A set of example programs for handling external core format. In particular, typechecker and interpreter give a precise semantics. ==== Documentation ==== Documentation for the External Core format lives under docs/ext-core in the GHC tree (for the most current version). In general, a PDF version lives at: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/ext-core/core.pdf ==== Building ==== The ext-core library can be built in the usual Cabal manner: 1. runhaskell Setup.lhs configure 2. runhaskell Setup.lhs build 3. runhaskell Setup.lhs install The file Language/Core/PrimEnv.hs can be automatically generated from GHC's primop table. This distribution (as of September 2009) contains a snapshot of GHC 6.10.4's primops. See the sources for Setup.lhs in this directory for how to re-generate this file from a more recent version of GHC (you need a GHC build tree if you want to do this.) ==== Running the code ==== The easiest way to run the included checker and interpreter is to install and use the Core Linker, which combines multiple External Core source files into a single source file. Since even a very simple GHC- compiled program relies on many different library modules, this makes the code easier, and (as of September 2009) I haven't recently tested the checker and interpreter on Core programs consisting of sets of multiple modules. [TODO: where do you get the Core Linker?] To use the tools, you need to generate External Core for all the base, integer and ghc-prim libraries. You need a GHC source tree for this. Adding "-fext-core" to the GhcLibHcOpts in your build.mk file, then run "make" under libraries/. If you want to run the sample interpreter, then before doing the previous step, you need to apply a small library patch that circumvents some of GHC's implementations of I/O functions to avoid exposing primops that the ext-core interpreter doesn't know how to do. In this directory, you'll find a patch called simple_io.dpatch. "darcs apply" it under libraries/base. Once you've compiled all the libraries to Core, installed the Core Linker, and generated an example file from it -- say, hello_out.hcr -- you can try running the checker and interpreter. To do that, build the example Driver program (included in this directory) with: ghc -package extcore Driver.hs -o Driver and then: ./Driver hello_out.hcr Of course, you can also import Language.Core.ParsecParser, Language.Core.Check, Language.Core.Interp, etc. from your own programs. Tested most recently with GHC 6.10.4. ==== Bugs? ==== Probably. Please direct questions or bug reports both to: Tim Chevalier and to glasgow-haskell-users@haskell.org ==== Notes ==== [Warning: the following notes may be out of date, as of September 2009.] The checker should work on most programs. Bugs (and infelicities) I'm aware of: There's some weirdness involving funny character literals. This can be fixed by writing a new lexer for chars rather than using Parsec's built-in charLiteral lexer. But I haven't done that. Typechecking all the GHC libraries eats about a gig of heap and takes a long time. I blame Parsec. (Someone who was bored, or understood happy better than I do, could update the old happy parser, which is still in the repo.) The interpreter is also memory-hungry, but works for small programs that only do simple I/O (e.g., putStrLn is okay; not much more than that) and don't use Doubles or arrays. For example: exp3_8, gen_regexps, queens, primes, rfib, tak, wheel-sieve1, and wheel-sieve2, if modified so as not to take input or arguments.