{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
module Eventlog.Events(chunk) where

import GHC.RTS.Events hiding (Header, header)
import Prelude hiding (init, lookup)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)

import Eventlog.Types
import Eventlog.Total
import Eventlog.Args (Args(..))
import Data.List
import Data.Function
import Data.Word
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector, (!?))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Version
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import System.IO

type PartialHeader = Int -> Header

fromNano :: Word64 -> Double
fromNano e = fromIntegral e * 1e-9

chunk :: Args -> FilePath -> IO ProfData
chunk a f = do
  (EventLog _ e) <- either error id <$> readEventLogFromFile f
  (ph, frames, traces) <- eventsToHP a e
  let (counts, totals) = total frames
  return $ (ProfData (ph counts) totals frames traces)

checkGHCVersion :: EL -> Maybe String
checkGHCVersion EL { ident = Just (version,_)}
  | version <= makeVersion [8,4,4]  =
      Just $ "Warning: The eventlog has been generated with ghc-"
           ++ showVersion version
           ++ ", which does not support profiling events in the eventlog."
checkGHCVersion EL { pargs = Just args, ident = Just (version,_)}
  | version > makeVersion [8,4,4] &&
    version <= makeVersion [8,9,0] &&
    ("-hr" `elem` args || "-hb" `elem` args) =
     Just $ "Warning: The eventlog has been generated with ghc-"
            ++ showVersion version
            ++ ", which does not support biographical or retainer profiling."
checkGHCVersion _ = Nothing

eventsToHP :: Args -> Data -> IO (PartialHeader, [Frame], [Trace])
eventsToHP a (Data es) = do
      el@EL{..} = foldEvents a es
      fir = Frame (fromNano start) []
      las = Frame (fromNano end) []
  mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) (checkGHCVersion el)
  return $ (elHeader el, fir : reverse (las: normalise frames) , traces)

normalise :: [FrameEL] -> [Frame]
normalise fs = map (\(FrameEL t ss) -> Frame (fromNano t) ss) fs

data EL = EL
  { pargs :: !(Maybe [String])
  , ident :: Maybe (Version, String)
  , ccMap :: !(Map.Map Word32 CostCentre)
  , clocktimeSec :: !Word64
  , samples :: !(Maybe FrameEL)
  , frames :: ![FrameEL]
  , traces :: ![Trace]
  , start :: !Word64
  , end :: !Word64 } deriving Show

data FrameEL = FrameEL Word64 [Sample] deriving Show

data CostCentre = CC { cid :: Word32
                     , label :: Text
                     , modul :: Text
                     , loc :: Text } deriving Show

initEL :: Word64 -> EL
initEL t = EL
  { pargs = Nothing
  , ident = Nothing
  , clocktimeSec = 0
  , samples = Nothing
  , frames = []
  , traces = []
  , start = t
  , end = 0
  , ccMap = Map.empty

foldEvents :: Args -> [Event] -> EL
foldEvents a (e:es) =
  let res = foldl' (folder a)  (initEL (evTime e)) (e:es)
  in addFrame 0 res
foldEvents _ [] = error "Empty event log"

folder :: Args -> EL -> Event -> EL
folder a el (Event t e _) = el &
  updateLast t .
    case e of
      -- Traces
      -- Messages and UserMessages correspond to high-frequency "traceEvent" or "traceEventIO" events from Debug.Trace and
      -- are only included if "--include-trace-events" has been specified.
      -- For low-frequency events "traceMarker" or "traceMarkerIO" should be used, which generate "UserMarker" events.
      Message s -> if traceEvents a then addTrace a (Trace (fromNano t) (T.pack s)) else id
      UserMessage s -> if traceEvents a then addTrace a (Trace (fromNano t) (T.pack s)) else id
      UserMarker s -> addTrace a (Trace (fromNano t) (T.pack s))
      -- Information about the program
      RtsIdentifier _ ident -> addIdent ident
      ProgramArgs _ as -> addArgs as
      WallClockTime _ s _ -> addClocktime s
      -- Profiling Events
      HeapProfBegin {} -> addFrame t
      HeapProfCostCentre cid l m loc _  -> addCostCentre cid (CC cid l m loc)
      HeapProfSampleBegin {} -> addFrame t
      HeapProfSampleCostCentre _hid r d s -> addCCSample r d s
      HeapProfSampleString _hid res k -> addSample (Sample k (fromIntegral res))
      _ -> id

addIdent :: String -> EL -> EL
addIdent s el = el { ident = parseIdent s }

parseIdent :: String -> Maybe (Version, String)
parseIdent s = listToMaybe $ flip readP_to_S s $ do
  void $ string "GHC-"
  [v1, v2, v3] <- replicateM 3 (intP <* optional (char '.'))
  return (makeVersion [v1,v2,v3])
    intP = do
      x <- munch1 isDigit
      return $ read x

addCostCentre :: Word32 -> CostCentre -> EL -> EL
addCostCentre s cc el = el { ccMap = Map.insert s cc (ccMap el) }

addCCSample :: Word64 -> Word8 -> Vector Word32 -> EL -> EL
addCCSample res _sd st el =
  fromMaybe (addSample (Sample "NONE" (fromIntegral res)) el) $ do
  cid <- st !? 0
  CC{label, modul} <- Map.lookup cid (ccMap el)
  let fmtl = modul <> "." <> label
  return $ addSample (Sample fmtl (fromIntegral res)) el

addClocktime :: Word64 -> EL -> EL
addClocktime s el = el { clocktimeSec = s }

addArgs :: [String] -> EL -> EL
addArgs as el = el { pargs = Just as }

-- | Decide whether to include a trace based on the "includes" and
-- "excludes" options.
-- If a trace satisfies an `-i` flag then it is certainly included.
-- For example for a trace called "eventlog2html" then `-i eventlog -x
-- html` will still include the trace because the `-i` option matches.
-- If a trace doesn't match an `-i` flag then it is excluded if it matches
-- a `-x` flag.
filterTrace :: [Text] -> [Text] -> Trace -> Bool
filterTrace []       []       _             = True
filterTrace []       excludes (Trace _ trc) =
  not (any (flip T.isInfixOf trc) excludes)
filterTrace includes []       (Trace _ trc) =
  any (flip T.isInfixOf trc) includes
filterTrace includes excludes (Trace _ trc) =
  any (flip T.isInfixOf trc) includes
    || not (any (flip T.isInfixOf trc) excludes)

addTrace :: Args -> Trace -> EL -> EL
addTrace a t el | noTraces a = el
                | prop t     = el { traces = t : traces el }
                | otherwise  = el
    prop = filterTrace (includeStr a) (excludeStr a)

addFrame :: Word64 -> EL -> EL
addFrame t el =
  el { samples = Just (FrameEL t [])
     , frames = sampleToFrames (samples el) (frames el) }

sampleToFrames :: Maybe FrameEL -> [FrameEL]
                                -> [FrameEL]
sampleToFrames (Just (FrameEL t ss)) fs = FrameEL t (reverse ss) : fs
sampleToFrames Nothing fs = fs

addSample :: Sample -> EL -> EL
addSample s el = el { samples = go <$> (samples el) }
    go (FrameEL t ss) = FrameEL t (s:ss)

updateLast :: Word64 -> EL -> EL
updateLast t el = el { end = t }

formatDate :: Word64 -> T.Text
formatDate sec =
  let posixTime :: POSIXTime
      posixTime = realToFrac sec
    T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M %Z" (posixSecondsToUTCTime posixTime)

elHeader :: EL -> PartialHeader
elHeader EL{..} =
  let title = maybe "" (T.unwords . map T.pack) pargs
      date = formatDate clocktimeSec
  in Header title date "" ""