{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable , EmptyDataDecls , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , FunctionalDependencies , MultiParamTypeClasses , TypeFamilies , UndecidableInstances , GADTs #-} -- | This is an internal module, anything exported by this module -- may change without a major version bump. Please use only -- "Database.Esqueleto" if possible. module Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Language ( -- * The pretty face from , Value(..) , ValueList(..) , SomeValue(..) , ToSomeValues(..) , InnerJoin(..) , CrossJoin(..) , LeftOuterJoin(..) , RightOuterJoin(..) , FullOuterJoin(..) , OnClauseWithoutMatchingJoinException(..) , OrderBy , DistinctOn , Update , Insertion , LockingKind(..) , SqlString , ToBaseId(..) -- * The guts , JoinKind(..) , IsJoinKind(..) , BackendCompatible(..) , PreprocessedFrom , From , FromPreprocess , when_ , then_ , else_ , where_, on, groupBy, orderBy, rand, asc, desc, limit, offset , distinct, distinctOn, don, distinctOnOrderBy, having, locking , sub_select, (^.), (?.) , val, isNothing, just, nothing, joinV, withNonNull , countRows, count, countDistinct , not_, (==.), (>=.), (>.), (<=.), (<.), (!=.), (&&.), (||.) , between, (+.), (-.), (/.), (*.) , random_, round_, ceiling_, floor_ , min_, max_, sum_, avg_, castNum, castNumM , coalesce, coalesceDefault , lower_, like, ilike, (%), concat_, (++.), castString , subList_select, valList, justList , in_, notIn, exists, notExists , set, (=.), (+=.), (-=.), (*=.), (/=.) , case_, toBaseId, (<#), (<&>) ) where import Database.Esqueleto.Internal.PersistentImport import Database.Esqueleto.Internal.Internal