{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
Preprocess a module to normalize it in the following ways:
	(1) Saturate all constructor and primop applications. 
              (as well as external calls; this is probably already
               guaranteed, but paranoia is good)
	(2) Arrange that any non-trivial expression of unlifted kind ('#')
             is turned into the scrutinee of a Case.
After these preprocessing steps, Core can be interpreted (or given an operational semantics)
      ignoring type information almost completely.

module Language.Core.Prep where

import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Generics
import qualified Data.Map as M

import Language.Core.Core
import Language.Core.CoreUtils
import Language.Core.Env
import Language.Core.Check
import Language.Core.Environments
import Language.Core.Utils

prepModule :: Menv -> Module -> Module
prepModule globalEnv (Module mn tdefs vdefgs) =
    Module mn tdefs (snd (evalState 
      (foldM prepTopVdefg (eempty,[]) vdefgs) initCounter))
    (tcenv, cenv) = mkTypeEnvsNoChecking tdefs

    prepTopVdefg :: (Venv, [Vdefg]) -> Vdefg -> PrepM (Venv, [Vdefg])
    prepTopVdefg (venv,vdefgs) vdefg = do
         (venv',vdefg') <- prepVdefg (venv,eempty) vdefg
         return (venv',vdefgs ++ [vdefg'])
    prepVdefg (env@(venv,_)) (Nonrec(Vdef((Nothing,x),t,e))) = do
        e' <- prepExp env e
	return (eextend venv (x,t), Nonrec(Vdef((Nothing,x),t,e')))
    prepVdefg (env@(venv,_))  (Nonrec(Vdef(qx,t,e))) = do
        e' <- prepExp env e
     	return (venv, Nonrec(Vdef(qx,t,e')))
    prepVdefg (venv,tvenv) (Rec vdefs) = do
        vds' <- mapM (\ (Vdef (qx,t,e)) -> do
                         e' <- prepExp (venv',tvenv) e
                         return (Vdef (qx,t,e'))) vdefs
	return (venv', Rec vds')
	where venv' = foldl' eextend venv [(x,t) | Vdef((Nothing,x),t,_) <- vdefs]

    prepExp :: (Venv, Tvenv) -> Exp -> PrepM Exp
    prepExp env e@(Var qv) | isPrimVar qv = 
     -- trace ("prepExp: e = " ++ show e) $
        unwindApp env e []
    prepExp _ (Var qv) = 
      return $ -- trace ("prepExp: v = " ++ show qv) $
        Var qv
    prepExp _ (Dcon qdc) = return $ Dcon qdc
    prepExp _ (Lit l) = return $ Lit l
    prepExp env e@(App _ _) = unwindApp env e []
    prepExp env e@(Appt _ _) = unwindApp env e []
    prepExp (venv,tvenv) (Lam (Vb vb) e) = do
       e' <- prepExp (eextend venv vb,tvenv) e             
       return $ Lam (Vb vb) e' 
    prepExp (venv,tvenv) (Lam (Tb tb) e) = do
       e' <- prepExp (venv,eextend tvenv tb) e
       return $ Lam (Tb tb) e' 
    prepExp env@(venv,tvenv) (Let (Nonrec(Vdef((Nothing,x),t,b))) e) 
        | (kindOfTy tvenv t `eqKind` Kunlifted && suspends b) = do 
            -- There are two places where we call the typechecker, one of them
            -- here.
            -- We need to know the type of the let body in order to construct
            -- a case expression. 
                                -- need to extend the env with the let-bound var too!
            scrut' <- prepExp env b
            rhs' <- prepExp (eextend venv (x,t),tvenv) e
            return $
              let eTy = typeOfExp (eextend venv (x, t)) tvenv e in
                Case scrut' (x,t) eTy [Adefault rhs'] 
    prepExp (venv,tvenv) (Let vdefg e) =  do
      (venv',vdefg') <- prepVdefg (venv,tvenv) vdefg
      rhs' <- prepExp (venv',tvenv) e
      return $ Let vdefg' rhs'
    prepExp env@(venv,tvenv) (Case e vb t alts) = do
      e' <- prepExp env e
      alts' <- mapM (prepAlt (eextend venv vb,tvenv)) alts
      return $ Case e' vb t alts'
    prepExp env (Cast e t) = do
      e' <- prepExp env e
      return $ Cast e' t
    prepExp env (Note s e) = do
      e' <- prepExp env e
      return $ Note s e'
    prepExp _ (External s t) = return $ External s t

    prepAlt :: (Venv,Tvenv) -> Alt -> PrepM Alt
    prepAlt (venv,tvenv) (Acon qdc tbs vbs e) = do
      rhs' <- prepExp (foldl' eextend venv vbs,foldl' eextend tvenv tbs) e
      return $ Acon qdc tbs vbs rhs'
    prepAlt env (Alit l e) = (liftM (Alit l)) (prepExp env e)
    prepAlt env (Adefault e) = (liftM Adefault) (prepExp env e)

    unwindApp :: (Venv, Tvenv) -> Exp -> [Either Exp Ty] -> PrepM Exp
    unwindApp env (App e1 e2) as = unwindApp env e1 (Left e2:as)
    unwindApp env (Appt e t) as  = unwindApp env e (Right t:as)
    unwindApp env (op@(Dcon qdc)) as = do
        e' <- rewindApp env op as
        -- possibly dubious to assume no type args
        etaExpand [] (drop n atys) e'
        where (tbs,atys0,_) = splitTy (qlookup cenv_ eempty qdc)
	      atys = map (substl (map fst tbs) ts) atys0
	      ts = [t | Right t <- as]
              n = length [e | Left e <- as]
    unwindApp env (op@(Var qv)) as | isPrimVar qv = do
        e' <- rewindApp env op as
        out_ <- etaExpand (snd (unzip (drop (length ts) tbs))) (drop n atys) e'
        let (bs,body) = splitLambda out_
        let (tbinds,vbinds) = splitBinds bs
        let out = foldr (\ (t,k) e -> Lam (Tb (t,k)) e)
              (foldr (\ (v,t) e -> Lam (Vb (v,t)) e)
                     body (map (\ (v,t) -> (v,substl (map fst tbs)
                                                     (map (Tvar . fst) tbinds) t))
                            vbinds)) tbinds
        return $
         -- trace ("in = " ++ show op ++ " and " ++ show as ++ ", out = " ++ show out) $
        where (tbs,atys0,_) = splitTy (qlookup venv_ eempty qv)
              atys = map (substl (map fst tbs) ts) atys0
              ts = [t | Right t <- as]
              n = length [e | Left e <- as]
    unwindApp env (op@(External _ t)) as = do
        e' <- rewindApp env op as
        etaExpand [] (drop n atys) e'
          where (_,atys,_) = splitTy t
                n = length as -- assumes all args are term args
    unwindApp env op as = rewindApp env op as

    etaExpand :: [Kind] -> [Ty] -> Exp -> PrepM Exp
    etaExpand ks ts e = do
         -- what a pain
         tyvs <- replicateM (length ks) freshVar
         termvs <- replicateM (length ts) freshVar
         let tyArgs   = zip tyvs ks
         let termArgs = zip termvs ts
         return $
          foldr (\ (t1,k1) e -> Lam (Tb (t1,k1)) e)
	   (foldr (\ (v,t) e -> Lam (Vb (v,t)) e)
              (foldl' (\ e (v,_) -> App e (Var (unqual v)))
                 (foldl' (\ e (tv,_) -> Appt e (Tvar tv))
                   e tyArgs)
              termArgs) termArgs)

    rewindApp :: (Venv, Tvenv) -> Exp -> [Either Exp Ty] -> PrepM Exp
    rewindApp _ e [] = return e
    rewindApp env@(venv,tvenv) e1 (Left e2:as) | kindOfTy tvenv t `eqKind` Kunlifted && suspends e2 = do
        v <- freshVar
        let venv' = eextend venv (v,t)
        rhs <- rewindApp (venv', tvenv) (App e1 (Var (unqual v))) as
        newScrut <- prepExp env e2
       -- This is the other place where we call the typechecker.
        return $ Case newScrut (v,t) (typeOfExp venv' tvenv rhs) [Adefault rhs]
        where t = typeOfExp venv tvenv e2
    rewindApp env e1 (Left e2:as) = do
      e2' <- prepExp env e2
      rewindApp env (App e1 e2') as
    rewindApp env e (Right t:as) = rewindApp env (Appt e t) as

    typeOfExp :: Venv -> Tvenv -> Exp -> Ty
    typeOfExp = checkExpr mn globalEnv tcenv cenv

    kindOfTy :: Tvenv -> Ty -> Kind
    kindOfTy tvenv = checkType mn globalEnv tcenv tvenv

    {- Return false for those expressions for which Interp.suspendExp builds a thunk. -}
    suspends (Var _) = False
    suspends (Lit _) = False
    suspends (Lam (Vb _) _) = False
    suspends (Lam _ e) = suspends e
    suspends (Appt e _) = suspends e
    suspends (Cast e _) = suspends e
    suspends (Note _ e) = suspends e
    suspends (External _ _) = False
    suspends _ = True

    mlookup :: (Envs -> Env a b) -> Env a b -> Mname -> Env a b
    mlookup _ local_env Nothing = local_env
    mlookup selector _  (Just m) =   
      case elookup globalEnv m of
        Just env -> selector env
        Nothing -> error ("Prep: undefined module name: " ++ show m)

    qlookup ::  (Ord a, Show a) => (Envs -> Env a b) -> Env a b -> (Mname,a) -> b
    qlookup selector local_env (m,k) =   
      case elookup (mlookup selector local_env m) k of
        Just v -> v
        Nothing -> error ("undefined identifier: " ++ show k)

boundVars :: Exp -> [Id]
boundVars (Lam (Vb (v,_)) e) = [v] `union` boundVars e
boundVars (Lam _ e) = boundVars e
boundVars (Let vds e) = (boundVarsVdefs vds) `union` boundVars e
boundVars (Case scrut (v,_) _ alts) = 
   [v] `union` (boundVars scrut) `union` boundVarsAlts alts
boundVars (Cast e _) = boundVars e
boundVars (Note _ e) = boundVars e
boundVars (App e1 e2) = boundVars e1 `union` boundVars e2
boundVars (Appt e _) = boundVars e
boundVars _ = []

boundVarsVdefs :: Vdefg -> [Id]
boundVarsVdefs (Rec vds) = nub (concatMap boundVarsVdef vds)
boundVarsVdefs (Nonrec vd) = boundVarsVdef vd

boundVarsVdef :: Vdef -> [Id]
boundVarsVdef (Vdef ((_,v),_,e)) = [v] `union` boundVars e

boundVarsAlts :: [Alt] -> [Var]
boundVarsAlts as = nub (concatMap boundVarsAlt as)

boundVarsAlt :: Alt -> [Var]
boundVarsAlt (Acon _ _ vbs e) = (map fst vbs) `union` (boundVars e)
boundVarsAlt (Alit _ e) = boundVars e
boundVarsAlt (Adefault e) = boundVars e

substNewtys :: NtEnv -> Ty -> Ty
substNewtys ntEnv = everywhere'Except (mkT go)
                 where go t | Just ((_,tc),args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe t =
                         case M.lookup tc ntEnv of
                           Just d -> -- trace ("applying newtype: " ++ show t) $
                                       (snd (applyNewtype d args))
                           Nothing  -> t
                       go t = t

newtypeCoercion_maybe :: NtEnv -> Ty -> Maybe CoercionKind
newtypeCoercion_maybe ntEnv t | Just ((_,tc),_) <- splitTyConApp_maybe t =
  M.lookup tc ntEnv
newtypeCoercion_maybe _ _ = Nothing

mkTapp :: Ty -> [Ty] -> Ty
mkTapp = foldl Tapp

initCounter :: Int
initCounter = 0

type PrepM = State Int

freshVar :: PrepM String
freshVar = do
  i <- get
  put (i+1)
  return $ ("zd" ++ show i)