expand-0.0.1: Extensible Pandoc

Safe HaskellNone




header_html' :: (Show a, HExtend (Att (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) sp sp', HasField (Proxy (Ch_inlines_header, [Inline])) chi r, HasField (Proxy (Ch_level_header, Int)) chi a, HasField (Proxy Att_headerNum) l [Int], HasField (Proxy Att_html) r [Char]) => Rule l ho chi par l1 ho1 ic sp l1 ho1 ic sp'Source

Rule that redefines the html attribute for headers such that the associated header number is printed and its id value is set for navigation.

toc_html :: (HExtend (Att (Proxy Att_html) String) sp sp', HasField (Proxy Att_toc) ip [([Int], String)]) => Rule l ho chi ip l1 ho1 ic sp l1 ho1 ic sp'Source

Rule that defines the html attribute for the table of contents

formatToc :: [([Int], String)] -> StringSource

Formats the table of contents to html

semHtml'' :: (HasField (Proxy Att_toc) ip vp, HasField (Proxy (Ch_tl_BlockL_Cons, [Block])) sc r1, HasField (Proxy (Ch_hd_BlockL_Cons, Block)) sc r, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r [a], HasField (Proxy Att_html) r1 [a], HasField (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) ip val, HasField (Proxy Att_toc) ip1 vp1, HasField (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) ip1 val1, HasField (Proxy (Ch_inlines_boldInl, [Inline])) sc1 r2, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r2 [Char], HasField (Proxy Att_sInlStr) r2 a3, HasField (Proxy (Ch_blocks, [Block])) sc2 r3, HasField (Proxy Att_sToc) r3 v, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r3 a4, HasField (Proxy (Ch_inlines_header, [Inline])) scr r4, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r4 [Char], HasField (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) ip4 [Int], HasField (Proxy Att_sInlStr) r4 t1, HasField (Proxy (Ch_tl_InlineL_Cons, [Inline])) sc3 r6, HasField (Proxy (Ch_hd_InlineL_Cons, Inline)) sc3 r5, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r5 [a5], HasField (Proxy Att_html) r6 [a5], HasField (Proxy (Ch_inlines_italInl, [Inline])) sc4 r7, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r7 [Char], HasField (Proxy Att_sInlStr) r7 a6, HasField (Proxy Att_toc) ip8 vp2, HasField (Proxy (Ch_inlines_par, [Inline])) sc5 r8, HasField (Proxy Att_html) r8 [Char], HasField (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) ip8 val2, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_hd_BlockL_Cons, Block)) _hd_BlockL_Cons) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_tl_BlockL_Cons, BlockL)) _tl_BlockL_Cons) HNil)) ic sc, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_inlines_par, InlineL)) _inlines_par) HNil) ic1 sc5, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_inlines_boldInl, InlineL)) _inlines_boldInl) HNil) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_inlines_boldInl, InlineL)) (Record HNil)) HNil) sc1, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_inlines_header, InlineL)) _inlines_header) HNil) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_inlines_header, InlineL)) (Record HNil)) HNil) scr, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_hd_InlineL_Cons, Inline)) _hd_InlineL_Cons) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_tl_InlineL_Cons, InlineL)) _tl_InlineL_Cons) HNil)) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_hd_InlineL_Cons, Inline)) (Record HNil)) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_tl_InlineL_Cons, InlineL)) (Record HNil)) HNil)) sc3, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_inlines_italInl, InlineL)) _inlines_italInl) HNil) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_inlines_italInl, InlineL)) (Record HNil)) HNil) sc4, Kn (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_blocks, BlockL)) _blocks) HNil) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy (Ch_blocks, [Block])) (Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_toc) v) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) [Int]) HNil)))) HNil) sc2, Copy (Proxy Att_toc) (HCons (Proxy Block) (HCons (Proxy BlockL) HNil)) vp ic' (Record ic), Copy (Proxy Att_toc) (HCons (Proxy Block) (HCons (Proxy BlockL) HNil)) vp2 ic'1 (Record ic1), Use (Proxy Att_sToc) (HCons (Proxy Block) (HCons (Proxy BlockL) HNil)) [a1] sc, Use (Proxy Att_sInlStr) (HCons (Proxy InlineL) (HCons (Proxy Inline) HNil)) [Char] sc3, Use (Proxy Att_sToc) (HCons (Proxy Block) (HCons (Proxy BlockL) HNil)) [a7] sc5, ChnChi (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) (HCons (Proxy BlockL) (HCons (Proxy Block) HNil)) val (Record sc) (Record (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_hd_BlockL_Cons, Block)) (Record HNil)) (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_tl_BlockL_Cons, BlockL)) (Record HNil)) HNil))) ic', ChnChi (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) (HCons (Proxy BlockL) (HCons (Proxy Block) HNil)) val2 (Record sc5) (Record (HCons (Chi (Proxy (Ch_inlines_par, InlineL)) (Record HNil)) HNil)) ic'1) => DocSF (ip -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [a]) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) val) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_sToc) [a1]) HNil)))) _hd_BlockL_Cons _tl_BlockL_Cons (ip1 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) val1) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_sToc) [a2]) HNil)))) (ip2 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_sInlStr) a3) HNil))) _inlines_boldInl (ip3 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) a4) HNil)) _blocks (ip4 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) [Int]) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_sToc) [([Int], t1)]) HNil)))) Int _inlines_header (ip5 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [a5]) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_sInlStr) [Char]) HNil))) _hd_InlineL_Cons _tl_InlineL_Cons (ip6 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_sInlStr) [Char]) HNil))) (ip7 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_sInlStr) a6) HNil))) _inlines_italInl (ip8 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) [Char]) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_cHeaderNum) val2) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_sToc) [a7]) HNil)))) _inlines_par (ip9 -> Record (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_html) _str_plainInl) (HCons (LVPair (Proxy Att_sInlStr) _str_plainInl) HNil))) _str_plainInlSource