{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, CPP #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Test.Extrapolate.Derive
-- Copyright   : (c) 2017 Rudy Matela
-- License     : 3-Clause BSD  (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  : Rudy Matela <rudy@matela.com.br>
-- This module is part of Extrapolate,
-- a library for generalization of counter-examples.
-- This is a module for deriving 'Generalizable' instances.
-- Needs GHC and Template Haskell (tested on GHC 8.0).
-- If Extrapolate does not compile under later GHCs, this module is the
-- probable culprit.
module Test.Extrapolate.Derive
  ( deriveGeneralizable
  , deriveGeneralizableIfNeeded
  , deriveGeneralizableCascading

import Test.Extrapolate.Core hiding (isInstanceOf)
import Test.Extrapolate.TypeBinding
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Test.LeanCheck.Basic
import Test.LeanCheck.Utils.TypeBinding
import Test.LeanCheck.Derive (deriveListableIfNeeded)
import Control.Monad (unless, liftM, liftM2, filterM)
import Data.List (delete,nub,sort)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Functor ((<$>)) -- for GHC <= 7.8
import Data.Typeable
import Test.Extrapolate.Utils (foldr0)

-- | Derives a 'Generalizable' instance for a given type 'Name'.
-- Consider the following @Stack@ datatype:
-- > data Stack a = Stack a (Stack a) | Empty
-- Writing
-- > deriveGeneralizable ''Stack
-- will automatically derive the following 'Generalizable' instance:
-- > instance Generalizable a => Generalizable (Stack a) where
-- >   expr s@(Stack x y) = constant "Stack" (Stack ->>: s) :$ expr x :$ expr y
-- >   expr s@Empty       = constant "Empty" (Empty   -: s)
-- >   instances s = this "s" s
-- >               $ let Stack x y = Stack undefined undefined `asTypeOf` s
-- >                 in instances x
-- >                  . instances y
-- This function needs the @TemplateHaskell@ extension.
deriveGeneralizable :: Name -> DecsQ
deriveGeneralizable = deriveGeneralizableX True False

-- | Same as 'deriveGeneralizable' but does not warn when instance already exists
--   ('deriveGeneralizable' is preferable).
deriveGeneralizableIfNeeded :: Name -> DecsQ
deriveGeneralizableIfNeeded = deriveGeneralizableX False False

-- | Derives a 'Generalizable' instance for a given type 'Name'
--   cascading derivation of type arguments as well.
deriveGeneralizableCascading :: Name -> DecsQ
deriveGeneralizableCascading = deriveGeneralizableX True True

deriveGeneralizableX :: Bool -> Bool -> Name -> DecsQ
deriveGeneralizableX warnExisting cascade t = do
  is <- t `isInstanceOf` ''Generalizable
  if is
    then do
      unless (not warnExisting)
        (reportWarning $ "Instance Generalizable " ++ show t
                      ++ " already exists, skipping derivation")
      return []
      if cascade
        then liftM2 (++) (deriveListableCascading t) (reallyDeriveGeneralizableCascading t)
        else liftM2 (++) (deriveListableIfNeeded t)  (reallyDeriveGeneralizable t)

reallyDeriveGeneralizable :: Name -> DecsQ
reallyDeriveGeneralizable t = do
  isEq <- t `isInstanceOf` ''Eq
  isOrd <- t `isInstanceOf` ''Ord
  (nt,vs) <- normalizeType t
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
  cxt <- sequence [ [t| $(conT c) $(return v) |]
  -- template-haskell <=
  cxt <- sequence [ classP c [return v]
                  | c <- ''Generalizable:([''Eq | isEq] ++ [''Ord | isOrd])
                  , v <- vs]
  cs <- typeConstructorsArgNames t
  asName <- newName "x"
  let generalizableExpr = mergeIFns $ foldr1 mergeI
        [ do retTypeOf <- lookupValN $ "-" ++ replicate (length ns) '>' ++ ":"
             let exprs = [[| expr $(varE n) |] | n <- ns]
             let conex = [| $(varE retTypeOf) $(conE c) $(varE asName) |]
             let root = [| constant $(stringE $ showJustName c) $(conex) |]
             let rhs = foldl (\e1 e2 -> [| $e1 :$ $e2 |]) root exprs
             [d| instance Generalizable $(return nt) where
                   expr $(asP asName $ conP c (map varP ns)) = $rhs |]
        | (c,ns) <- cs
  let generalizableBackground = do
        n <- newName "x"
        case (isEq, isOrd) of
          (True, True) ->
            [d| instance Generalizable $(return nt) where
                  background $(varP n) = [ constant "==" ((==) -:> $(varE n))
                                         , constant "/=" ((/=) -:> $(varE n))
                                         , constant "<"  ((<)  -:> $(varE n))
                                         , constant "<=" ((<=) -:> $(varE n)) ] |]
          (True, False) ->
            [d| instance Generalizable $(return nt) where
                  background $(varP n) = [ constant "==" ((==) -:> $(varE n))
                                         , constant "/=" ((/=) -:> $(varE n)) ] |]
          (False, False) ->
            [d| instance Generalizable $(return nt) where
                  background $(varP n) = [] |]
          _ -> error $ "reallyDeriveGeneralizable " ++ show t ++ ": the impossible happened"
  let generalizableInstances = do
        n <- newName "x"
        let lets = [letin n c ns | (c,ns) <- cs, not (null ns)]
        let rhs = foldr0 (\e1 e2 -> [| $e1 . $e2 |]) [|id|] lets
        [d| instance Generalizable $(return nt) where
              instances $(varP n) = this $(varE n) $ $rhs |]
  let generalizableName = do
        [d| instance Generalizable $(return nt) where
              name _ = $(stringE vname) |]
  cxt |=>| (generalizableName `mergeI` generalizableExpr
                              `mergeI` generalizableBackground
                              `mergeI` generalizableInstances)
  showJustName = reverse . takeWhile (/= '.') . reverse . show
  vname = map toLower . take 1 $ showJustName t

letin :: Name -> Name -> [Name] -> ExpQ
letin x c ns = do
  und <- VarE <$> lookupValN "undefined"
  let lhs = conP c (map varP ns)
  let rhs = return $ foldl AppE (ConE c) [und | _ <- ns]
  let bot = foldl1 (\e1 e2 -> [| $e1 . $e2 |])
                   [ [| instances $(varE n) |] | n <- ns ]
  [| let $lhs = $rhs `asTypeOf` $(varE x) in $bot |]

typeConstructorsArgNames :: Name -> Q [(Name,[Name])]
typeConstructorsArgNames t = do
  cs <- typeConstructors t
  sequence [ do ns <- sequence [newName "x" | _ <- ts]
                return (c,ns)
           | (c,ts) <- cs ]

lookupValN :: String -> Q Name
lookupValN s = do
  mn <- lookupValueName s
  case mn of
    Just n -> return n
    Nothing -> fail $ "lookupValN: cannot find " ++ s

data Bla = Bla Int Int
         | Ble Char
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- Not only really derive Generalizable instances,
-- but cascade through argument types.
reallyDeriveGeneralizableCascading :: Name -> DecsQ
reallyDeriveGeneralizableCascading t =
      return . concat
  =<< mapM reallyDeriveGeneralizable
  =<< filterM (liftM not . isTypeSynonym)
  =<< return . (t:) . delete t
  =<< t `typeConCascadingArgsThat` (`isntInstanceOf` ''Generalizable)

-- * Template haskell utilities

typeConArgs :: Name -> Q [Name]
typeConArgs t = do
  is <- isTypeSynonym t
  if is
    then liftM typeConTs $ typeSynonymType t
    else liftM (nubMerges . map typeConTs . concat . map snd) $ typeConstructors t
  typeConTs :: Type -> [Name]
  typeConTs (AppT t1 t2) = typeConTs t1 `nubMerge` typeConTs t2
  typeConTs (SigT t _) = typeConTs t
  typeConTs (VarT _) = []
  typeConTs (ConT n) = [n]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
  -- typeConTs (PromotedT n) = [n] ?
  typeConTs (InfixT  t1 n t2) = typeConTs t1 `nubMerge` typeConTs t2
  typeConTs (UInfixT t1 n t2) = typeConTs t1 `nubMerge` typeConTs t2
  typeConTs (ParensT t) = typeConTs t
  typeConTs _ = []

typeConArgsThat :: Name -> (Name -> Q Bool) -> Q [Name]
typeConArgsThat t p = do
  targs <- typeConArgs t
  tbs   <- mapM (\t' -> do is <- p t'; return (t',is)) targs
  return [t' | (t',p) <- tbs, p]

typeConCascadingArgsThat :: Name -> (Name -> Q Bool) -> Q [Name]
t `typeConCascadingArgsThat` p = do
  ts <- t `typeConArgsThat` p
  let p' t' = do is <- p t'; return $ t' `notElem` (t:ts) && is
  tss <- mapM (`typeConCascadingArgsThat` p') ts
  return $ nubMerges (ts:tss)

-- Normalizes a type by applying it to necessary type variables, making it
-- accept "zero" parameters.  The normalized type is tupled with a list of
-- necessary type variables.
-- Suppose:
-- > data DT a b c ... = ...
-- Then, in pseudo-TH:
-- > normalizeType [t|DT|] == Q (DT a b c ..., [a, b, c, ...])
normalizeType :: Name -> Q (Type, [Type])
normalizeType t = do
  ar <- typeArity t
  vs <- newVarTs ar
  return (foldl AppT (ConT t) vs, vs)
    newNames :: [String] -> Q [Name]
    newNames = mapM newName
    newVarTs :: Int -> Q [Type]
    newVarTs n = liftM (map VarT)
               $ newNames (take n . map (:[]) $ cycle ['a'..'z'])

-- Normalizes a type by applying it to units (`()`) while possible.
-- > normalizeTypeUnits ''Int    === [t| Int |]
-- > normalizeTypeUnits ''Maybe  === [t| Maybe () |]
-- > normalizeTypeUnits ''Either === [t| Either () () |]
normalizeTypeUnits :: Name -> Q Type
normalizeTypeUnits t = do
  ar <- typeArity t
  return (foldl AppT (ConT t) (replicate ar (TupleT 0)))

-- Given a type name and a class name,
-- returns whether the type is an instance of that class.
isInstanceOf :: Name -> Name -> Q Bool
isInstanceOf tn cl = do
  ty <- normalizeTypeUnits tn
  isInstance cl [ty]

isntInstanceOf :: Name -> Name -> Q Bool
isntInstanceOf tn cl = liftM not (isInstanceOf tn cl)

-- | Given a type name, return the number of arguments taken by that type.
-- Examples in partially broken TH:
-- > arity ''Int        === Q 0
-- > arity ''Int->Int   === Q 0
-- > arity ''Maybe      === Q 1
-- > arity ''Either     === Q 2
-- > arity ''Int->      === Q 1
-- This works for Data's and Newtype's and it is useful when generating
-- typeclass instances.
typeArity :: Name -> Q Int
typeArity t = do
  ti <- reify t
  return . length $ case ti of
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
    TyConI (DataD    _ _ ks _ _) -> ks
    TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ ks _ _) -> ks
    TyConI (DataD    _ _ ks _ _ _) -> ks
    TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ ks _ _ _) -> ks
    TyConI (TySynD _ ks _) -> ks
    _ -> error $ "error (typeArity): symbol " ++ show t
              ++ " is not a newtype, data or type synonym"

-- Given a type name, returns a list of its type constructor names paired with
-- the type arguments they take.
-- > typeConstructors ''()    === Q [('(),[])]
-- > typeConstructors ''(,)   === Q [('(,),[VarT a, VarT b])]
-- > typeConstructors ''[]    === Q [('[],[]),('(:),[VarT a,AppT ListT (VarT a)])]
-- > data Pair a = P a a
-- > typeConstructors ''Pair  === Q [('P,[VarT a, VarT a])]
-- > data Point = Pt Int Int
-- > typeConstructors ''Point === Q [('Pt,[ConT Int, ConT Int])]
typeConstructors :: Name -> Q [(Name,[Type])]
typeConstructors t = do
  ti <- reify t
  return . map simplify $ case ti of
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
    TyConI (DataD    _ _ _ cs _) -> cs
    TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ _ c  _) -> [c]
    TyConI (DataD    _ _ _ _ cs _) -> cs
    TyConI (NewtypeD _ _ _ _ c  _) -> [c]
    _ -> error $ "error (typeConstructors): symbol " ++ show t
              ++ " is neither newtype nor data"
  simplify (NormalC n ts)  = (n,map snd ts)
  simplify (RecC    n ts)  = (n,map trd ts)
  simplify (InfixC  t1 n t2) = (n,[snd t1,snd t2])
  trd (x,y,z) = z

isTypeSynonym :: Name -> Q Bool
isTypeSynonym t = do
  ti <- reify t
  return $ case ti of
    TyConI (TySynD _ _ _) -> True
    _                     -> False

typeSynonymType :: Name -> Q Type
typeSynonymType t = do
  ti <- reify t
  return $ case ti of
    TyConI (TySynD _ _ t') -> t'
    _ -> error $ "error (typeSynonymType): symbol " ++ show t
              ++ " is not a type synonym"

-- Append to instance contexts in a declaration.
-- > sequence [[|Eq b|],[|Eq c|]] |=>| [t|instance Eq a => Cl (Ty a) where f=g|]
-- > == [t| instance (Eq a, Eq b, Eq c) => Cl (Ty a) where f = g |]
(|=>|) :: Cxt -> DecsQ -> DecsQ
c |=>| qds = do ds <- qds
                return $ map (`ac` c) ds
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
  where ac (InstanceD c ts ds) c' = InstanceD (c++c') ts ds
        ac d                   _  = d
  where ac (InstanceD o c ts ds) c' = InstanceD o (c++c') ts ds
        ac d                     _  = d

mergeIFns :: DecsQ -> DecsQ
mergeIFns qds = do ds <- qds
                   return $ map m' ds
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
  m' (InstanceD   c ts ds) = InstanceD   c ts [foldr1 m ds]
  m' (InstanceD o c ts ds) = InstanceD o c ts [foldr1 m ds]
  FunD n cs1 `m` FunD _ cs2 = FunD n (cs1 ++ cs2)

mergeI :: DecsQ -> DecsQ -> DecsQ
qds1 `mergeI` qds2 = do ds1 <- qds1
                        ds2 <- qds2
                        return $ ds1 `m` ds2
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
  [InstanceD   c ts ds1] `m` [InstanceD   _ _ ds2] = [InstanceD   c ts (ds1 ++ ds2)]
  [InstanceD o c ts ds1] `m` [InstanceD _ _ _ ds2] = [InstanceD o c ts (ds1 ++ ds2)]

whereI :: DecsQ -> [Dec] -> DecsQ
qds `whereI` w = do ds <- qds
                    return $ map (`aw` w) ds
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
  where aw (InstanceD   c ts ds) w' = InstanceD   c ts (ds++w')
        aw d                     _  = d
  where aw (InstanceD o c ts ds) w' = InstanceD o c ts (ds++w')
        aw d                     _  = d

-- > nubMerge xs ys == nub (merge xs ys)
-- > nubMerge xs ys == nub (sort (xs ++ ys))
nubMerge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
nubMerge [] ys = ys
nubMerge xs [] = xs
nubMerge (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y     = x :    xs  `nubMerge` (y:ys)
                       | x > y     = y : (x:xs) `nubMerge`    ys
                       | otherwise = x :    xs  `nubMerge`    ys

nubMerges :: Ord a => [[a]] -> [a]
nubMerges = foldr nubMerge []