{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | An example of non-trivial interaction of effects, handling of two
-- effects together
-- Non-determinism with control (cut)
-- For the explanation of cut, see Section 5 of Hinze ICFP 2000 paper.
-- Hinze suggests expressing cut in terms of cutfalse:
-- > = return () `mplus` cutfalse
-- > where
-- >  cutfalse :: m a
-- satisfies the following laws:
-- >  cutfalse >>= k  = cutfalse              (F1)
-- >  cutfalse | m    = cutfalse              (F2)
-- (note: @m \``mplus`\` cutfalse@ is different from @cutfalse \``mplus`\` m@)
-- In other words, cutfalse is the left zero of both bind and mplus.
-- Hinze also introduces the operation @`call` :: m a -> m a@ that
-- delimits the effect of cut: @`call` m@ executes m. If the cut is
-- invoked in m, it discards only the choices made since m was called.
-- Hinze postulates the axioms of `call`:
-- >  call false = false                          (C1)
-- >  call (return a | m) = return a | call m     (C2)
-- >  call (m | cutfalse) = call m                (C3)
-- >  call (lift m >>= k) = lift m >>= (call . k) (C4)
-- @`call` m@ behaves like @m@ except any cut inside @m@ has only a local effect,
-- he says.
-- Hinze noted a problem with the \"mechanical\" derivation of backtracing
-- monad transformer with cut: no axiom specifying the interaction of
-- call with bind; no way to simplify nested invocations of call.
-- We use exceptions for cutfalse
-- Therefore, the law @cutfalse >>= k = cutfalse@
-- is satisfied automatically since all exceptions have the above property.
module Control.Eff.Cut( CutFalse (..)
                      , call
                      , cutfalse
                      ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Typeable

import Control.Eff
import Control.Eff.Choose
import Control.Eff.Exception

data CutFalse = CutFalse deriving Typeable

cutfalse :: Member (Exc CutFalse) r => Eff r a
cutfalse = throwExc CutFalse

-- | The interpreter -- it is like reify . reflect with a twist
-- Compare this implementation with the huge implementation of call
-- in Hinze 2000 (Figure 9)
-- Each clause corresponds to the axiom of call or cutfalse.
-- All axioms are covered.
-- The code clearly expresses the intuition that call watches the choice points
-- of its argument computation. When it encounteres a cutfalse request,
-- it discards the remaining choicepoints.
-- It completely handles CutFalse effects but not non-determinism.
call :: Member Choose r => Eff (Exc CutFalse :> r) a -> Eff r a
call m = loop [] (admin m) where
 loop jq (Pure x) = return x `mplus'` next jq          -- (C2)
 loop jq (Free u) = case decomp u of
    Right (Exc CutFalse) -> mzero'  -- drop jq (F2)
    Left u' -> check jq u'

 check jq u | Just (Choose [] _) <- prj u  = next jq  -- (C1)
 check jq u | Just (Choose [x] k) <- prj u = loop jq (k x)  -- (C3), optim
 check jq u | Just (Choose lst k) <- prj u = next $ map k lst ++ jq -- (C3)
 check jq u = send (<$> u) >>= loop jq      -- (C4)

 next []    = mzero'
 next (h:t) = loop t h