Extrapolate =========== [![Extrapolate Build Status][build-status]][build-log] [![Extrapolate on Hackage][hackage-version]][extrapolate-on-hackage] [![Extrapolate on Stackage LTS][stackage-lts-badge]][extrapolate-on-stackage-lts] [![Extrapolate on Stackage Nightly][stackage-nightly-badge]][extrapolate-on-stackage-nightly] ![Extrapolate logo][extrapolate-logo] Extrapolate is a [property-based testing] library for [Haskell] capable of reporting generalized counter-examples. Installing Extrapolate ---------------------- To install the latest version of [Extrapolate from Hackage] using [cabal], just: $ cabal update $ cabal install extrapolate To test if it installed correctly, follow through the next section. Starting from Cabal v3, you need to pass `--lib` to `cabal install`: $ cabal install extrapolate --lib Using Extrapolate ----------------- To use Extrapolate, you first import the [`Test.Extrapolate`] module, then pass any properties you with to test to the function [`check`]: $ ghci > import Test.Extrapolate > check $ \x y -> x + y == y + (x :: Int) +++ OK, passed 360 tests. > import Data.List (nub) > check $ \xs -> nub xs == (xs :: [Int]) *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests): [0,0] Generalization: x:x:_ The operator [`+`] is commutative. The function [`nub`] is not an identity. ### Configuring the number of tests To increase the number of tests, use the [`for`] combinator: $ ghci > import Test.Extrapolate > check `for` 1000 $ \x y -> x + y == y + (x :: Int) +++ OK, passed 1000 tests. ### Customizing the background functions (allowed in side-conditions) To customize the background functions, use the [`withBackground`] combinator: $ ghci > import Test.Extrapolate > import Data.List (nub) > let hasDups xs = nub xs /= (xs :: [Int]) > check `withBackground` [constant "hasDups" hasDups] $ \xs -> nub xs == (xs :: [Int]) *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 3 tests): [0,0] Generalization: x:x:_ Conditional Generalization: xs when hasDups xs Perhaps the example above is silly (`hasDups` is the negation of the property itself!), but it illustrates the use of [`withBackground`]. The combinators [`for`] and [`withBackground`] can be used in conjunction: > check `for` 100 `withBackground` [...] $ property Don't forget the dollar sign [`$`]. Another Example --------------- Consider the following (faulty) sort function and a property about it: sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] sort [] = [] sort (x:xs) = sort (filter (< x) xs) ++ [x] ++ sort (filter (> x) xs) prop_sortCount :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> Bool prop_sortCount x xs = count x (sort xs) == count x xs where count x = length . filter (== x) After testing the property, Extrapolate returns a fully defined counter-example along with a generalization: > import Test.Extrapolate > check (prop_sortCount :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool) *** Failed! Falsifiable (after 4 tests): 0 [0,0] Generalization: x (x:x:_) This hopefully makes it easier to find the source of the bug. In this case, the faulty sort function discards repeated elements. Further reading --------------- For more examples, see the [eg](eg) folder. For type signatures, other options and uses, see [Extrapolate's API documentation]. There are two other tools for [Haskell] capable of producing generalized counter-examples: [SmartCheck] and [Lazy SmallCheck 2012]. Extrapolate was accepted for presentation at [IFL 2017], see the [IFL paper about Extrapolate](https://matela.com.br/paper/extrapolate.pdf). Extrapolate is also subject to a chapter in a [PhD Thesis (2017)]. [extrapolate-on-hackage]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/extrapolate [Extrapolate from Hackage]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/extrapolate [Extrapolate's API documentation]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/extrapolate/docs/Test-Extrapolate.html [`Test.Extrapolate`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/extrapolate/docs/Test-Extrapolate.html [`check`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/extrapolate/docs/Test-Extrapolate.html#v:check [`for`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/extrapolate/docs/Test-Extrapolate.html#v:for [`withBackground`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/extrapolate/docs/Test-Extrapolate.html#v:withBackground [`$`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- [`+`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base/docs/Prelude.html#v:-43- [`nub`]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base/docs/Data-List.html#v:nub [Haskell]: https://www.haskell.org/ [cabal]: https://www.haskell.org/cabal/ [property-based testing]: https://github.com/rudymatela/leancheck/blob/master/doc/tutorial.md [IFL 2017]: http://iflconference.org/ [SmartCheck]: https://github.com/leepike/SmartCheck [Lazy SmallCheck 2012]: https://github.com/UoYCS-plasma/lazysmallcheck2012 [PhD Thesis (2017)]: https://matela.com.br/paper/rudy-phd-thesis-2017.pdf [extrapolate-logo]: https://github.com/rudymatela/extrapolate/raw/master/doc/extrapolate.svg?sanitize=true [build-log]: https://github.com/rudymatela/extrapolate/actions/workflows/build.yml [build-status]: https://github.com/rudymatela/extrapolate/actions/workflows/build.yml/badge.svg [hackage-version]: https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/extrapolate.svg [stackage-lts-badge]: https://stackage.org/package/extrapolate/badge/lts [stackage-nightly-badge]: https://stackage.org/package/extrapolate/badge/nightly [extrapolate-on-stackage]: https://stackage.org/package/extrapolate [extrapolate-on-stackage-lts]: https://stackage.org/lts/package/extrapolate [extrapolate-on-stackage-nightly]: https://stackage.org/nightly/package/extrapolate