1k p1 { personAge = Just 3 } , Entity p3k p3 { personAge = Just 7 } , Entity p2k p2 { personAge = Just 0 } ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- insert' :: (PersistEntity val, PersistStore (PersistEntityBackend val) m) => val -> PersistEntityBackend val m (Entity val) insert' v = flip Entity v <$> insert v type RunDbMonad m = ( MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, MonadLogger m , C.MonadUnsafeIO m, C.MonadThrow m ) run, runSilent, runVerbose :: (forall m. RunDbMonad m => SqlPersist (C.ResourceT m) a) -> IO a runSilent act = run_worker act runVerbose act = execVerbose $ run_worker act run = if verbose then runVerbose else runSilent verbose :: Bool verbose = False run_worker :: RunDbMonad m => SqlPersist (C.ResourceT m) a -> m a run_worker = C.runResourceT . withSqliteConn ":memory:" . runSqlConn . (runMigrationSilent migrateAll >>) newtype Verbose a = Verbose { unVerbose :: R.ReaderT FL.Logger IO a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, C.MonadUnsafeIO, C.MonadThrow) instance MonadBase IO Verbose where liftBase = Verbose . liftBase instance MonadBaseControl IO Verbose where newtype StM Verbose a = StMV { unStMV :: StM (R.ReaderT FL.Logger IO) a } liftBaseWith f = Verbose . liftBaseWith $ \r -> f (fmap StMV . r . unVerbose) restoreM = Verbose . restoreM . unStMV instance MonadLogger Verbose where monadLoggerLog loc level msg = Verbose $ do logger <- R.ask liftIO $ FL.loggerPutStr logger $ [ FL.LB "[" , FL.LS $ case level of LevelOther t -> T.unpack t _ -> drop 5 $ show level , FL.LB "] " , FL.toLogStr msg , FL.LB " @(" , FL.LS $ (loc_package loc) ++ ':' : (loc_module loc) ++ ' ' : (loc_filename loc) ++ ':' : (show . fst $ loc_start loc) ++ ':' : (show . snd $ loc_start loc) , FL.LB ")\n" ] execVerbose :: Verbose a -> IO a execVerbose (Verbose act) = do logger <- FL.mkLogger True stderr x <- R.runReaderT act logger FL.loggerFlush logger return x