{-| Module : Primes Description : Module with functions to calculate Primme Numbers. Implements 3 sieves. Copyright : (c) Luis Rodrigues Soares, 2015 License : MIT Maintainer : luis@decomputed.com Stability : experimental -} module Numeric.Euler.Primes ( isPrime, trialAndDivision, erastothenes, sundaram, atkin ) where import Data.List (sort) {------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------} {-| The `isPrime` function checks whether a number `a` is prime by successively checking the remainder of the integer division with all numbers up to @a-1@. -} isPrime :: Integral a => a -> Bool isPrime n | n == 2 = True | otherwise = not (any (\i -> n `mod` i == 0) [3..n-1]) {-| The `trialAndDivision` function calculates prime numbers up to a certain limit by using the traditional (and very inneficient) trial and division method. -} trialAndDivision :: Int -> [Int] trialAndDivision limit = 2:3:5:[n | n <- [7,9..limit], isPrime n] {------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------} {-| This is a naïve implementation of the Sieve of Erastothenes. -} erastothenes :: Int -> [Int] erastothenes limit = eSieve [3,5..limit] [2] eSieve :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] eSieve [] primes = primes eSieve (x:xs) primes = eSieve [y | y <- xs, y `mod` x /= 0] (x:primes) {------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------} initialSundaramSieve :: Int -> [Int] initialSundaramSieve limit = let topi = floor (sqrt (fromIntegral limit / 2) :: Double) in [i + j + 2 * i * j | i <- [1..topi], j <- [i..floor ((fromIntegral(limit-i) / fromIntegral(2*i+1)) :: Double)]] {-| An implementation of the Sieve of Sundaram. -} sundaram :: Int -> [Int] sundaram limit = let halfLimit = floor( ((fromIntegral limit / 2)-1) :: Double) in 2:removeComposites [1..halfLimit] (sort $ initialSundaramSieve halfLimit) removeComposites :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] removeComposites [] _ = [] removeComposites (n:ns) [] = (2*n+1) : removeComposites ns [] removeComposites (n:ns) (c:cs) | n == c = removeComposites ns cs | n > c = removeComposites (n:ns) cs | otherwise = (2*n+1) : removeComposites ns (c:cs) {--------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------} initialAtkinSieve :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] initialAtkinSieve limit = sort $ zip [n | n <- [60 * w + x | w <- [0..limit `div` 60], x <- [1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,49,53,59] ], n <= limit] (take limit [0,0..]) aFlip :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) aFlip (x,y) | y == 0 = (x,1) | y == 1 = (x,0) | otherwise = error "Needs zero or one" flipAll :: [Int] -> [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] flipAll _ [] = [] flipAll [] ss = ss flipAll (f:fs) ((s,b):ss) | s < f = (s,b): flipAll (f:fs) ss | s == f = flipAll fs (aFlip (s,b):ss) | otherwise = flipAll fs ((s,b):ss) firstStep :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)] firstStep size sieve = let topx = floor( sqrt(fromIntegral (size `div` 4)) :: Double) topy = floor( sqrt(fromIntegral size) :: Double) in flipAll (sort [n | n <- [4*x^(2::Integer) + y^(2::Integer)| x <- [1..topx], y <- [1,3..topy]], n `mod` 60 `elem` [1,13,17,29,37,41,49,53]]) sieve secondStep :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)] secondStep size sieve = let topx = floor( sqrt(fromIntegral (size `div` 3)) :: Double) topy = floor( sqrt(fromIntegral size) :: Double) in flipAll (sort [n | n <- [3*x^(2::Integer) + y^(2::Integer) | x <- [1,3..topx], y <- [2,4..topy]], n `mod` 60 `elem` [7,19,31,43]]) sieve thirdStep :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)] thirdStep size sieve = let topx = floor( sqrt(fromIntegral size) :: Double) in flipAll (sort [n | n <- [3*x^(2::Integer) - y^(2 :: Integer) | x <- [1..topx], y <- [(x-1),(x-3)..1]], n `mod` 60 `elem` [11,23,47,59]]) sieve unmarkMultiples :: Int -> Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)] unmarkMultiples limit n sieve = let nonPrimes = [n,n+n..limit] in unmarkAll nonPrimes sieve unmarkAll :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] unmarkAll _ [] = [] unmarkAll [] sieve = sieve unmarkAll (np:nps) ((s,b):ss) | np == s = unmarkAll nps ss | np < s = unmarkAll nps ((s,b):ss) | otherwise = (s,b) : unmarkAll (np:nps) ss {-| An implementation of the sieve of Atkin. -} atkin :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] atkin limit = aSieve limit (thirdStep limit . secondStep limit . firstStep limit $ initialAtkinSieve limit) [(5,1),(3,1),(2,1)] aSieve :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] ->[(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)] aSieve _ [] primes = primes aSieve limit ((x,b):xs) primes | b == 1 = aSieve limit (unmarkMultiples limit (x^(2::Integer)) xs) ((x,b): primes) | otherwise = aSieve limit xs primes