{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} module Main ( module Main, module X, ) where -- base import Control.Arrow import Control.Concurrent -- transformers import Control.Monad.Trans.Class -- essence-of-live-coding import LiveCoding import LiveCoding.GHCi as X -- | An identity function that takes a long time to pass on its value. slowId :: Cell IO a a slowId = proc a -> do arrM threadDelay -< 1000000 returnA -< a main :: IO () main = do putStrLn "Push return to start a slow calculation." runHandlingStateT $ foreground $ liveCell mainCell {- | Constantly count the number of ticks passed since program start. Whenever the keyboard return key is pressed, this number is printed, and passed into a slow "computation" in a separate thread, while the foreground thread is not blocked. When the background thread returns, the number is printed again. -} mainCell :: Cell (HandlingStateT IO) () () mainCell = let keyboard = nonBlocking False $ constM getLine -- Only poll, never abort mySlowId = nonBlocking True slowId -- Abort and restart when new data arrives in proc _ -> do n <- count -< () lineMaybe <- keyboard -< Just () let nString = show n <$ lineMaybe resampleMaybe (arrM $ lift . putStrLn) -< ("Calculating " ++) <$> nString resultMaybe <- mySlowId -< nString resampleMaybe (arrM $ lift . putStrLn) -< ("Calculated " ++) <$> resultMaybe arrM $ lift . threadDelay -< 1000 -- Don't hog CPU