{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Database.EventStore.Internal.Execution.Production -- Copyright : (C) 2015 Yorick Laupa -- License : (see the file LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Yorick Laupa -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : non-portable -- -- Production execution model. It's striving for robustness. The model consists -- on 4 threads. The Reader thread that reads 'Package' from the connection, the -- Runner thread which executes finalizers submitted by the user (typically what -- to do on operation completion or when a event has arrived for a subscription) -- , the writer thread that sends 'Package' to the server, and the Manager -- thread that handles requests coming both from the user and the Reader -- thread. If the Reader or Runner threads die, it will be restarted by the -- Manager thread if the connection hasn't been closed by user in the meantime. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Database.EventStore.Internal.Execution.Production ( Production , newExecutionModel , pushOperation , shutdownExecutionModel , pushConnectStream , pushConnectPersist , pushCreatePersist , pushUpdatePersist , pushDeletePersist , pushAckPersist , pushNakPersist , pushUnsubscribe , prodWaitTillClosed ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Prelude hiding (take) import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Fix import Data.IORef import Data.Int import Data.Foldable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.Text import Data.UUID -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Database.EventStore.Internal.Connection import Database.EventStore.Internal.Discovery import Database.EventStore.Internal.Generator import Database.EventStore.Internal.Manager.Subscription hiding ( submitPackage , unsubscribe , ackPersist , nakPersist , abort ) import Database.EventStore.Internal.Operation hiding (retry) import Database.EventStore.Internal.Processor import Database.EventStore.Internal.Types import Database.EventStore.Logging -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Worker = Reader ThreadId | Runner ThreadId | Writer ThreadId deriving Show -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Used to determine if we hit the end of the queue. data Slot a = Slot !a | End -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A 'TQueue' that can be cycled. newtype CycleQueue a = CycleQueue (TQueue (Slot a)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Creates an empty 'CycleQueue'. newCycleQueue :: IO (CycleQueue a) newCycleQueue = fmap CycleQueue newTQueueIO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Gets an element from the 'CycleQueue'. readCycleQueue :: CycleQueue a -> STM a readCycleQueue (CycleQueue q) = do Slot a <- readTQueue q return a -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Writes an element to the 'CycleQueue'. writeCycleQueue :: CycleQueue a -> a -> STM () writeCycleQueue (CycleQueue q) a = writeTQueue q (Slot a) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Empties a 'CycleQueue'. emptyCycleQueue :: CycleQueue a -> STM () emptyCycleQueue (CycleQueue q) = writeTQueue q End >> go where go = do s <- readTQueue q case s of End -> return () _ -> go -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Updates a 'CycleQueue'. updateCycleQueue :: CycleQueue a -> (a -> STM (Maybe a)) -> STM () updateCycleQueue (CycleQueue q) k = writeTQueue q End >> go where go = do s <- readTQueue q case s of End -> return () Slot a -> do r <- k a case r of Nothing -> go Just a' -> writeTQueue q (Slot a') >> go -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Indicates if a 'CycleQueue' is empty. isEmptyCycleQueue :: CycleQueue a -> STM Bool isEmptyCycleQueue (CycleQueue q) = isEmptyTQueue q -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wkUpdState :: Worker -> State -> State wkUpdState (Reader tid) s = s { _reader = Just tid } wkUpdState (Runner tid) s = s { _runner = Just tid } wkUpdState (Writer tid) s = s { _writer = Just tid } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Holds the execution model state. data Production = Prod { _submit :: TVar (Msg -> IO ()) -- ^ The action to call when pushing new command. , _waitClosed :: STM () -- ^ Action that attests the execution model has been closed successfully. -- It doesn't mean the execution model hasn't been shutdown because of -- some random exception. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Main execution environment used among different transitions. data Env = Env { _setts :: Settings -- ^ Global settings reference. , _queue :: CycleQueue Msg -- ^ That queue ties the user, the reader thread and the manager thread. -- The user and the reader push new messages onto the queue while the -- manager dequeue and handles one message at the time. , _pkgQueue :: CycleQueue Package -- ^ That queue ties the writer thread with the manager thread. The writer -- dequeue packages from that queue and sends those to the server. While -- the manager pushes new packages on every new submitted operation. , _jobQueue :: CycleQueue Job -- ^ That queue ties the runner thread with the manager thread. The runner -- dequeues IO action from it while the manager pushes new command -- finalizers as those arrived. , _state :: TVar State -- ^ Holds manager thread state. , _nextSubmit :: TVar (Msg -> IO ()) -- ^ Indicates the action to call in order to push new commands. , _connRef :: IORef InternalConnection -- ^ Connection to the server. , _disposed :: TMVar () -- ^ Indicates when the production execution model has been shutdown and -- disposed any ongoing operations. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data Msg = Stopped Worker SomeException | Arrived Package | Shutdown | forall a. NewOperation (Either OperationError a -> IO ()) (Operation a) | ConnectStream (SubConnectEvent -> IO ()) Text Bool | ConnectPersist (SubConnectEvent -> IO ()) Text Text Int32 | Unsubscribe Running | CreatePersist (Either PersistActionException ConfirmedAction -> IO ()) Text Text PersistentSubscriptionSettings | UpdatePersist (Either PersistActionException ConfirmedAction -> IO ()) Text Text PersistentSubscriptionSettings | DeletePersist (Either PersistActionException ConfirmedAction -> IO ()) Text Text | AckPersist Running [UUID] | NakPersist Running NakAction (Maybe Text) [UUID] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pushCmd :: Production -> Msg -> IO () pushCmd (Prod _sender _) msg = do push <- readTVarIO _sender push msg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Asks to shutdown the connection to the server asynchronously. shutdownExecutionModel :: Production -> IO () shutdownExecutionModel prod = pushCmd prod Shutdown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Pushes a new 'Operation' asynchronously. pushOperation :: Production -> (Either OperationError a -> IO ()) -> Operation a -> IO () pushOperation prod k op = pushCmd prod (NewOperation k op) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Subscribes to a regular stream. pushConnectStream :: Production -> (SubConnectEvent -> IO ()) -> Text -> Bool -> IO () pushConnectStream prod k n tos = pushCmd prod (ConnectStream k n tos) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Subscribes to a persistent subscription. pushConnectPersist :: Production -> (SubConnectEvent -> IO ()) -> Text -> Text -> Int32 -> IO () pushConnectPersist prod k g n buf = pushCmd prod (ConnectPersist k g n buf) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Creates a persistent subscription. pushCreatePersist :: Production -> (Either PersistActionException ConfirmedAction -> IO ()) -> Text -> Text -> PersistentSubscriptionSettings -> IO () pushCreatePersist prod k g n setts = pushCmd prod (CreatePersist k g n setts) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Updates a persistent subscription. pushUpdatePersist :: Production -> (Either PersistActionException ConfirmedAction -> IO ()) -> Text -> Text -> PersistentSubscriptionSettings -> IO () pushUpdatePersist prod k g n setts = pushCmd prod (UpdatePersist k g n setts) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Deletes a persistent subscription. pushDeletePersist :: Production -> (Either PersistActionException ConfirmedAction -> IO ()) -> Text -> Text -> IO () pushDeletePersist prod k g n = pushCmd prod (DeletePersist k g n) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Acknowledges a set of events has been successfully handled. pushAckPersist :: Production -> Running -> [UUID] -> IO () pushAckPersist prod run evts = pushCmd prod (AckPersist run evts) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Acknowledges a set of events hasn't been handled successfully. pushNakPersist :: Production -> Running -> NakAction -> Maybe Text -> [UUID] -> IO () pushNakPersist prod run act res evts = pushCmd prod (NakPersist run act res evts) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Unsubscribe from a subscription. pushUnsubscribe :: Production -> Running -> IO () pushUnsubscribe prod r = pushCmd prod (Unsubscribe r) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Waits the execution model to close properly. prodWaitTillClosed :: Production -> IO () prodWaitTillClosed (Prod _ disposed) = atomically disposed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype Job = Job (IO ()) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal Production state. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data State = State { _proc :: !(Processor (IO ())) , _reader :: !(Maybe ThreadId) , _runner :: !(Maybe ThreadId) , _writer :: !(Maybe ThreadId) } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- emptyState :: Settings -> Generator -> State emptyState setts gen = State (newProcessor setts gen) Nothing Nothing Nothing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateProc :: Processor (IO ()) -> State -> State updateProc p s = s { _proc = p } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Reader thread. Keeps reading 'Package' from the server. reader :: Settings -> CycleQueue Msg -> InternalConnection -> IO () reader sett queue c = forever $ do pkg <- connRecv c let cmd = packageCmd pkg uuid = packageCorrelation pkg atomically $ writeCycleQueue queue (Arrived pkg) _settingsLog sett $ Info $ PackageReceived cmd uuid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Writer thread, writes incoming 'Package's -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- writer :: Settings -> CycleQueue Package -> InternalConnection -> IO () writer setts pkg_queue conn = forever $ do pkg <- atomically $ readCycleQueue pkg_queue connSend conn pkg let cmd = packageCmd pkg uuid = packageCorrelation pkg _settingsLog setts $ Info $ PackageSent cmd uuid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Runner thread. Keeps running job comming from the Manager thread. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- runner :: CycleQueue Job -> IO () runner job_queue = forever $ do Job j <- atomically $ readCycleQueue job_queue j -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Spawns a new thread worker. spawn :: Env -> (ThreadId -> Worker) -> IO Worker spawn Env{..} mk = do conn <- readIORef _connRef tid <- mfix $ \tid -> let worker = mk tid action = case worker of Reader _ -> reader _setts _queue conn Runner _ -> runner _jobQueue Writer _ -> writer _setts _pkgQueue conn in forkFinally action $ \r -> case r of Left e -> case asyncExceptionFromException e of Just ThreadKilled -> return () _ -> atomically $ writeCycleQueue _queue $ Stopped worker e _ -> return () return $ mk tid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Loops over a 'Processor''s 'Transition' state machine, returning an updated -- 'Processor' model at the end. runTransition :: Env -> Transition (IO ()) -> STM (Processor (IO ())) runTransition Env{..} = go where go (Produce j nxt) = do let job = Job j writeCycleQueue _jobQueue job go nxt go (Transmit pkg nxt) = do writeCycleQueue _pkgQueue pkg go nxt go (Await new_proc) = return new_proc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | First execution mode. It spawns initial reader, runner and writer threads. -- Then it switches to 'cruising' mode. bootstrap :: Env -> IO () bootstrap env@Env{..} = do rew <- spawn env Reader ruw <- spawn env Runner wrw <- spawn env Writer let _F = wkUpdState rew . wkUpdState ruw . wkUpdState wrw atomically $ modifyTVar' _state _F cruising env -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Crusing execution mode. Reads and handle message coming from the channel as -- those are arrived. That mode is used when the connection to the server is -- still live. We might have deconnection once in a while but at the end, if -- we managed to reconnect to it, we consider everything is fine. cruising :: Env -> IO () cruising env@Env{..} = do msg <- atomically $ readCycleQueue _queue s <- readTVarIO _state case msg of Stopped _ e -> throwIO e Arrived pkg -> do let sm = submitPackage pkg $ _proc s atomically $ do new_proc <- runTransition env sm modifyTVar' _state $ updateProc new_proc cruising env Shutdown -> throwIO ClosedConnection NewOperation k op -> do let sm = newOperation k op $ _proc s atomically $ do new_proc <- runTransition env sm modifyTVar' _state $ updateProc new_proc cruising env ConnectStream k n tos -> do let sm = connectRegularStream k n tos $ _proc s atomically $ do new_proc <- runTransition env sm modifyTVar' _state $ updateProc new_proc cruising env ConnectPersist k g n b -> do let sm = connectPersistent k g n b $ _proc s atomically $ do new_proc <- runTransition env sm modifyTVar' _state $ updateProc new_proc cruising env Unsubscribe r -> do let sm = unsubscribe r $ _proc s atomically $ do new_proc <- runTransition env sm modifyTVar' _state $ updateProc new_proc cruising env CreatePersist k g n psetts -> do let sm = createPersistent k g n psetts $ _proc s atomically $ do new_proc <- runTransition env sm modifyTVar' _state $ updateProc new_proc cruising env UpdatePersist k g n psetts -> do let sm = updatePersistent k g n psetts $ _proc s atomically $ do new_proc <- runTransition env sm modifyTVar' _state $ updateProc new_proc cruising env DeletePersist k g n -> do let sm = deletePersistent k g n $ _proc s atomically $ do new_proc <- runTransition env sm modifyTVar' _state $ updateProc new_proc cruising env AckPersist run evts -> do let sm = ackPersist (return ()) run evts $ _proc s atomically $ do new_proc <- runTransition env sm modifyTVar' _state $ updateProc new_proc cruising env NakPersist run act res evts -> do let sm = nakPersist (return ()) run act res evts $ _proc s atomically $ do new_proc <- runTransition env sm modifyTVar' _state $ updateProc new_proc cruising env -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | That mode is triggered either because the user asks to shutdown the -- connection or because the connection to server has been dropped and we -- can't reconnect. closing :: Env -> IO () closing env@Env{..} = do State _ retid rutid wutid <- readTVarIO _state -- We kill reader and writer threads to avoid in fly package in the cleaning -- phase. traverse_ killThread retid traverse_ killThread wutid -- Discards every 'Package' that was about to be sent. atomically $ emptyCycleQueue _pkgQueue -- Takes care of 'Package's that have already arrived. Just in case those -- are completing or moving forward ongoing operations. Every ongoing -- request is kept for later reconnection. Some transient operations like -- Ack, Nak or Unsubscribe are just discard. atomically $ updateCycleQueue _queue $ \nxt -> case nxt of Arrived pkg -> do s <- readTVar _state let sm = submitPackage pkg $ _proc s nxt_proc <- runTransition env sm modifyTVar' _state $ updateProc nxt_proc return Nothing Shutdown -> return Nothing AckPersist _ _ -> return Nothing NakPersist _ _ _ _ -> return Nothing Unsubscribe _ -> return Nothing Stopped _ _ -> return Nothing _ -> return $ Just nxt -- If the connection is already closed, it will throw an exception. We just -- make sure it doesn't interfere with the cleaning process. conn <- readIORef _connRef _ <- try $ connClose conn :: (IO (Either ConnectionException ())) atomically $ do s <- readTVar _state _ <- runTransition env $ abort $ _proc s return () -- Waits the runner thread to deal with its jobs list. atomically $ do end <- isEmptyCycleQueue _jobQueue unless end retry traverse_ killThread rutid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- raiseException :: Exception e => e -> Msg -> IO () raiseException e _ = throwIO e -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Main Production execution model entry point. newExecutionModel :: Settings -> Discovery -> IO Production newExecutionModel setts disc = do gen <- newGenerator queue <- newCycleQueue pkg_queue <- newCycleQueue job_queue <- newCycleQueue conn <- newConnection setts disc conn_ref <- newIORef conn var <- newTVarIO $ emptyState setts gen nxt_sub <- newTVarIO (atomically . writeCycleQueue queue) disposed <- newEmptyTMVarIO let env = Env setts queue pkg_queue job_queue var nxt_sub conn_ref disposed handler res = do closing env case res of Left e -> do _settingsLog setts (Error $ UnexpectedException e) case fromException e of Just (_ :: ConnectionException) -> atomically $ do writeTVar nxt_sub (raiseException e) putTMVar disposed () _ -> do new_conn <- newConnection setts disc writeIORef conn_ref new_conn _ <- forkFinally (bootstrap env) handler return () _ -> atomically $ putTMVar disposed () _ <- forkFinally (bootstrap env) handler return $ Prod nxt_sub $ do closed <- connIsClosed conn unless closed retry readTMVar disposed