-- Copyright 2009, Cetin Sert -- | ExPloRe: Experimental Plot Reconstructor module Main where import System.Environment import System.Directory import System.IO.Unsafe import System.Exit import Data.Word import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Storable import Data.Array.Storable import Control.Monad import Codec.Image.PNG import Help -- | line names in legends type Name = String -- | file paths type ImagePath = String -- | legends type Legend = [(Name, RGBA)] -- | internal representation of an unnormalized explore invocation data ExploreInvocation = Explore ImagePath Legend Matching ScanArea StepSize Translation deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- | 32-bit color representation data RGBA = RGBA !Word8 !Word8 !Word8 !Word8 -- ^ RED BLUE GREEN ALPHA deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- storable instance for retrieveal instance Storable RGBA where sizeOf _ = sizeOf (0 :: Word8) * 4 alignment _ = 1 peek color = do let byte :: Ptr Word8 = castPtr color [r,g,b,a] <- mapM (byte @!) [0..3] return $ RGBA r g b a -- | colour matching behaviour data Matching = S -- ^ strict | TA Int -- ^ shared threshold for all color components | TC Int Int Int Int -- ^ individual thresholds for color components deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- | scan area -- w = width of the PNG image -- h = height of the PNG image data ScanArea = F -- ^ scan all the image area (FULL) | 0 0 w h | O Int Int -- ^ offset from LEFT TOP | L T w h | M Int Int Int Int -- ^ offset from LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM | L T (w-R) (h-B) | B Int Int Int Int -- ^ box LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM | L T R B deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- | vertical offset reference line data VerticalOffsetReferenceLine = Top -- ^ top line of plot box | Bottom -- ^ bottom line of plot box deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- | translation data Translation = Identity -- ^ identity translation | Box VerticalOffsetReferenceLine -- ^ box translation | Default -- ^ gets normalized to the default translation deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- | step size data StepSize = ConstantJump Double -- ^ only step size supported upto version | WidthDivision Double -- ^ deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- | normalizes scan area representations normalizeScanArea :: Int -> Int -> ScanArea -> ScanArea normalizeScanArea w h F = B 0 0 w h normalizeScanArea w h (O l t) = B l t w h normalizeScanArea w h (M l t r b) = B l t (w-r) (h-b) normalizeScanArea _ _ box = box -- | horizontal translation function type HTrans = Int -> Int -- | vertical translation function type VTrans = Int -> Int -- | creates translation functions makeTranslationFunctions :: Translation -> ScanArea -> (HTrans, VTrans) makeTranslationFunctions Identity _ = (id, id) makeTranslationFunctions (Box Top ) (B l t r b) = ((− l),(− t)) makeTranslationFunctions (Box Bottom) (B l t r b) = ((− l),(b −)) (−) = (-) -- | fuzzy color matching colorEq :: Matching -> RGBA -> RGBA -> Bool colorEq S = compEq 0 0 0 0 colorEq (TA v) = compEq v v v v colorEq (TC r g b a) = compEq r g b a -- | fuzzy color matching compEq :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> RGBA -> RGBA -> Bool compEq tr tg tb ta (RGBA a b c d) (RGBA x y z w) = let fe = fuzzyEq in fe tr a x && fe tg b y && fe tb c z && fe ta d w -- | simple fuzzy equality fuzzyEq :: forall b a. (Num b, Ord b, Integral a) => b -> a -> a -> Bool fuzzyEq 0 = (==) fuzzyEq t = \x y -> t > (abs $ fromIntegral x - fromIntegral y) -- | gets the middle element of a list, used as a quick median function mid :: forall a. [a] -> a mid xs = xs !! (fromIntegral . floor . (/ 2) . fromIntegral . length) xs (@!) :: Storable a => Ptr a -> Int -> IO a (@!) = peekElemOff make2DIndexer :: Storable a => Int -> Ptr a -> Int -> Int -> a make2DIndexer w = \p j i -> unsafePerformIO $ p @! (i + j * w) -- | ExPloRe requires PNGs with transparency channel and no interlacing checkAlpha :: PNGImage -> IO () checkAlpha (hasAlphaChannel -> True) = return () checkAlpha _ = putStrLn "no alpha channel going on!!!" >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1) -- | check presence of arguments, show usage otherwise checkArgs :: [String] -> IO () checkArgs [] = putStrLn help >> exitSuccess checkArgs _ = return () hrule :: Char -> String hrule = replicate 80 -- | main main :: IO () main = do putStrLn $ "ExPloRe : Experimental Plot Reconstructor" putStrLn $ hrule '=' args <- getArgs checkArgs args putStrLn $ "invocation file" putStrLn $ hrule '-' putStrLn $ tail (filter (/= '"') $ concatMap (('\n':) . show) args) ++ "\n" putStrLn $ hrule '-' explore <- makeInvocation args run explore -- | supports invocation files and provides backwards-compatibility with -- style command line arguments makeInvocation :: [String] -> IO ExploreInvocation makeInvocation [invocationPath] = do makeInvocation =<< (liftM lines . readFile $ invocationPath) makeInvocation args = do putStrLn $ "args : " ++ show args let (imgPath:legend_:matching_:area_:step_:oargs) = args matching <- return . read $ matching_ area <- return . read $ area_ lfexists <- doesFileExist legend_ legend <- case lfexists of True -> liftM read . readFile $ legend_ _ -> return . read $ legend_ stepSize <- return $ case step_ of ('/':parts) -> WidthDivision $ read parts size -> ConstantJump $ read size translation <- return $ case null oargs of True -> Box Bottom _ -> read . head $ oargs return $ Explore imgPath legend matching area stepSize translation -- | new run function run :: ExploreInvocation -> IO () run invocation@(Explore imgPath legend matching area stepSize translation) = do -- initialize image Right img <- loadPNGFile imgPath let bitmap = imageData img let (wu,hu) = dimensions img let (w,h) = (fromIntegral wu, fromIntegral hu) args <- getArgs putStrLn $ "image : " ++ imgPath putStrLn $ "width : " ++ show w putStrLn $ "height: " ++ show h checkAlpha img -- initialize scan let box@(B l t r b) = normalizeScanArea w h area :: ScanArea let start = fromIntegral l :: Double let end = fromIntegral r :: Double let step = case stepSize of ConstantJump size -> size WidthDivision parts -> (end - start) / parts let trans = case translation of Default -> Box Bottom any -> any let (@#) = make2DIndexer w let rows = [t..b] let cols = takeWhile (< r) $ map (floor . (start +) . (step *)) [0..] let icols = zip [1..] cols let (~=) = colorEq matching putStrLn $ "box : " ++ show box putStrLn $ "width : " ++ show (r - l) putStrLn $ "height: " ++ show (b - t) putStrLn $ "trans.: " ++ show trans putStrLn $ "match : " ++ show matching putStrLn $ "step : " ++ show stepSize putStrLn $ "step : " ++ (show $ convertStepSize (end - start) stepSize) -- display legend putStrLn $ "#lines: " ++ (show . length $ legend) putStrLn $ "" mapM_ (putStrLn . show) legend -- scan bitmap mapM_ (scan bitmap trans box icols rows (@#) (~=)) legend -- | converts step-size representations convertStepSize :: Double -> StepSize -> StepSize convertStepSize width (ConstantJump size ) = WidthDivision $ width / size convertStepSize width (WidthDivision parts) = ConstantJump $ width / parts -- | a very simple scanning algorithm that works only if no lines -- occlude each other. scan bitmap translation box@(B l t r b) icols rows (@#) (~=) (name,color) = do putStrLn $ "" putStrLn $ hrule '-' putStrLn $ name putStrLn $ "" putStrLn $ show color putStrLn $ "" putStrLn $ "box : " ++ show box putStrLn $ "width : " ++ show (r - l) putStrLn $ "height : " ++ show (b - t) putStrLn $ "translation: " ++ show translation putStrLn $ "" putStrLn $ "x\tpoint\tmid y\tmatching ys" putStrLn $ "" withStorableArray bitmap $ \byte -> do let pixel :: Ptr RGBA = castPtr byte let (hof,vof) = makeTranslationFunctions translation box forM_ icols $ \(n,j) -> do let ys = map vof $ flip filter rows $ \i -> (pixel @# i) j ~= color let my = mid ys let x = hof j putStrLn $ case not . null $ ys of True -> show x ++ "\t" ++ show n ++ "\t" ++ show my ++ "\t" ++ show ys False -> show x ++ "\t" ++ show n ++ "\t \t[]" -- Copyright 2010, Cetin Sert