{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

{- |
Description: Kalman Filter estimator algorithm

This module implements the Extended Kalman Filter estimation algorithm.

module Numeric.Estimator.KalmanFilter where

import Data.Distributive
import Data.Reflection (Reifies)
import Data.Traversable
import Linear
import Numeric.AD.Internal.Reverse (Tape)
import Numeric.AD.Mode.Reverse
import Numeric.Estimator.Class
import Numeric.Estimator.Matrix

-- | All variants of Kalman Filter, at their core, maintain the
-- parameters of a multi-variate normal distribution.
-- Since different Kalman Filter variants share this filter type, you
-- can mix and match algorithms within the same filter. For example, you
-- could use a conventional Kalman filter for any linear measurements,
-- and a Sigma-Point Kalman Filter for a non-linear process model.
data KalmanFilter state var = KalmanFilter
  { kalmanState :: state var -- ^ mean
  , kalmanCovariance :: state (state var) -- ^ covariance

type instance State (KalmanFilter state var) = state
type instance Var (KalmanFilter state var) = var

instance GaussianFilter KalmanFilter where
  mapStatistics mapState mapCov (KalmanFilter state cov) = KalmanFilter (mapState state) (mapCov cov)

-- | Kalman filter estimators can report the innovation of each
-- observation, as well as the covariance of the innovation.
data KalmanInnovation obs var = KalmanInnovation
  { kalmanInnovation :: obs var
  , kalmanInnovationCovariance :: obs (obs var)

-- | A process model in an Extended Kalman Filter transforms a state
-- vector to a new state vector, but is wrapped in reverse-mode
-- automatic differentiation.
newtype EKFProcess state var = EKFProcess (forall s. Reifies s Tape => state (Reverse s var) -> state (Reverse s var))

type instance State (EKFProcess state var) = state
type instance Var (EKFProcess state var) = var

instance Estimator (EKFProcess state var) where
  type Filter (EKFProcess state var) = KalmanFilter

instance (Additive state, Traversable state, Distributive state, Num var) => Process (EKFProcess state var) where
  process (EKFProcess model) q prior = KalmanFilter state' (q !+! f !*! kalmanCovariance prior !*! transpose f)
    predicted = jacobian' model $ kalmanState prior
    state' = fmap fst predicted
    f = fmap snd predicted

-- | A measurement model in an Extended Kalman Filter uses the state
-- vector to predict what value a sensor should return, while wrapped in
-- reverse-mode automatic differentiation.
newtype EKFMeasurement state var = EKFMeasurement (forall s. Reifies s Tape => state (Reverse s var) -> Reverse s var)

type instance State (EKFMeasurement state var) = state
type instance Var (EKFMeasurement state var) = var

instance Estimator (EKFMeasurement state var) where
  type Filter (EKFMeasurement state var) = KalmanFilter

instance (Additive state, Distributive state, Traversable state, Fractional var) => Measure (EKFMeasurement state var) where
  type MeasureQuality (EKFMeasurement state var) obs = KalmanInnovation obs var
  type MeasureObservable (EKFMeasurement state var) obs = (Additive obs, Traversable obs)

  measure measurements obsCov prior = (KalmanInnovation innovation innovCov, KalmanFilter state' errorCov')
    predicted = jacobian' (\ stateVars -> fmap (\ (_, EKFMeasurement h) -> h stateVars) measurements) (kalmanState prior)
    innovation = fmap fst measurements ^-^ fmap fst predicted
    obsModel = fmap snd predicted
    ph = kalmanCovariance prior !*! transpose obsModel
    innovCov = obsCov !+! obsModel !*! ph
    obsGain = ph !*! matInvert innovCov
    errorCov' = kalmanCovariance prior !-! obsGain !*! obsModel !*! kalmanCovariance prior
    state' = kalmanState prior ^+^ (obsGain !* innovation)