module Geometry.Vertex( -- * Types Vertex, IVertex, AdjacencyMatrix, -- * Functions isExtremeVertex, extremalVertices, isOneFace, adjacencyMatrix, standard ) where import Numeric.LinearProgramming import Data.List ((\\)) import Debug.Trace import Util import Data.Matrix import qualified Data.Map.Strict as MS import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Ratio {- Module that implements functions for the finding of all the extreme vertices in the Newton polyhedron of a polynomial f. -} type Vertex = [Rational] type IVertex = [Integer] type AdjacencyMatrix = Matrix Bool -- | Analizes whether a point in a set is extremal or not. -- | This function is based on Theorem 2 of the article "Linear Programming Approaches to the Convex Hull Problem in R^m" isExtremeVertex :: (Num a, Enum a, Real a) => [a] -> [[a]] -> Bool isExtremeVertex point set = feasibleNNegative objectiveFunc constraintsLeft constraintsRight where set2 = set \\ [point] differences = map (flip (safeZipWith (-)) point) set2 -- tValues = map (negate.pred.(foldr1 (+))) differences sigmaValues = repeat (-1) objectiveFunc = (1) : (replicate (length point) 0) constraintsLeft = (( realToFrac $ (zipWith (:) sigmaValues differences)) constraintsRight = (replicate (length set2) 0) -- | Given a set of vertices, returns the vertices corresponding to the convex hull of the set. extremalVertices :: [IVertex] -> [IVertex] extremalVertices set = filter (\x -> isExtremeVertex x set) set feasibleNNegative :: [Double] -> [[Double]] -> [Double] -> Bool feasibleNNegative objectiveFunc constraintsLeft constraintsRight = feasNOpt resultLP -- trace ("SIMPLEX: " ++ show resultLP ) where problem = Minimize objectiveFunc constraints = Dense $ safeZipWith (:<=:) constraintsLeft constraintsRight bounds = (1 :>=: (-1)) : map (:&: (-1,1)) [2..(length objectiveFunc)] resultLP = exact problem constraints bounds feasNOpt (Optimal (optVal, _)) = optVal < 0 feasNOpt _ = False -- | Decides whether two points form a 1-face or not. -- | This function is based on LP5 of the article "Linear Programming Approaches to the Convex Hull Problem in R^m" isOneFace :: (Num a, Enum a, Real a) => [a] -> [a] -> [[a]] -> Bool isOneFace xi xj set = feasibleNNegative2 objectiveFunc constraintsLeft constraintsRight where set2 = set \\ [xi, xj] differencesXi = map (flip (safeZipWith (-)) xi) set2 differencesXj = map (flip (safeZipWith (-)) xj) set2 diffXiXj = safeZipWith (-) xi xj differences = diffXiXj : (differencesXi ++ differencesXj) sigmaValues = 0 : repeat (-1) objectiveFunc = 1 : (replicate (length xi) 0) constraintsLeft = (( realToFrac $ zipWith (:) sigmaValues differences) constraintsRight = (replicate ((length set2)*2+1) 0) feasibleNNegative2 :: [Double] -> [[Double]] -> [Double] -> Bool feasibleNNegative2 objectiveFunc constrLeft@(x:xs) constrRight@(y:ys) = feasNOpt resultLP -- trace ("SIMPLEX: " ++ show resultLP ) where problem = Minimize objectiveFunc constraints = Dense $ (x :==: y) : safeZipWith (:<=:) xs ys bounds = (1 :>=: (-1)) : map (:&: (-1,1)) [2..(length objectiveFunc)] resultLP = exact problem constraints bounds feasNOpt (Optimal (optVal, _)) = optVal < 0 feasNOpt _ = False -- | Constructs the adjacency matrix of the extreme vertices in a polyhedron. The set of vertices must be extremal. adjacencyMatrix :: [Vertex] -> AdjacencyMatrix adjacencyMatrix set = foldr insertNeighbors (zero nPoints nPoints) pairs where pairs = combinations set 2 nPoints = length set dictVertexIdx = MS.fromList $ zip (sort set) [1..] insertNeighbors [ui, uj] matrix | not (isOneFace ui uj set) = matrix | otherwise = setElem True (i,j) $ setElem True (j,i) matrix where i = fromJust $ MS.lookup ui dictVertexIdx j = fromJust $ MS.lookup uj dictVertexIdx -- | Transforms a rational vector into an integer one maintaining the proportionality. standard :: Vertex -> IVertex standard v = map (numerator . (/commDiv)) noRational where commDenom = toRational $ lcmList $ map denominator v noRational = (map (*commDenom) v) commDiv = toRational $ gcdList (map numerator noRational)