explicit-sharing-0.7: Explicit Sharing of Monadic Effects

MaintainerSebastian Fischer <mailto:sebf@informatik.uni-kiel.de>



Automatic deriving of monadic data types and corresponding instances.



monadic :: DerivationSource

Derives monadic datatypes and instances for explicit sharing as well as conversion. Combines the other three derivations which provide the same functionality split into different parts.

You usually need the following preamble when deriving monadic code:

 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell
   , KindSignatures
   , MultiParamTypeClasses
   , FlexibleInstances
 import Control.Monad.Sharing
 import Data.Monadic.Derive
 import Data.DeriveTH

If your types contain lists, you also need to

 import Data.Monadic.List

With this prerequisites, you can derive a monadic Maybe type by

 $(derive monadic ''Maybe)

makeMData :: DerivationSource

Generates a monadic datatype and corresponding con- and destructor functions from a Haskell datatype.

For example, the datatype

 data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

can be translated into its monadic counterpart by typing

 $(derive makeMData ''Maybe)

This call generates the following datatype

 data MMaybe m a = MNothing | MJust (m a)

and the following auxiliary functions for constructing and matching monadic values:

 mNothing :: Monad m => m (MMaybe m a)
 mNothing = return MNothing
 mJust :: Monad m => m a -> m (MMaybe m a)
 mJust a = return (MJust a)
 matchMMaybe :: Monad m => m (MMaybe m a) -> m b -> (m a -> m b) -> m b
 matchMMaybe x n j = x >>= \x -> case x of { MNothing -> n; MJust a -> j a }

makeShareable :: DerivationSource

Generates a Shareable instance for a monadic datatype.

For example the call

 $(derive makeShareable ''Maybe)

generates the following instance:

 instance (Monad m, Shareable m a) => Shareable (Maybe m a) where
   shareArgs fun MNothing  = return MNothing
   shareArgs fun (MJust a) = fun a >>= \a -> mJust a

makeConvertible :: DerivationSource

Generates Convertible instances to convert between monadic and non-monadic datatypes.

For example, the call

 $(derive makeConvertible ''Maybe)

generates the following instances:

 instance (Monad m, Convertible m a a')
       => Convertible m (Maybe a) (MMaybe m a') where
   convArgs fun Nothing  = mNothing
   convArgs fun (Just a) = mJust (fun a)
 instance (Monad m, Convertible m a' a)
       => Convertible m (MMaybe m a') (Maybe a) where
   convArgs fun MNothing  = return Nothing
   convArgs fun (MJust a) = (a >>= fun) >>= \a -> return (Just a)