\begin{comment} \begin{code} module LiveCoding.Preliminary.CellExcept.Newtype where -- base import Control.Arrow import Data.Void -- transformers import Control.Monad.Trans.Except -- essence-of-live-coding import LiveCoding.Cell import LiveCoding.Exceptions \end{code} \end{comment} \subsection{Control Flow Context} \label{sec:control flow context} %\paragraph{Wrapping exceptions} Inspired by \cite[Section 2, "Control Flow through Exceptions"]{Rhine}, %we create our own control flow context, %by introducing a newtype: we introduce a newtype: \begin{code} newtype CellExcept a b m e = CellExcept { runCellExcept :: Cell (ExceptT e m) a b } \end{code} We can enter the \mintinline{haskell}{CellExcept} context from an exception-throwing cell, trying to execute it until the exception occurs: \begin{code} try :: Cell (ExceptT e m) a b -> CellExcept a b m e try = CellExcept \end{code} And we can leave it safely once we have proven that there are no exceptions left to throw, i.e. the exception type is empty (represented in Haskell by \mintinline{haskell}{Void}): \begin{code} safely :: Monad m => CellExcept a b m Void -> Cell m a b \end{code} \begin{comment} \begin{code} safely = hoistCell discardVoid . runCellExcept where discardVoid = fmap (either absurd id) . runExceptT \end{code} \end{comment} One way to prove the absence of further exceptions is, of course, to run an exception-free cell: \begin{code} safe :: Monad m => Cell m a b -> CellExcept a b m Void \end{code} \begin{comment} \begin{code} safe cell = CellExcept $ liftCell cell \end{code} \end{comment} \paragraph{The Return of the Monad} Our new hope is to give \mintinline{haskell}{Functor}, \mintinline{haskell}{Applicative} and \mintinline{haskell}{Monad} instances to \mintinline{haskell}{CellExcept}. We will explore now how this allows for rich control flow. The \mintinline{haskell}{Functor} instance is not too hard. When an exception is raised, we simply apply a given function to it: \begin{code} instance Functor m => Functor (CellExcept a b m) where fmap f (CellExcept cell) = CellExcept $ hoistCell (withExceptT f) cell \end{code} The \mintinline{haskell}{pure} function of the \mintinline{haskell}{Applicative} class (or equivalently, \mintinline{haskell}{return} of the \mintinline{haskell}{Monad}), is simply throwing an exception, wrapped in the newtype: \begin{code} pure :: Monad m => e -> CellExcept a b m e pure e = CellExcept $ arr (const e) >>> throwC \end{code} Like the sequential application operator \mintinline{haskell}{<*>} from the \mintinline{haskell}{Applicative} class can be defined from the bind operator \mintinline{haskell}{>>=}, it can also be defined from the \emph{live bind} operator \mintinline{haskell}{>>>=} introduced previously. As a technical tour-de-force, even a \mintinline{haskell}{Monad} instance for \mintinline{haskell}{CellExcept} can be derived with some modifications. This is shown at length in an appendix\footnote{% Available online at \href{https://www.manuelbaerenz.de/essence-of-live-coding/EssenceOfLiveCodingAppendix.pdf}{https://www.manuelbaerenz.de/essence-of-live-coding/EssenceOfLiveCodingAppendix.pdf}. }. But how can \mintinline{haskell}{Applicative} and \mintinline{haskell}{Monad} be put to use? The foreground value of \mintinline{haskell}{CellExcept} is the thrown exception. With \mintinline{haskell}{pure}, such values are created, and \mintinline{haskell}{Functor} allows us to perform computations with them. With \mintinline{haskell}{Applicative} and \mintinline{haskell}{Monad}, we \emph{chain} the execution of exception throwing cells: \fxwarning{Comment on how Monad is even stronger than Applicative?}