module Data.Combinators.TH (makeCombinator) where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char

-- (1) Main generation function -----

{- | Build a special combinator given a data type name.


-- List type
data List a = Nil | List a (List a)

makeCombinator ''List

This example will generate the following code:

makeCombinator ''ListF
  listf f_acw7 f_acw8 Nil = f_acw7 ()
  listf f_acw7 f_acw8 (Cons a_acw9 a_acwa) = f_acw8 (a_acw9, a_acwa)
makeCombinator :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeCombinator t = do
    TyConI d <- reify t
    let constructors = typeInfo d -- Get constructors

    pe <- genPE "f" (length constructors) -- Generate patterns and expressions 
                                          -- for each constructor

    let combName = mkName . map toLower . nameBase $ t -- Make the combinator name
        clauses  = map (combinClause pe) $ zip constructors [0..] -- Create N clauses
    r <- funD combName clauses
    return [r]


-- (2) makeCombinator auxiliary function -----

-- Returns type constructors
typeInfo (DataD _ _ _ _ c _) = c
typeInfo (NewtypeD _ _ _ _ c _) = [c]

-- Generates one or more function clauses
combinClause :: ([PatQ], [ExpQ]) -- Function arguments pattern
             -> (Con, Int) -- (Constructor, Indice of current constructor)
             -> ClauseQ
combinClause (patsF, varsF) (NormalC name fields, i) = do (patsC, varsC) <- genPE "a" (length fields)
                                                          funClause patsF varsF patsC varsC name i
combinClause (patsF, varsF) (RecC name fields, i)    = do (patsC, varsC) <- genPE "a" (length fields)
                                                          funClause patsF varsF patsC varsC name i
combinClause (patsF, varsF) (InfixC _ name _, i)     = do (patsC, varsC) <- genPE "a" 2
                                                          funClause patsF varsF patsC varsC name i
combinClause _ (ForallC{}, _)  = error "makeCombinator: GADTs are not currently supported."
combinClause _ (GadtC{}, _)    = error "makeCombinator: GADTs are not currently supported."
combinClause _ (RecGadtC{}, _) = error "makeCombinator: GADTs are not currently supported."


-- (3) combinClause auxiliary functions -----

-- Generates the clause expression
funClause :: [PatQ] -> [ExpQ] -> [PatQ] -> [ExpQ]
          -> Name -- Constructor name
          -> Int
          -> ClauseQ
funClause pF vF pC vC name i =
    clause (pF ++ [conP name pC])
           (normalB (appE (vF !! i)
                          (applyConVars vC name vC 0)))

-- Generates the argument application for the clause right hand side
applyConVars :: [ExpQ] -> t -> [a] -> Int -> ExpQ
applyConVars _ _ [] _             = conE (mkName "()")
applyConVars varsC _ [_] n        = varsC !! n
applyConVars varsC name' (_:fs) n = tupE [varsC !! n, applyConVars varsC name' fs (n+1)]


-- (4) General auxiliary functions -----

-- Generate n unique variables and return them in form of patterns and expressions
genPE :: String -> Int -> Q ([PatQ], [ExpQ])
genPE x n = do
  ids <- replicateM n (newName x)
  return (map varP ids, map varE ids)
