{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} module System.Etc.Internal.Extra.Printer ( renderConfig , renderConfigColor , printPrettyConfig , hPrintPrettyConfig ) where import RIO hiding ((<>)) import qualified RIO.HashMap as HashMap import RIO.List (intersperse) import qualified RIO.Set as Set import qualified RIO.Text as Text import qualified RIO.Vector as Vector import qualified RIO.Vector.Unsafe as Vector (unsafeHead) import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen import System.Etc.Internal.Types data ColorFn = ColorFn { greenColor :: !(Doc -> Doc) , blueColor :: !(Doc -> Doc) } renderConfigValueJSON :: JSON.Value -> Doc renderConfigValueJSON value = case value of JSON.Null -> text "null" JSON.String str -> text $ Text.unpack str JSON.Number scientific -> text $ show scientific JSON.Bool b -> if b then text "true" else text "false" JSON.Array (Vector.null -> True) -> text "[]" JSON.Array arr -> do -- unsafeHead is not unsafe here because of previous check; also we are -- assuming all values in the array are of the same type let h = Vector.unsafeHead arr case h of -- When rendering Objects within Arrays; output: -- -- - hello: world -- hola: mundo -- - foo: bar -- baz: wat -- JSON.Object{} -> align (vsep $ Vector.toList $ Vector.map (\v -> hang 2 ("-" <+> renderConfigValueJSON v)) arr ) -- When rendering primitive values: -- -- - hello -- - world -- _ -> align (vsep $ Vector.toList $ Vector.map (\v -> "-" <+> renderConfigValueJSON v) arr) JSON.Object obj -> align $ vsep $ map (\(k, v) -> case v of -- When rendering Objects within Objects; output: -- -- attr1: -- attr2: hello -- JSON.Object{} -> nest 2 (text (Text.unpack k) <> ":" <> hardline <> renderConfigValueJSON v) -- When rendering Arrays within Objects; output: -- -- attr1: -- - hello -- JSON.Array{} -> text (Text.unpack k) <> ":" <> hardline <> renderConfigValueJSON v -- When rendering primitive values -- -- hello: world -- -- _ -> text (Text.unpack k) <> ":" <+> renderConfigValueJSON v ) (HashMap.toList obj) renderConfigValue :: (JSON.Value -> Doc) -> Value JSON.Value -> [Doc] renderConfigValue f value = case value of Plain (JSON.Array jsonArray) -> Vector.toList $ Vector.map (\jsonValue -> text "-" <+> f jsonValue) jsonArray Plain jsonValue -> return $ f jsonValue Sensitive{} -> return $ text "<>" renderConfigSource :: (JSON.Value -> Doc) -> ConfigSource -> ([Doc], Doc) renderConfigSource f configSource = case configSource of Default value -> let sourceDoc = text "Default" valueDoc = renderConfigValue f value in (valueDoc, sourceDoc) File _index fileSource value -> let sourceDoc = case fileSource of FilePathSource filepath -> text "File:" <+> text (Text.unpack filepath) EnvVarFileSource envVar filepath -> text "File:" <+> text (Text.unpack envVar) <> "=" <> text (Text.unpack filepath) valueDoc = renderConfigValue f value in (valueDoc, sourceDoc) Env varname value -> let sourceDoc = text "Env:" <+> text (Text.unpack varname) valueDoc = renderConfigValue f value in (valueDoc, sourceDoc) Cli value -> let sourceDoc = text "Cli" valueDoc = renderConfigValue f value in (valueDoc, sourceDoc) None -> (mempty, mempty) renderConfig_ :: MonadThrow m => ColorFn -> Config -> m Doc renderConfig_ ColorFn { blueColor } (Config configMap) = let renderSources :: MonadThrow m => [ConfigSource] -> m Doc renderSources sources = let sourceDocs = map (renderConfigSource renderConfigValueJSON) sources brackets' = enclose (lbracket <> space) (space <> rbracket) layoutSourceValueDoc :: MonadThrow m => [Doc] -> Doc -> m Doc layoutSourceValueDoc valueDocs sourceDoc = case valueDocs of [] -> -- [Default] -- [] (empty array) return $ sourceDoc <$$> indent 2 "[] (empty array)" [singleValueDoc] -> -- [Default] -- Value 1 -- return $ sourceDoc <$$> indent 2 singleValueDoc multipleValues -> -- [Default] -- - Value 1 -- - Value 2 -- - Value 3 -- return $ sourceDoc <$$> indent 2 (align (vsep multipleValues)) in case sourceDocs of -- No Value Found [] -> return $ indent 2 $ text "No Value Found" -- [ (*) CLI ] -- - Value 1 -- [ Default ] -- - Value ((selectedValueDoc, selectedSourceDoc) : otherSourceDocs) -> do selectedDoc <- layoutSourceValueDoc selectedValueDoc $ brackets' (parens (text "*") <+> selectedSourceDoc) othersDoc <- forM otherSourceDocs $ \(value, source) -> layoutSourceValueDoc value $ brackets' source return $ indent 2 $ vsep $ selectedDoc : othersDoc renderConfigEntry :: MonadThrow m => [Text] -> [Doc] -> Text -> ConfigValue -> m [Doc] renderConfigEntry keyPath accDoc configKey configValue = do currentDoc <- loop (configKey : keyPath) configValue return $ accDoc `mappend` currentDoc loop :: MonadThrow m => [Text] -> ConfigValue -> m [Doc] loop keys configValue = case configValue of SubConfig subConfigm -> foldM (\acc (k, v) -> renderConfigEntry keys acc k v) mempty (HashMap.toList subConfigm) ConfigValue sources0 -> let keyPathText = Text.intercalate "." $ reverse keys sources = Set.toDescList sources0 in if null sources then return [] else do configSources <- renderSources sources return [blueColor (text $ Text.unpack keyPathText) <$$> configSources] in do result <- loop [] configMap return $ hcat (intersperse (linebreak <> linebreak) result) <> linebreak renderConfigColor :: MonadThrow m => Config -> m Doc renderConfigColor = renderConfig_ ColorFn {greenColor = green, blueColor = blue} renderConfig :: MonadThrow m => Config -> m Doc renderConfig = renderConfig_ ColorFn {greenColor = id, blueColor = id} printPrettyConfig :: Config -> IO () printPrettyConfig = putDoc <=< renderConfigColor hPrintPrettyConfig :: Handle -> Config -> IO () hPrintPrettyConfig someHandle = hPutDoc someHandle <=< renderConfigColor