{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Eve.Internal.Async
  ( dispatchActionAsync
  , asyncActionProvider
  ) where

import Eve.Internal.Actions
import Eve.Internal.AppState
import Eve.Internal.States

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Lens
import Data.Typeable

-- | Dispatch an action which is generated by some IO. Note that state of the application may have changed
-- between calling 'dispatchActionAsync' and running the resulting 'Action'
  :: (MonadIO m, HasStates base, Typeable m, Typeable base) => IO (AppT base m ()) -> ActionT base zoomed m ()
dispatchActionAsync asyncAction = runApp $ do
  mQueue <- use asyncQueue
  case mQueue of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just queue -> liftIO . void . forkIO $ asyncAction >>= writeChan queue

-- | This allows long-running IO processes to provide 'Action's to the application asyncronously.
-- 'asyncEventProvider' is simpler to use, however 'asyncActionProvider' provides
-- more power and expressivity. When in doubt, 'asyncEventProvider' probably meets
-- your needs.
-- Don't let the type signature confuse you; it's much simpler than it seems.
-- Let's break it down:
-- When you call 'asyncActionProvider' you pass it a function which accepts a @dispatch@ function as an argument
-- and then calls it with various 'Action's within the resulting 'IO'. The
-- @dispatch@ function it is passed will have type @(App () -> IO ())@
-- Note that this function calls forkIO internally, so there's no need to do that yourself.
-- Here's an example:
-- > data Timer = Timer
-- > myTimer :: (App () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
-- > myTimer dispatch = forever $ dispatch (myInt += 1) >> threadDelay 1000000
-- >
-- > myInit :: App ()
-- > myInit = asyncActionProvider myTimer
asyncActionProvider :: (MonadIO m, HasStates base, Typeable m, Typeable base) => ((AppT base m () -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> ActionT base zoomed m ()
asyncActionProvider provider = runApp $ do
  mQueue <- use asyncQueue
  case mQueue of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just queue -> liftIO . void . forkIO $ provider (writeChan queue)  where