eve- An extensible event framework

Safe HaskellNone





This documentation is split into parts based on complexity. For most applications you'll need only the Simple section. You'll find useful tools in the Advanced section once you've got a simple app up and running.


Eve allows you to build your applications incrementally, adding more complexity as you need it. For this reason, many of the types are more general than you'll likely need. This can be a bit confusing, but here's a few tips:

  • Both Action and App unify with ActionT. You may use them in place of ActionT. When in doubt, use App.
  • When you see vague references to monads m or n, you can use App or Action in its place.
  • Simple Apps assume that you use the provided AppState and it is "baked in" to the Action and App types. Wherever you see HasStates s you can mentally replace s with AppState.

Running your App

eve_ :: App () -> IO () Source #

This runs your application. It accepts an initialization block (which is the same as any other App or Action block, which registers event listeners and event providers. Note that nothing in this block should use dispatchEvent since it is possible that not all listeners have yet been registered. You can use the afterInit trigger to dispatch any events you'd like to run at start-up. Here's a simple example:

import Eve

initialize = App ()
initialize = do
  addListener_ myListener
  asyncEventProvider myProvider

startApp :: IO ()
startApp = eve_ initialize

Working with Actions

type App a = AppT AppState IO a Source #

An App is a base level monad which operates over your main application state. You may call runAction inside an app to run Actions over other states.

type Action state a = ActionT AppState state IO a Source #

An Action is a monad over some zoomed in state, they are run inside App using runAction. For example an Action which operates over a String somewhere in your app state would be written as:

alterString :: Action String ()

runApp :: Monad m => AppT base m a -> ActionT base zoomed m a Source #

Allows you to run an App inside of an Action

runAction :: (HasStates t, Functor (Zoomed m c), Default s, Typeable s, Zoom m n s t) => m c -> n c Source #

This runs an Action MyState a over the MyState which is stored in the currently focused state and returns the result. Use runActionOver if you'd like to specify a particular MyState which is accessed by a Lens or Traversal.

exit :: (Monad m, HasStates s) => ActionT s zoomed m () Source #

Tells the application to quit. This triggers onExit listeners following the current event loop.

Dispatching Events

dispatchEvent :: forall result eventType m base zoomed. (HasEvents base, Monoid result, Monad m, Typeable m, Typeable eventType, Typeable result) => eventType -> ActionT base zoomed m result Source #

Runs any listeners registered for the provided event with the provided event;

You can also query listeners and receive a (Monoidal) result.

data RequestNames = GetFirstName | GetLastName
provideName1, provideName2 :: RequestNames -> App [String]
provideName1 GetFirstNames = return ["Bob"]
provideName1 GetLastNames = return ["Smith"]
provideName2 GetFirstNames = return ["Sally"]
provideName2 GetLastNames = return ["Jenkins"]

-- Note that if we registered an action of type 'GetFirstName -> ()' it would NOT
-- be run in response to the following 'dispatchEvent', since it's type doesn't match.

greetNames :: App [String]
greetNames = do
  addListener_ provideName1
  addListener_ provideName2
  firstNames <- dispatchEvent GetFirstName
  lastNames <- dispatchEvent GetLastName
  liftIO $ print firstNames
  -- ["Bob", "Sally"]
  liftIO $ print lastNames
  -- ["Smith", "Jenkins"]

dispatchEvent_ :: forall eventType m base zoomed. (HasEvents base, Monad m, Typeable m, Typeable eventType) => eventType -> ActionT base zoomed m () Source #

Event Listeners

addListener :: forall result eventType m base zoomed. (HasEvents base, Monad m, Typeable m, Typeable eventType, Typeable result, Monoid result) => (eventType -> AppT base m result) -> ActionT base zoomed m ListenerId Source #

Registers an Action or App to respond to an event.

For a given use: addListener myListener, myListener might have the type MyEvent -> App a it will register the function myListener to be run in response to a dispatchEvent (MyEvent eventInfo) and will be provided (MyEvent eventInfo) as an argument.

This returns a ListenerId which corresponds to the registered listener for use with removeListener

addListener_ :: forall result eventType m base zoomed. (HasEvents base, Monad m, Typeable m, Typeable eventType, Typeable result, Monoid result) => (eventType -> AppT base m result) -> ActionT base zoomed m () Source #

removeListener :: (HasEvents base, Monad m) => ListenerId -> ActionT base zoomed m () Source #

Unregisters a listener referred to by the provided ListenerId

data Listener Source #

A wrapper around event listeners so they can be stored in Listeners.

data ListenerId Source #

An opaque reverence to a specific registered event-listener. A ListenerId is used only to remove listeners later with removeListener.

Eq ListenerId Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Listeners

Asynchronous Helpers

asyncEventProvider :: (HasEvents base, MonadIO m, Typeable m) => (EventDispatcher -> IO ()) -> ActionT base zoomed m () Source #

This allows long-running IO processes to provide Events to the application asyncronously.

Don't let the type signature confuse you; it's much simpler than it seems.

Let's break it down:

Using the EventDispatcher type with asyncEventProvider requires the RankNTypes language pragma.

This type as a whole represents a function which accepts an EventDispatcher and returns an IO; the dispatcher itself accepts data of ANY Typeable type and emits it as an event.

When you call asyncEventProvider you pass it a function which accepts a dispatch function as an argument and then calls it with various events within the resulting IO.

Note that this function calls forkIO internally, so there's no need to do that yourself.

Here's an example which fires a Timer event every second.

{-# language RankNTypes #-}
data Timer = Timer
myTimer :: EventDispatcher -> IO ()
myTimer dispatch = forever $ dispatch Timer >> threadDelay 1000000

myInit :: App ()
myInit = asyncEventProvider myTimer

type EventDispatcher = forall event. Typeable event => event -> IO () Source #

This is a type alias to make defining your functions for use with asyncEventProvider easier; It represents the function your event provider function will be passed to allow dispatching events. Using this type requires the RankNTypes language pragma.

Built-in Event Listeners

afterInit :: forall base m a. (Monad m, HasEvents base, Typeable m) => AppT base m a -> AppT base m () Source #

Registers an action to be performed directly following the Initialization phase.

At this point any listeners in the initialization block have run, so you may dispatchEvents here.

beforeEvent :: forall base zoomed m a. (Monad m, HasEvents base, Typeable m) => AppT base m a -> ActionT base zoomed m ListenerId Source #

Registers an action to be performed BEFORE each async event is processed phase.

beforeEvent_ :: (Monad m, HasEvents base, Typeable m) => AppT base m a -> ActionT base zoomed m () Source #

afterEvent :: forall base zoomed m a. (Monad m, HasEvents base, Typeable m) => AppT base m a -> ActionT base zoomed m ListenerId Source #

Registers an action to be performed AFTER each event phase.

afterEvent_ :: (Monad m, HasEvents base, Typeable m) => AppT base m a -> ActionT base zoomed m () Source #

onExit :: forall base zoomed m a. (HasEvents base, Typeable m, Monad m) => AppT base m a -> ActionT base zoomed m () Source #

Registers an action to be run before shutdown. Any asynchronous combinators used in this block will NOT be run.

Working with State

All application-provided states are stored in the same Map; keyed by their TypeRep. This means that if more than one state uses the same type then they'll conflict and overwrite each-other (this is less of a problem than you're probably thinking). This is easily solved by simply using a newtype around any types you haven't defined yourself. For example if your application stores a counter as an Int, wrap it in your own custom Counter newtype when storing it. If you wish to store multiple copies of a given state simply store them in a list or map, then store that container as your state.

Because states are stored by their TypeRep, they must define an instance of Typeable, In most cases it's unnecessary, but GHC can derive this for you with deriving Typeable.

It is also required for all states to define an instance of Default, this is because accessing an extension which has not yet been stored will result in the default value.

If there's no default value that makes sense for your type, you can define a default of Nothing and pattern-match on its value when you access it.

Here's an example of defining your own state:

data SimpleState = SimpleState
  { _myString :: String
makeLenses ''SimpleState

instance Default SimpleState where
  def = SimpleState "default"

makeStateLens :: (HasStates s, Typeable myState, Default myState) => Lens' myState a -> Lens' s a Source #

A utility which creates a state-nested version of a lens. If you pass this function a lens from your state to one of its fields, it will return a lens which can be used within an App or Action.

The resulting lens will be of type: newLens :: HasStates s => Lens' s MyState Or if you prefer, you may wish to specify the state it operates over more specifically to prevent using the lens where it was not originally planned. For instance: newLens :: Lens' AppState MyState

data SimpleState = SimpleState
  { _myString :: String
makeLenses ''SimpleState

instance Default SimpleState where
  def = SimpleState "default"

myStringStateLens :: HasStates s => Lens' s String
myStringStateLens = makeStateLens myString

myAction :: App ()
myAction = do
  myStringStateLens .= "Hi!"
  str <- use myStringStateLens
  liftIO $ print str
-- "Hi!"

For more complex Prisms or Traversals you can write your own using stateLens

data AppState Source #

A basic default state which underlies App Contains only a map of States.

Default AppState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.AppState


def :: AppState #

HasEvents AppState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.AppState

HasStates AppState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.AppState


This section provides tools which become relevant when working on more complex apps. You can customize which states you operate over, embed events in nested states, and choose a custom base monad for the mtl stack.

eve :: (MonadIO m, Typeable m) => AppT AppState m () -> m AppState Source #

This runs your application like eve_, It is polymorphic in the Monad it operates over, so you may use it with any custom base monad which implements MonadIO. Upon termination of the app it returns the final AppState.


type AppT s m a = ActionT s s m a Source #

An App has the same base and zoomed values.

data ActionT base zoomed m a Source #

Base Action type. Allows paramaterization over application state, zoomed state and underlying monad.

Monad m => MonadState zoomed (ActionT base zoomed m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Actions


get :: ActionT base zoomed m zoomed #

put :: zoomed -> ActionT base zoomed m () #

state :: (zoomed -> (a, zoomed)) -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

MonadTrans (ActionT base zoomed) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Actions


lift :: Monad m => m a -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

Monad n => MonadFree (AppF base n) (ActionT base zoomed n) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Actions


wrap :: AppF base n (ActionT base zoomed n a) -> ActionT base zoomed n a #

Monad m => Monad (ActionT base zoomed m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Actions


(>>=) :: ActionT base zoomed m a -> (a -> ActionT base zoomed m b) -> ActionT base zoomed m b #

(>>) :: ActionT base zoomed m a -> ActionT base zoomed m b -> ActionT base zoomed m b #

return :: a -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

fail :: String -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

Monad m => Functor (ActionT base zoomed m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Actions


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ActionT base zoomed m a -> ActionT base zoomed m b #

(<$) :: a -> ActionT base zoomed m b -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

Monad m => Applicative (ActionT base zoomed m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Actions


pure :: a -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

(<*>) :: ActionT base zoomed m (a -> b) -> ActionT base zoomed m a -> ActionT base zoomed m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ActionT base zoomed m a -> ActionT base zoomed m b -> ActionT base zoomed m c #

(*>) :: ActionT base zoomed m a -> ActionT base zoomed m b -> ActionT base zoomed m b #

(<*) :: ActionT base zoomed m a -> ActionT base zoomed m b -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ActionT base zoomed m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Actions


liftIO :: IO a -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

Monad m => Zoom (ActionT base s m) (ActionT base t m) s t Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Actions


zoom :: LensLike' (Zoomed (ActionT base s m) c) t s -> ActionT base s m c -> ActionT base t m c #

(Semigroup a, Monad m) => Semigroup (ActionT base zoomed m a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Actions


(<>) :: ActionT base zoomed m a -> ActionT base zoomed m a -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (ActionT base zoomed m a) -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> ActionT base zoomed m a -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

(Monoid a, Monad m) => Monoid (ActionT base zoomed m a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Actions


mempty :: ActionT base zoomed m a #

mappend :: ActionT base zoomed m a -> ActionT base zoomed m a -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

mconcat :: [ActionT base zoomed m a] -> ActionT base zoomed m a #

type Zoomed (ActionT base zoomed m) Source #

Allows zooming Actions.

Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.Actions

type Zoomed (ActionT base zoomed m) = Zoomed (FreeT (AppF base m) (StateT zoomed m))

runActionOver :: Zoom m n s t => LensLike' (Zoomed m c) t s -> m c -> n c Source #

Given a Lens or Traversal or LensLike from Control.Lens which focuses the state (t) of an Action from a base state (s), this will convert Action t a -> Action s a so that it may be run in an Action s a


class HasStates s where Source #

Represents a state which can itself store more states. states is a lens which points to a given state's States map.


states :: Lens' s States Source #

HasStates AppState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.AppState

type States = Map TypeRep StateWrapper Source #

A map of state types to their current value.

stateLens :: forall a e. (Typeable a, Default a, HasStates e) => Lens' e a Source #

A polymorphic lens which accesses stored states. It returns the default value (def) if a state has not yet been set.

Local Events

The local versions of the event functions are the same as the others (dispatchEvent, addListener, removeListener) however they operate on a per-state basis. This means that if you define a custom state which implements HasEvents then you may use these functions inside an `Action CustomState` to dispatch events to ONLY the listners within that specific instance of that state. Note that these listeners and events are distinct on the value level, not just the type level, so if you have multiple copies of CustomState in your app, they each have their own disjoint event listeners.

class (Typeable s, HasStates s) => HasEvents s Source #

A typeclass to ensure people don't dispatch events to states which shouldn't accept them.

To allow dispatching events in an action over your state simply define the empty instance:

instance HasEvents MyState where
-- Don't need anything here.
HasEvents AppState Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Eve.Internal.AppState

dispatchLocalEvent :: forall result eventType m s. (MonadState s m, HasEvents s, Monoid result, Typeable m, Typeable eventType, Typeable result) => eventType -> m result Source #

A local version of dispatchEvent. The local version dispatches the event in the context of the current Action, If you don't know what this means, you probably want dispatchEvent instead

dispatchLocalEvent_ :: forall eventType m s. (MonadState s m, HasEvents s, Typeable m, Typeable eventType) => eventType -> m () Source #

addLocalListener :: forall result eventType m s. (MonadState s m, HasEvents s, Typeable m, Typeable eventType, Typeable result, Monoid result) => (eventType -> m result) -> m ListenerId Source #

The local version of addListener. It will register a listener within an Actions local event context. If you don't know what this means you probably want addListener instead.

addLocalListener_ :: forall result eventType m s. (MonadState s m, HasEvents s, Typeable m, Typeable eventType, Typeable result, Monoid result) => (eventType -> m result) -> m () Source #

removeLocalListener :: (MonadState s m, HasEvents s) => ListenerId -> m () Source #

The local version of removeListener. This removes a listener from an Actions event context. If you don't know what this means you probably want removeListener instead.


asyncActionProvider :: (MonadIO m, HasStates base, Typeable m, Typeable base) => ((AppT base m () -> IO ()) -> IO ()) -> ActionT base zoomed m () Source #

This allows long-running IO processes to provide Actions to the application asyncronously.

asyncEventProvider is simpler to use, however asyncActionProvider provides more power and expressivity. When in doubt, asyncEventProvider probably meets your needs.

Don't let the type signature confuse you; it's much simpler than it seems.

Let's break it down:

When you call asyncActionProvider you pass it a function which accepts a dispatch function as an argument and then calls it with various Actions within the resulting IO. The dispatch function it is passed will have type (App () -> IO ())

Note that this function calls forkIO internally, so there's no need to do that yourself.

Here's an example:

data Timer = Timer
myTimer :: (App () -> IO ()) -> IO ()
myTimer dispatch = forever $ dispatch (myInt += 1) >> threadDelay 1000000

myInit :: App ()
myInit = asyncActionProvider myTimer

dispatchEventAsync :: (Typeable event, MonadIO m, Typeable m, HasEvents base) => IO event -> ActionT base zoomed m () Source #

This function takes an IO which results in some event, it runs the IO asynchronously, THEN dispatches the event. Note that only the code which generates the event is asynchronous, not any responses to the event itself.

dispatchActionAsync :: (MonadIO m, HasStates base, Typeable m, Typeable base) => IO (AppT base m ()) -> ActionT base zoomed m () Source #

Dispatch an action which is generated by some IO. Note that state of the application may have changed between calling dispatchActionAsync and running the resulting Action