{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, NoMonomorphismRestriction, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, DeriveGeneric, GADTs, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module EZCouch.View where

import Prelude ()
import ClassyPrelude
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Aeson
import EZCouch.Action
import EZCouch.Entity
import EZCouch.Types
import EZCouch.Design 
import EZCouch.WriteAction
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified EZCouch.Model.Design as DesignModel
import qualified EZCouch.Model.View as ViewModel
import qualified EZCouch.Base62 as Base62
import Data.Hashable 
import EZCouch.JS

type ViewModel = ViewModel.View
type DesignModel = DesignModel.Design

data ViewKey a = 
  ViewKeyField Text |
  -- ^ A path to a field value.
  -- Assuming the following record declarations:
  -- > data A = A { b :: B }
  -- > data B = B { c :: Int }
  -- A path value of @\"b.c\"@ will emit the values of the @c@ field of a JSON 
  -- object representing the record @B@ in a view key of type @ViewKey A@.
  -- Yes, it's not static. But it's probably the only place in the library that 
  -- the compiler doesn't check for you.
  -- ^ This will emit a JavaScript @Math.random()@ value as a key. This is what 
  -- makes the querying for random entities possible.
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance ToJS (ViewKey a) where
  toJS (ViewKeyField field) = "doc." ++ field
  toJS ViewKeyRandom = "Math.random()"
instance Hashable (ViewKey a) where
  hashWithSalt salt = hashWithSalt salt . toJS

data View entity keys where
    :: View entity Text
    :: ViewKey a 
    -> View entity a
    :: ViewKey a 
    -> ViewKey b 
    -> View entity (a, b)
    :: ViewKey a 
    -> ViewKey b 
    -> ViewKey c 
    -> View entity (a, b, c)
    :: ViewKey a 
    -> ViewKey b 
    -> ViewKey c 
    -> ViewKey d 
    -> View entity (a, b, c, d)
    :: ViewKey a 
    -> ViewKey b 
    -> ViewKey c 
    -> ViewKey d 
    -> ViewKey e 
    -> View entity (a, b, c, d, e)
    :: ViewKey a 
    -> ViewKey b 
    -> ViewKey c 
    -> ViewKey d 
    -> ViewKey e 
    -> ViewKey f 
    -> View entity (a, b, c, d, e, f)
    :: ViewKey a 
    -> ViewKey b 
    -> ViewKey c 
    -> ViewKey d 
    -> ViewKey e 
    -> ViewKey f 
    -> ViewKey g 
    -> View entity (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

deriving instance Show (View entity keys)
deriving instance Eq (View entity keys)
instance Hashable (View entity keys) where
  hashWithSalt salt view = case view of
    ViewById -> 0
    ViewByKeys1 a -> hashWithSalt salt a
    ViewByKeys2 a b -> hashWithSalt salt (a, b)
    ViewByKeys3 a b c -> hashWithSalt salt (a, b, c)
    ViewByKeys4 a b c d -> hashWithSalt salt (a, b, c, d)
    ViewByKeys5 a b c d e -> hashWithSalt salt (a, b, c, d, e)
    ViewByKeys6 a b c d e f -> hashWithSalt salt (a, b, c, d, e, f)
    ViewByKeys7 a b c d e f g -> hashWithSalt salt (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

viewGeneratedName :: View a k -> Maybe Text
viewGeneratedName view = case view of
  ViewById -> Nothing
  view -> Just $ pack . Base62.encodeSigned64 . fromIntegral . hash $ view

viewDocType :: (Entity a) => View a k -> Text
viewDocType = entityType . (undefined :: View a k -> a)

viewDesignName :: (Entity a) => View a k -> Maybe Text
viewDesignName ViewById = Nothing
viewDesignName view = entityType . (undefined :: View a k -> a) <$> Just view

viewKeysJS view = case view of
  ViewById -> Nothing
  ViewByKeys1 a -> Just $ toJS a
  ViewByKeys2 a b -> Just $ toJS (a, b)
  ViewByKeys3 a b c -> Just $ toJS (a, b, c)
  ViewByKeys4 a b c d -> Just $ toJS (a, b, c, d)
  ViewByKeys5 a b c d e -> Just $ toJS (a, b, c, d, e)
  ViewByKeys6 a b c d e f -> Just $ toJS (a, b, c, d, e, f)
  ViewByKeys7 a b c d e f g -> Just $ toJS (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

viewMapFunctionJS :: (Entity a) => View a k -> Maybe Text
viewMapFunctionJS view = fmap concat $ sequence [
    pure "function (doc) { if (doc._id.lastIndexOf('",
    viewDesignName view,
    pure "-') == 0) emit(",
    viewKeysJS view,
    pure ", null) }"

viewPath :: (Entity a) => View a k -> [Text]
viewPath view = case view of
  ViewById -> ["_all_docs"]
  _ -> ["_design", fromMaybe undefined $ viewDesignName view, 
        "_view", fromMaybe undefined $ viewGeneratedName view]

createOrUpdateView :: (MonadAction m, Entity a) 
  => View a k 
  -> m (Persisted (DesignModel a))
createOrUpdateView view
  | Just name <- viewGeneratedName view,
    Just model <- ViewModel.View <$> viewMapFunctionJS view <*> pure Nothing
    = createOrUpdateDesignView name model
  | otherwise = error "EZCouch.View.createOrUpdateView: Attempt to persist a view which does not support it"