 -      ``Control/Monad/Event/Classes''
 -      (c) 2008 Cook, J. MR  SSD, Inc.

module Control.Monad.Event.Classes where

import Control.Monad.Event.Internal.Types
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen

-- |A type-class for monads with a concept of time.  That concept need not
-- necessarily meet any prior conditions - not even an Eq instance.
class Monad m => MonadTime m t | m -> t where
        getCurrentTime :: m t

-- |A monad in which there is a concept of running and not-running and
-- unrestricted operations for switching between them.
class Monad m => MonadSimControl m  where
        resumeSimulation        :: m ()
        pauseSimulation         :: m ()
        isSimulationRunning     :: m Bool

-- |A monad in which there is a concept of an \"event\" - an action with a
-- sort of a special status, which can be described for humans and can be
-- otherwise manipulated in monads implementing the classes to follow.
class Monad m => MonadEvent m e | e -> m where
        describeEvent   :: e -> m Doc
        describeEvent e = return (text "Undocumented event - implement describeEvent")
        runEvent        :: e -> m ()

-- | A monad which can schedule events for later execution.  For obvious
-- reasons, such a monad must also have a concept of events (covering the
-- event that the user is trying to schedule) and a concept of time.
class (MonadEvent m e, MonadTime m t) => ScheduleEvent m t e | m -> t, e -> m where
        -- |Schedule an event for execution at a time (relative to the current time).
        -- The meaning of \"relative to\" is left entirely up to the
        -- implementor, however it will generally be the case that time is
        -- an instance of 'Num' and that \"relative to\" means something
        -- along the lines of \"at now + _\".
        -- Returns an 'EventID' that can be used to identify the event
        -- if needed later (for example, to cancel it).
        scheduleEventIn :: t -> e -> m EventID
        -- |schedule an event to run at the current time.  This does not 
        -- constitute a promise to execute immediately or in any particular
        -- order relative to other events that have been or will be
        -- scheduled for the current time.
        -- If an implementor has a time type which is an instance of 'Num', then
        -- 'doNext' should be equivalent to 'scheduleEventIn' 0 - unless the
        -- monad's documentation clearly warns to the contrary in a really big
        -- typeface.  ; )  Note that this clause may change to also strongly
        -- suggest that 'doNext' put its event at the very front of the queue
        -- (ie, before any other events already scheduled for the current time).
        doNext :: e -> m ()

-- | A monad in which an event (presumably one previously scheduled)
-- can be canceled.
class MonadTime m t => CancelEvent m t | m -> t where
        -- |Cancel an event given its 'EventID'.  If successful (and
        -- if the monad's implementation allows it), an 'EventDescriptor'
        -- (an existential wrapper describing an event, its ID, and
        -- the time at which it would have run) containing the 
        -- canceled event is returned.
        cancelEvent :: EventID -> m (Maybe (EventDescriptor m t))

-- | A monad in which an 'EventDescriptor' for the currently-executing
-- event, if any, can be obtained.
class MonadTime m t => GetCurrentEvent m t | m -> t where
        getCurrentEvent :: m (Maybe (EventDescriptor m t))

-- | A monad in which the currently executing event can be rescheduled.
-- Note that calling 'retryEventIn' does not terminate the currently
-- executing event - although perhaps it should.  Until a more permanent
-- decision is made, it's probably best to make 'retryEventIn' the last
-- action of an event when it is used, to minimize impact of future changes.
class MonadTime m t => RetryEvent m t | m -> t where
        retryEventIn :: t -> m EventID

-- |A monad in which information about the event queue can be retrieved.
class MonadTime m t => MonadEventQueueInfo m t | m -> t where
        -- |Return the number of events currently scheduled.
        eventQueueSize     :: m Int
        -- |Return a list of (some or all of) the events coming up.
        -- There is no obligation on the part of the monad to provide
        -- anything at all.
        eventQueueContents :: m [EventDescriptor m t]