, NoImplicitPrelude
           , UnicodeSyntax
           , EmptyDataDecls
           , GADTs
           , ScopedTypeVariables

-- |
-- Module      :  System.IO.ExplicitIOModes
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2009-2010 Bas van Dijk
-- License     :  BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas@gmail.com>
-- This module exports a 'Handle' to a file which is parameterized with the
-- IOMode the handle is in. All operations on handles explicitly specify the
-- needed IOMode. This way it is impossible to read from a write-only handle or
-- write to a read-only handle for example.
-- This modules re-exports everything from 'System.IO' so you can just replace:
-- @import System.IO@ with: @import System.IO.ExplicitIOModes@, change some type
-- signatures and expect everything to type-check.
-- There's one exception to this last statement: If you are using the standard
-- handles 'stdin', 'stdout' or 'stderr' in a mode which isn't their default
-- mode ('ReadMode' for 'stdin' and 'WriteMode' for 'stdout' and 'stderr') you
-- have to 'cast' these handles to the expected IOMode.

module System.IO.ExplicitIOModes
    ( -- * The IO monad
    , SIO.fixIO

      -- * Files and handles
    , SIO.FilePath

    , Handle

      -- ** IO Modes

      -- | Types that represent the IOMode a 'Handle' can be in.
    , IOMode(..)
    , regularIOMode

    , ReadMode
    , WriteMode
    , AppendMode
    , ReadWriteMode

    , ReadModes
    , WriteModes

      -- ** Standard handles

      -- | These standard handles have concrete IOModes by default which work
      -- for the majority of cases. In the rare occasion that you know these
      -- handles have different IOModes you can 'cast' them.
    , stdin
    , stdout
    , stderr

    , cast
    , CheckMode

      -- * Opening and closing files
      -- ** Opening files
    , withFile
    , openFile

      -- ** Closing files
    , hClose

      -- ** Special cases
    , SIO.readFile
    , SIO.writeFile
    , SIO.appendFile

      -- * Operations on handles
      -- ** Determining and changing the size of a file
    , hFileSize

    , hSetFileSize

      -- ** Detecting the end of input
    , hIsEOF
    , SIO.isEOF

      -- ** Buffering operations
    , SIO.BufferMode(..)
    , hSetBuffering
    , hGetBuffering
    , hFlush

    -- ** Repositioning handles
    , hGetPosn
    , SIO.hSetPosn
    , SIO.HandlePosn

    , hSeek
    , SIO.SeekMode(..)
#if !defined(__NHC__)
    , hTell

    -- ** Handle properties
    , hIsOpen, hIsClosed
    , hIsReadable, hIsWritable
    , hIsSeekable

    -- ** Terminal operations (not portable: GHC/Hugs only)
#if !defined(__NHC__)
    , hIsTerminalDevice

    , hSetEcho
    , hGetEcho

    -- ** Showing handle state (not portable: GHC only)
    , hShow

    -- * Text input and output
    -- ** Text input

    -- | Note that the following text input operations are polymorphic in the
    -- IOMode of the given handle. However the IOModes are restricted to
    -- 'ReadModes' only which can be either 'ReadMode' or 'ReadWriteMode'.
    , hWaitForInput
    , hReady
    , hGetChar
    , hGetLine
    , hLookAhead
    , hGetContents

    -- ** Text ouput

    -- | Note that the following text output operations are polymorphic in the
    -- IOMode of the given handle. However the IOModes are restricted to
    -- 'WriteModes' only which can be either 'WriteMode', 'AppendMode' or
    -- 'ReadWriteMode'.
    , hPutChar
    , hPutStr
    , hPutStrLn
    , hPrint

    -- ** Special cases for standard input and output

    -- | These functions are also exported by the \"Prelude\".

    , SIO.interact
    , SIO.putChar
    , SIO.putStr
    , SIO.putStrLn
    , SIO.print
    , SIO.getChar
    , SIO.getLine
    , SIO.getContents
    , SIO.readIO
    , SIO.readLn

    -- * Binary input and output
    , withBinaryFile
    , openBinaryFile
    , hSetBinaryMode
    , hPutBuf
    , hGetBuf

#if !defined(__NHC__) && !defined(__HUGS__)
    , hPutBufNonBlocking
    , hGetBufNonBlocking

    -- * Temporary files
    , openTempFile
    , openBinaryTempFile

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
    , openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions
    , openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0) && !defined(__NHC__) && !defined(__HUGS__)
    -- * Unicode encoding/decoding
    , hSetEncoding
    , hGetEncoding

    -- ** Unicode encodings
    , SIO.TextEncoding
    , SIO.latin1
    , SIO.utf8, SIO.utf8_bom
    , SIO.utf16, SIO.utf16le, SIO.utf16be
    , SIO.utf32, SIO.utf32le, SIO.utf32be
    , SIO.localeEncoding
    , SIO.mkTextEncoding

    -- * Newline conversion
    , hSetNewlineMode
    , SIO.Newline(..)
    , SIO.nativeNewline
    , SIO.NewlineMode(..)

    , SIO.noNewlineTranslation, SIO.universalNewlineMode, SIO.nativeNewlineMode
    ) where

-- Imports

-- from base:
import Prelude             ( Integer )
import Control.Monad       ( return, (>>=), fail, liftM, liftM2 )
import Control.Arrow       ( second )
import Foreign.Ptr         ( Ptr )
import Data.Eq             ( Eq, (==) )
import Data.Ord            ( Ord, (<=) )
import Data.Function       ( ($) )
import Data.Bool           ( Bool(False, True) )
import Data.Maybe          ( Maybe(Nothing, Just) )
import Data.Int            ( Int )
import Data.Char           ( Char, String )
import Text.Show           ( Show, show )
import System.IO           ( IO, FilePath )

import qualified System.IO as SIO

-- from base-unicode-symbols:
import Data.Function.Unicode ( () )
import Data.Bool.Unicode     ( () )

-- from tagged:
import Data.Tagged ( Tagged(Tagged), unTagged )

-- from ourselves:
import System.IO.ExplicitIOModes.Internal ( Handle(Handle) )
import System.IO.ExplicitIOModes.Unsafe   ( wrap )

-- * Files and handles

-- ** IO Modes

-- | The IOMode GADT which for each constructor specifies the associated IOMode
-- type.
-- Also see: @System.IO.@'SIO.IOMode'.
data IOMode ioMode where
    ReadMode       IOMode ReadMode
    WriteMode      IOMode WriteMode
    AppendMode     IOMode AppendMode
    ReadWriteMode  IOMode ReadWriteMode

-- | Retrieves the regular @System.IO.@'SIO.IOMode'.
regularIOMode  IOMode ioMode  SIO.IOMode
regularIOMode ReadMode      = SIO.ReadMode
regularIOMode WriteMode     = SIO.WriteMode
regularIOMode AppendMode    = SIO.AppendMode
regularIOMode ReadWriteMode = SIO.ReadWriteMode

instance Eq (IOMode ioMode) where
    ReadMode      == ReadMode      = True
    WriteMode     == WriteMode     = True
    AppendMode    == AppendMode    = True
    ReadWriteMode == ReadWriteMode = True
    _             == _             = False

instance Ord (IOMode ioMode) where
    ReadWriteMode <= ReadWriteMode = True
    ReadWriteMode <= _             = False

    AppendMode    <= ReadWriteMode = True
    AppendMode    <= AppendMode    = True
    AppendMode    <= _             = False

    WriteMode     <= ReadWriteMode = True
    WriteMode     <= AppendMode    = True
    WriteMode     <= WriteMode     = True
    WriteMode     <= _             = False

    ReadMode      <= ReadWriteMode = True
    ReadMode      <= AppendMode    = True
    ReadMode      <= WriteMode     = True
    ReadMode      <= ReadMode      = True

instance Show (IOMode ioMode) where
    show ReadMode      = "ReadMode"
    show WriteMode     = "WriteMode"
    show AppendMode    = "AppendMode"
    show ReadWriteMode = "ReadWriteMode"

-- | Read only.
data ReadMode

-- | Write only.
data WriteMode

-- | Write only by appending.
data AppendMode

-- | Both read and write.
data ReadWriteMode

-- | Class of readable IO mode types.
class ReadModes  ioMode

-- | Class of writable IO mode types.
class WriteModes ioMode

instance ReadModes ReadMode
instance ReadModes ReadWriteMode

instance WriteModes WriteMode
instance WriteModes AppendMode
instance WriteModes ReadWriteMode

-- ** Standard handles

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.stdin'.
stdin  Handle ReadMode
stdin = Handle SIO.stdin

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.stdout'.
stdout  Handle WriteMode
stdout = Handle SIO.stdout

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.stderr'.
stderr  Handle WriteMode
stderr = Handle SIO.stderr

-- | Cast the IOMode of a handle if the handle supports it.
cast   anyIOMode castedIOMode. CheckMode castedIOMode
      Handle anyIOMode  IO (Maybe (Handle castedIOMode))
cast (Handle h) = do
  b  unTagged (checkMode  Tagged castedIOMode (SIO.Handle  IO Bool)) h
  return $ if b
           then Just $ Handle h
           else Nothing

class CheckMode ioMode where
    checkMode  Tagged ioMode (SIO.Handle  IO Bool)

instance CheckMode ReadMode where
    checkMode = Tagged SIO.hIsReadable

instance CheckMode WriteMode where
    checkMode = Tagged SIO.hIsWritable

instance CheckMode AppendMode where
    checkMode = Tagged SIO.hIsWritable

instance CheckMode ReadWriteMode where
    checkMode = Tagged $ \h  liftM2 () (SIO.hIsReadable h)
                                         (SIO.hIsWritable h)

-- * Opening and closing files

-- ** Opening files

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.withFile'.
withFile  FilePath  IOMode ioMode  (Handle ioMode  IO α)  IO α
withFile fp ioMode f = SIO.withFile fp (regularIOMode ioMode) $ f  Handle

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.openFile'.
openFile  FilePath  IOMode ioMode  IO (Handle ioMode)
openFile fp = liftM Handle  SIO.openFile fp  regularIOMode

-- ** Closing files

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hClose'.
hClose  Handle ioMode  IO ()
hClose = wrap SIO.hClose

-- * Operations on handles

-- ** Determining and changing the size of a file

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hFileSize'.
hFileSize  Handle ioMode  IO Integer
hFileSize = wrap SIO.hFileSize

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hSetFileSize'.
hSetFileSize  Handle ioMode  Integer  IO ()
hSetFileSize = wrap SIO.hSetFileSize

-- ** Detecting the end of input

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsEOF'.
hIsEOF  ReadModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  IO Bool
hIsEOF = wrap SIO.hIsEOF

-- ** Buffering operations

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hSetBuffering'.
hSetBuffering  Handle ioMode  SIO.BufferMode  IO ()
hSetBuffering = wrap SIO.hSetBuffering

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetBuffering'.
hGetBuffering  Handle ioMode  IO SIO.BufferMode
hGetBuffering = wrap SIO.hGetBuffering

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hFlush'.
hFlush  Handle ioMode  IO ()
hFlush = wrap SIO.hFlush

-- ** Repositioning handles

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetPosn'.
hGetPosn  Handle ioMode  IO SIO.HandlePosn
hGetPosn = wrap SIO.hGetPosn

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hSeek'.
hSeek  Handle ioMode  SIO.SeekMode  Integer  IO ()
hSeek = wrap SIO.hSeek

#if !defined(__NHC__)
-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hTell'.
hTell  Handle ioMode  IO Integer
hTell = wrap SIO.hTell

-- ** Handle properties

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsOpen'.
hIsOpen  Handle ioMode  IO Bool
hIsOpen = wrap SIO.hIsOpen

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsClosed'.
hIsClosed  Handle ioMode  IO Bool
hIsClosed = wrap SIO.hIsClosed

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsReadable'.
hIsReadable  Handle ioMode  IO Bool
hIsReadable = wrap SIO.hIsReadable

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsWritable'.
hIsWritable  Handle ioMode  IO Bool
hIsWritable = wrap SIO.hIsWritable

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsSeekable'.
hIsSeekable  Handle ioMode  IO Bool
hIsSeekable = wrap SIO.hIsSeekable

-- ** Terminal operations (not portable: GHC/Hugs only)

#if !defined(__NHC__)
-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hIsTerminalDevice'.
hIsTerminalDevice  Handle ioMode  IO Bool
hIsTerminalDevice = wrap SIO.hIsTerminalDevice

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hSetEcho'.
hSetEcho  Handle ioMode  Bool  IO ()
hSetEcho = wrap SIO.hSetEcho

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetEcho'.
hGetEcho  Handle ioMode  IO Bool
hGetEcho = wrap SIO.hGetEcho

-- ** Showing handle state (not portable: GHC only)

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hShow'.
hShow  Handle ioMode  IO String
hShow = wrap SIO.hShow

-- * Text input and output

-- ** Text input

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hWaitForInput'.
hWaitForInput  ReadModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  Int  IO Bool
hWaitForInput = wrap SIO.hWaitForInput

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hReady'.
hReady  ReadModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  IO Bool
hReady = wrap SIO.hReady

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetChar'.
hGetChar  ReadModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  IO Char
hGetChar = wrap SIO.hGetChar

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetLine'.
hGetLine  ReadModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  IO String
hGetLine = wrap SIO.hGetLine

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hLookAhead'.
hLookAhead  ReadModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  IO Char
hLookAhead = wrap SIO.hLookAhead

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetContents'.
hGetContents  ReadModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  IO String
hGetContents = wrap SIO.hGetContents

-- ** Text ouput

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hPutChar'.
hPutChar  WriteModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  Char  IO ()
hPutChar = wrap SIO.hPutChar

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hPutStr'.
hPutStr  WriteModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  String  IO ()
hPutStr = wrap SIO.hPutStr

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hPutStrLn'.
hPutStrLn  WriteModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  String  IO ()
hPutStrLn = wrap SIO.hPutStrLn

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hPrint'.
hPrint  (WriteModes ioMode, Show α)  Handle ioMode  α  IO ()
hPrint = wrap SIO.hPrint

-- * Binary input and output

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.withBinaryFile'.
withBinaryFile  FilePath  IOMode ioMode  (Handle ioMode  IO r)  IO r
withBinaryFile fp ioMode f = SIO.withBinaryFile fp (regularIOMode ioMode) $ f  Handle

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.openBinaryFile'.
openBinaryFile  FilePath  IOMode ioMode  IO (Handle ioMode)
openBinaryFile fp = liftM Handle  SIO.openBinaryFile fp  regularIOMode

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hSetBinaryMode'.
hSetBinaryMode  Handle ioMode  Bool  IO ()
hSetBinaryMode = wrap SIO.hSetBinaryMode

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hPutBuf'.
hPutBuf  WriteModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  Ptr α  Int  IO ()
hPutBuf = wrap SIO.hPutBuf

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetBuf'.
hGetBuf  ReadModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  Ptr α  Int  IO Int
hGetBuf = wrap SIO.hGetBuf

#if !defined(__NHC__) && !defined(__HUGS__)
-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hPutBufNonBlocking'.
hPutBufNonBlocking  WriteModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  Ptr α  Int  IO Int
hPutBufNonBlocking = wrap SIO.hPutBufNonBlocking

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.hGetBufNonBlocking'.
hGetBufNonBlocking  ReadModes ioMode  Handle ioMode  Ptr α  Int  IO Int
hGetBufNonBlocking = wrap SIO.hGetBufNonBlocking

-- * Temporary files

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.openTempFile'.
openTempFile  FilePath  String  IO (FilePath, Handle ReadWriteMode)
openTempFile fp template =
    liftM (second Handle) $ SIO.openTempFile fp template

-- | Wraps: @System.IO.@'SIO.openBinaryTempFile'.
openBinaryTempFile  FilePath  String  IO (FilePath, Handle ReadWriteMode)
openBinaryTempFile fp template =
    liftM (second Handle) $ SIO.openBinaryTempFile fp template

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0)
openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions  FilePath  String  IO (FilePath, Handle ReadWriteMode)
openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions fp template =
    liftM (second Handle) $ SIO.openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions fp template

openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions  FilePath  String  IO (FilePath, Handle ReadWriteMode)
openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions fp template =
    liftM (second Handle) $ SIO.openBinaryTempFileWithDefaultPermissions fp template

#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,2,0) && !defined(__NHC__) && !defined(__HUGS__)
-- * Unicode encoding/decoding

hSetEncoding  Handle ioMode  SIO.TextEncoding  IO ()
hSetEncoding = wrap SIO.hSetEncoding

hGetEncoding  Handle ioMode  IO (Maybe SIO.TextEncoding)
hGetEncoding = wrap SIO.hGetEncoding

-- * Newline conversion

hSetNewlineMode  Handle ioMode  SIO.NewlineMode  IO ()
hSetNewlineMode = wrap SIO.hSetNewlineMode

-- The End ---------------------------------------------------------------------