staload "$PATSHOMELOCS/atscntrb-hx-intinf/SATS/intinf_vt.sats" staload "ats-src/numerics.sats" // GMP wrapper but this is for the ATS library fn primorial(k : [ k : nat | k >= 1 ] ullint(k)) : Intinf // m | n fn divides(m : intGt(0), n : intGte(0)) :<> bool // Euclid's algorithm fn gcd {k:nat}{l:nat} (m : int(l), n : int(k)) : int fn lcm {k:nat}{l:nat} (m : int(l), n : int(k)) : int // stream all divisors of an integer. fn divisors(n : intGte(1)) : stream_vt(int) // prime factors of an integer fn prime_factors(n : intGte(1)) : stream_vt(int) // The sum of all φ(m) for m between 1 and n. Note the use of refinement types // to prevent 0 from being passed as an argument. This function is // slower than it should be. fn totient_sum : intGte(1) -> Intinf fn coprime {k:nat}{n:nat} : (int(k), int(n)) -> bool // radical of an integer: fn radical_ats { k : nat | k >= 1 }(int(k)) : int = "ext#" // Euler's totient function. fn totient_ats { k : nat | k >= 2 }(int(k)) : int = "ext#" fn count_divisors_ats { k : nat | k >= 2 }(int(k)) : int = "ext#" // distinct prime divisors fn little_omega_ats { n : nat | n > 0 } : int(n) -> int = "ext#" // aka σ in number theory // technically this is unsafe because it might overflow fn sum_divisors_ats : { n : nat | n > 1 } int(n) -> int = "ext#" fn jacobi_ats : (intGte(0), Odd) -> int = "ext#" fn is_perfect_ats : intGt(1) -> bool = "ext#"