{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns               #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}

module FastTags
    ( isHsFile
    , isLiterateFile
    , merge
    , TagVal(..)
    , Type(..)
    , Tag(..)
    , Pos(..)
    , SrcPos(..)
    , UnstrippedTokens(..)
    , processFile
    , processAll
    , process
    , stripCpp
    , stripNewlines
    , breakBlocks
    , unstrippedTokensOf
    , split
import Control.Arrow ((***), (&&&))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, rnf)

import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Encoding
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as Encoding.Error

import qualified Language.Preprocessor.Unlit as Unlit
import Text.Printf (printf)

import Lexer
import Token

-- * types

data TagVal = TagVal
    !Text --  name
    !Type --  tag type
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance NFData TagVal where
    rnf (TagVal x y) = rnf x `seq` rnf y

-- don't swap constructors since we rely that Type < Constructor == True holds
data Type =
    | Type
    | Constructor
    | Class
    | Module
    | Operator
    | Pattern
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance NFData Type where
    rnf t = t `seq` ()

data Tag =
    Tag !(Pos TagVal)
    | RepeatableTag !(Pos TagVal)
    | Warning !(Pos String)
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

partitionTags :: [Tag] -> ([Pos TagVal], [Pos TagVal], [Pos String])
partitionTags ts = go ts [] [] []
    go []                     xs ys zs = (xs, ys, reverse zs)
    go (Tag t : ts)           xs ys zs = go ts (t:xs) ys     zs
    go (RepeatableTag t : ts) xs ys zs = go ts xs     (t:ys) zs
    go (Warning warn : ts)    xs ys zs = go ts xs     ys     (warn:zs)

-- | Newlines have to remain in the tokens because 'breakBlocks' relies on
-- them.  But they make pattern matching on the tokens unreliable because
-- newlines might be anywhere.  A newtype makes sure that the tokens only get
-- stripped once and that I don't do any pattern matching on unstripped tokens.
newtype UnstrippedTokens = UnstrippedTokens [Token]
    deriving (Show, Monoid)

mapTokens :: ([Token] -> [Token]) -> UnstrippedTokens -> UnstrippedTokens
mapTokens f (UnstrippedTokens tokens) = UnstrippedTokens (f tokens)

unstrippedTokensOf :: UnstrippedTokens -> [Token]
unstrippedTokensOf (UnstrippedTokens tokens) = tokens

-- | Drop @n@ non-newline tokens.
dropTokens :: Int -> UnstrippedTokens -> UnstrippedTokens
dropTokens n = mapTokens (f n)
    f :: Int -> [Token] -> [Token]
    f 0 xs                       = xs
    f _ []                       = []
    f n (Pos _ (Newline _) : xs) = f n xs
    f n (Pos _ _           : xs) = f (n - 1) xs

-- * process

-- | Global processing for when all tags are together.
processAll :: [[Pos TagVal]] -> [Pos TagVal]
processAll =
    sortDups . dropDups isDuplicatePair
        . combineBalanced (mergeOn tagSortingKey)
        . map (dropDups isDuplicatePair)
    isDuplicatePair :: Pos TagVal -> Pos TagVal -> Bool
    isDuplicatePair t t' =
        posOf t == posOf t'
        && tagText t == tagText t'
        && tagType t == tagType t'

combineBalanced :: forall a. (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
combineBalanced f xs = go xs
    go :: [a] -> a
    go [] = error "cannot combine empty list"
    go xs@(_:_) = case combine xs of
        []  -> error "unexpected empty list when combining nonempty lists"
        [x] -> x
        xs' -> go xs'
    combine :: [a] -> [a]
    combine []        = []
    combine [x]       = [x]
    combine (x:x':xs) = f x x' : combine xs

-- | Given multiple matches, vim will jump to the first one.  So sort adjacent
-- tags with the same text by their type.
-- Mostly this is so that given a type with the same name as its module,
-- the type will come first.
sortDups :: [Pos TagVal] -> [Pos TagVal]
sortDups = concatMap (sortOn tagType) .  Map.elems . Map.fromAscListWith (++)
    . map (fst . tagSortingKey &&& (:[]))

tagText :: Pos TagVal -> Text
tagText (Pos _ (TagVal text _)) = text

tagType :: Pos TagVal -> Type
tagType (Pos _ (TagVal _ t)) = t

tagLine :: Pos TagVal -> Line
tagLine = posLine . posOf

-- | Read tags from one file.
processFile :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO ([Pos TagVal], [String])
processFile fn trackPrefixes = do
    (tags, warnings) <- process fn trackPrefixes <$> readFileLenient fn
    return (tags, warnings)

-- | Read a UTF8 file, but don't crash on encoding errors.
readFileLenient :: FilePath -> IO Text
readFileLenient fname = do
    bytes <- ByteString.readFile fname
    return $ Encoding.decodeUtf8With Encoding.Error.lenientDecode bytes

tagSortingKey :: Pos TagVal -> (Text, Type)
tagSortingKey (Pos _ (TagVal name t)) = (name, t)

-- | Process one file's worth of tags.
process :: FilePath -> Bool -> Text -> ([Pos TagVal], [String])
process fn trackPrefixes input =
    case tokenize fn trackPrefixes $ stripCpp $ unlit' input of
        Left msg -> ([], [msg])
        Right toks ->
            splitAndRemoveRepeats $
            concatMap blockTags $
            breakBlocks $
            UnstrippedTokens toks
    splitAndRemoveRepeats :: [Tag] -> ([Pos TagVal], [String])
    splitAndRemoveRepeats tags =
        (mergeOn tagSortingKey (sortOn tagSortingKey newTags) earliestRepeats,
            map valOf warnings)
        (newTags, repeatableTags, warnings) = partitionTags tags
        earliestRepeats :: [Pos TagVal]
        earliestRepeats = Map.elems $ Map.fromListWith minLine $
            map (tagSortingKey &&& id) repeatableTags
        minLine x y
            | tagLine x < tagLine y = x
            | otherwise             = y
    unlit' :: Text -> Text
    unlit' s
        | isLiterateFile fn = T.pack $ Unlit.unlit fn $ T.unpack s'
        | otherwise = s
        s' :: Text
        s'  | "\\begin{code}" `T.isInfixOf` s
                    && "\\end{code}" `T.isInfixOf` s =
                T.unlines $ filter (not . birdLiterateLine) $ T.lines s
            | otherwise = s
        birdLiterateLine :: Text -> Bool
        birdLiterateLine xs
            | T.null xs = False
            | otherwise = case headt $ T.dropWhile Char.isSpace xs of
                Just '>' -> True
                _ -> False

-- | Strip cpp lines starting with #. Also strips out hsc detritus.
stripCpp :: Text -> Text
stripCpp =
    T.intercalate "\n" . snd . List.mapAccumL replaceCppLine False . T.lines
    replaceCppLine :: Bool -> Text -> (Bool, Text)
    replaceCppLine insideMacro line
        | "#" `T.isPrefixOf` line = (insideMacro', T.empty)
        | insideMacro             = (insideMacro', T.empty)
        | otherwise               = (False, line)
        insideMacro' = "\\" `T.isSuffixOf` line

startIdentChar :: Char -> Bool
startIdentChar c = Char.isAlpha c || c == '_'

identChar :: Bool -> Char -> Bool
identChar considerDot c = Char.isAlphaNum c || c == '\'' || c == '_'
    || c == '#' || considerDot && c == '.'

-- unicode operators are not supported yet
haskellOpChar :: Char -> Bool
haskellOpChar c = IntSet.member (Char.ord c) opChars
    opChars :: IntSet.IntSet
    opChars = IntSet.fromList $ map Char.ord "-!#$%&*+./<=>?@^|~:\\"

isTypeVarStart :: Text -> Bool
isTypeVarStart x = case headt x of
    Just c -> Char.isLower c || c == '_'
    _ -> False

-- | Break the input up into blocks based on indentation.
breakBlocks :: UnstrippedTokens -> [UnstrippedTokens]
breakBlocks =
    map UnstrippedTokens . filter (not . null)
        . go . filterBlank . unstrippedTokensOf
    go :: [Token] -> [[Token]]
    go []     = []
    go tokens = pre : go post
        where (pre, post) = breakBlock tokens
    -- Blank lines mess up the indentation.
    filterBlank :: [Token] -> [Token]
    filterBlank [] = []
    filterBlank (Pos _ (Newline _) : xs@(Pos _ (Newline _) : _)) =
        filterBlank xs
    filterBlank (x:xs) = x : filterBlank xs

-- | Take until a newline, then take lines until the indent established after
-- that newline decreases. Or, alternatively, if "{" is encountered then count
-- it as a block until closing "}" is found taking nesting into account.
breakBlock :: [Token] -> ([Token], [Token])
breakBlock (t@(Pos _ tok) : ts) = case tok of
    Newline indent -> collectIndented indent ts
    LBrace         -> collectBracedBlock breakBlock ts 1
    _              -> remember t $ breakBlock ts
    collectIndented :: Int -> [Token] -> ([Token], [Token])
    collectIndented indent tsFull@(t@(Pos _ tok) : ts) = case tok of
        Newline n | n <= indent -> ([], tsFull)
        LBrace ->
            remember t $ collectBracedBlock (collectIndented indent) ts 1
        _           -> remember t $ collectIndented indent ts
    collectIndented _ [] = ([], [])

    collectBracedBlock :: ([Token] -> ([Token], [Token])) -> [Token] -> Int
        -> ([Token], [Token])
    collectBracedBlock _    []                      _ = ([], [])
    collectBracedBlock cont ts                      0 = cont ts
    collectBracedBlock cont (t@(Pos _ LBrace) : ts) n =
      remember t $ collectBracedBlock cont ts $! n + 1
    collectBracedBlock cont (t@(Pos _ RBrace) : ts) n =
      remember t $ collectBracedBlock cont ts $! n - 1
    collectBracedBlock cont (t:ts)                  n =
      remember t $ collectBracedBlock cont ts n

    remember :: Token -> ([Token], [Token]) -> ([Token], [Token])
    remember t (xs, ys) = (t : xs, ys)
breakBlock [] = ([], [])

-- * extract tags

-- | Get all the tags in one indented block.
-- TODO clean this up to require less nesting, and dropDataContext duplication
blockTags :: UnstrippedTokens -> [Tag]
blockTags unstripped = case stripNewlines unstripped of
    [] -> []
    Pos _ KWModule : Pos pos (T name) : _ ->
          [mkTag pos (snd (T.breakOnEnd "." name)) Module]
    Pos _ KWPattern : Pos pos (T name) : _
        | maybe False Char.isUpper (headt name) ->
            [mkTag pos name Pattern]
    Pos _ KWForeign : decl -> foreignTags decl
    -- newtype instance * = ...
    Pos _ KWNewtype : Pos _ KWInstance : (dropDataContext -> Pos pos _: rest) ->
        newtypeTags pos rest
    -- newtype X * = X *
    Pos prevPos KWNewtype : toks ->
        maybeToList tag ++ newtypeTags pos rest
        (tag, pos, rest) =
            recordVanillaOrInfixName isTypeName Type prevPos "newtype * =" toks
    -- type family X ...
    Pos prevPos KWType : Pos _ KWFamily : toks -> maybeToList tag
        (tag, _,  _) = recordVanillaOrInfixName isTypeFamilyName Type prevPos
            "type family * =" toks
    -- type instance X * = ...
    -- No tags in type family instances
    Pos _ KWType : Pos _ KWInstance : _ -> []
    -- type X * = ...
    Pos prevPos KWType : toks -> maybeToList tag
        (tag, _, _) = recordVanillaOrInfixName isTypeName Type prevPos
            "type * =" toks
    -- data family X ...
    Pos prevPos KWData : Pos _ KWFamily : toks -> maybeToList tag
        (tag, _, _) = recordVanillaOrInfixName isTypeFamilyName Type prevPos
            "data family * =" toks
    -- data instance * = ...
    -- data instance * where ...
    Pos _ KWData : Pos _ KWInstance : (dropDataContext -> Pos pos _: _) ->
        dataConstructorTags pos (dropTokens 2 unstripped)
    -- data X * = X { X :: *, X :: * }
    -- data X * where ...
    Pos prevPos KWData : toks ->
        maybeToList tag ++ dataConstructorTags pos (dropTokens 1 unstripped)
        namePred = isTypeName -- isTypeFamilyName
        (tag, pos, _) = recordVanillaOrInfixName namePred Type prevPos
            "data * =" toks
    -- class * => X where X :: * ...
    Pos pos KWClass : _ -> classTags pos (dropTokens 1 unstripped)

    Pos _ KWInfix : _ -> []
    Pos _ KWInfixl : _ -> []
    Pos _ KWInfixr : _ -> []
    -- Deriving introduces no new names, just ignore it
    Pos _ KWDeriving : _ -> []
    -- instance * where data * = X :: * ...
    Pos pos KWInstance : _ ->
        instanceTags pos (dropTokens 1 unstripped)
    -- x, y, z :: *
    stripped -> toplevelFunctionTags stripped

isTypeFamilyName :: Text -> Bool
isTypeFamilyName = maybe False (\c -> Char.isUpper c || haskellOpChar c) . headt

isTypeName  :: Text -> Bool
isTypeName x = case headt x of
    Just c -> Char.isUpper c || c == ':'
    _ -> False

dropDataContext :: [Token] -> [Token]
dropDataContext = stripParensKindsTypeVars . stripOptContext

recordVanillaOrInfixName :: (Text -> Bool) -> Type -> SrcPos -> String
    -> [Token] -> (Maybe Tag, SrcPos, [Token])
recordVanillaOrInfixName isVanillaName tokenType prevPos context tokens =
    case dropDataContext tokens of
        Pos _ LParen   : Pos _ RParen : _ -> (Nothing, prevPos, tokens)
        Pos _ LBracket : _                -> (Nothing, prevPos, tokens)
        tok : toks ->
            case tok of
                Pos pos (T name) | isVanillaName name ->
                    (Just $ mkTag pos name tokenType, pos, toks)
                _ -> case dropInfixTypeStart $ tok : toks of
                    Pos pos (T name) : rest ->
                        (Just $ mkTag pos name tokenType, pos, rest)
                    rest -> (Just $ unexp pos rest, pos, tok : toks)
                        where pos = posOf tok
        [] -> (Just $ unexp prevPos [], prevPos, [])
    unexp pos rest = unexpected pos (UnstrippedTokens tokens) rest context

-- same as dropWhile with counting
dropInfixTypeStart :: [Token] -> [Token]
dropInfixTypeStart tokens = dropWhile f tokens
    f (Pos _ (T name)) = isInfixTypePrefix name
    f (Pos _ Backtick) = True
    f (Pos _ LParen)   = True
    f _                = False

    isInfixTypePrefix :: Text -> Bool
    isInfixTypePrefix = maybe False Char.isLower . headt

-- | It's easier to scan for tokens without pesky newlines popping up
-- everywhere.  But I need to keep the newlines in in case I hit a @where@
-- and need to call 'breakBlocks' again.
stripNewlines :: UnstrippedTokens -> [Token]
stripNewlines = filter (not . isNewline) . (\(UnstrippedTokens t) -> t)

-- | Tags from foreign import.
-- e.g. @foreign import ccall safe \"name\" c_name :: ...@ will produce a tag
-- for @c_name@.
foreignTags :: [Token] -> [Tag]
foreignTags decl = case decl of
    Pos _ KWImport : decl'
        | Pos pos (T name) : _ <- dropBefore
                (\case { Pos _ DoubleColon -> True; _ -> False}) decl'
            -> [mkTag pos name Function]
    _ -> []

toplevelFunctionTags :: [Token] -> [Tag]
toplevelFunctionTags toks = case tags of
    -- Tags of toplevel functions are all repeatable, even the ones that come
    -- from the type signature because there will definitely be tags from the
    -- body and they should be sorted out if type signature is present.
    [] -> functionTagsNoSig toks
    _  -> map toRepeatableTag $ tags
    -- first try to detect tags from type signature, if it fails then
    -- do the actual work of detecting from body
    (tags, _) = functionTags False toks
    toRepeatableTag :: Tag -> Tag
    toRepeatableTag (Tag t) = RepeatableTag t
    toRepeatableTag t       = t

functionTagsNoSig :: [Token] -> [Tag]
functionTagsNoSig toks = go toks
    go :: [Token] -> [Tag]
    go []                           = []
    go toks@(Pos _ LParen : _)      = go $ stripBalancedParens toks
    -- This function does not analyze type signatures.
    go (Pos _ DoubleColon : _)      = []
    go (Pos _ ExclamationMark : ts) = go ts
    go (Pos _ Tilde : ts)           = go ts
    go (Pos _ At : ts)              = go ts
    go (Pos _ Equals : _)           = functionOrOp toks
    go (Pos _ Pipe : _)             = functionOrOp toks
    go toks@(Pos _ LBrace : _)      = go $ stripBalancedBraces toks
    go (Pos _ Backtick : Pos pos' (T name') : _)
        | functionName False name'  =
            [mkRepeatableTag pos' name' Function]
    go (Pos pos (T name) : _)
        | T.all haskellOpChar name  = [mkRepeatableTag pos name Operator]
    go (_ : ts)                     = go ts
    stripOpeningParens :: [Token] -> [Token]
    stripOpeningParens = dropWhile ((== LParen) . valOf)
    functionOrOp :: [Token] -> [Tag]
    functionOrOp toks = case stripOpeningParens toks of
         Pos pos (T name) : _
             | functionName False name -> [mkRepeatableTag pos name Function]
         Pos pos tok : _ ->
             case tokToOpName tok of
               Just name -> [mkRepeatableTag pos name Operator]
               Nothing   -> []
         [] -> []

tokToOpName :: TokenVal -> Maybe Text
tokToOpName (T name)
    | T.all haskellOpChar name = Just name
tokToOpName ExclamationMark = Just "!"
tokToOpName Tilde           = Just "~"
tokToOpName Dot             = Just "."
tokToOpName _               = Nothing

-- | Get tags from a function type declaration: token , token , token ::
-- Return the tokens left over.
functionTags :: Bool -- ^ expect constructors, not functions
    -> [Token] -> ([Tag], [Token])
functionTags constructors = go []
    opTag   = if constructors then Constructor else Operator
    funcTag = if constructors then Constructor else Function
    go :: [Tag] -> [Token] -> ([Tag], [Token])
    go tags (Pos _ LParen : opTok : Pos _ RParen : Pos _ DoubleColon : rest) =
        (reverse $ mkOpTag tags opTag opTok, rest)
    go tags (Pos pos (T name) : Pos _ DoubleColon : rest)
        | functionName constructors name =
            (reverse $ mkTag pos name funcTag : tags, rest)
    go tags (Pos _ LParen : opTok : Pos _ RParen : Pos _ Comma : rest) =
        go (mkOpTag tags opTag opTok) rest
    go tags (Pos pos (T name) : Pos _ Comma : rest)
        | functionName constructors name =
            go (mkTag pos name funcTag : tags) rest
    go tags tokens = (tags, tokens)

    mkOpTag :: [Tag] -> Type -> Token -> [Tag]
    mkOpTag tags opTag (Pos pos tok) =
      case tokToOpName tok of
        Just name -> mkTag pos name opTag : tags
        Nothing   -> tags

functionName :: Bool -> Text -> Bool
functionName constructors text = isFunction text
    isFunction text = case T.uncons text of
        Just (c, cs) ->
            firstChar c && startIdentChar c && T.all (identChar True) cs
        Nothing      -> False
    firstChar = if constructors
                then Char.isUpper
                else \c -> Char.isLower c || c == '_'

-- | * = X *
newtypeTags :: SrcPos -> [Token] -> [Tag]
newtypeTags prevPos tokens = case dropUntil Equals tokens of
    Pos pos (T name) : rest ->
        let constructor = mkTag pos name Constructor
        in  case rest of
            Pos _ LBrace : Pos funcPos (T funcName) : _ ->
                [constructor, mkTag funcPos funcName Function]
            _ ->
    rest -> [unexpected prevPos (UnstrippedTokens tokens) rest "newtype * ="]

-- | [] (empty data declaration)
-- * = X { X :: *, X :: * }
-- * where X :: * X :: *
-- * = X | X
dataConstructorTags :: SrcPos -> UnstrippedTokens -> [Tag]
dataConstructorTags prevPos unstripped
    -- GADT
    | any (\case { Pos _ KWWhere -> True; _ -> False })
            (unstrippedTokensOf unstripped) =
        concatMap gadtTags (whereBlock unstripped)
    -- plain ADT
    | otherwise = case strip unstripped of
        [] -> [] -- empty data declaration
        rest | Just (Pos pos (T name), rest') <- extractInfixConstructor rest ->
            mkTag pos name Constructor : collectRest rest'
        Pos pos (T name) : rest ->
            mkTag pos name Constructor : collectRest rest
        Pos _ LParen : Pos pos (T name) : Pos _ RParen : rest ->
            mkTag pos name Constructor : collectRest rest
        rest -> [unexpected prevPos unstripped rest "data * = *"]
    strip = stripOptBang . stripOptContext . stripOptForall . dropUntil Equals
         . stripNewlines
    collectRest :: [Token] -> [Tag]
    collectRest tokens
        | (tags@(_:_), rest) <- functionTags False tokens =
            tags ++ collectRest (dropUntilNextField rest)
    collectRest (Pos pipePos Pipe : rest)
        | Just (Pos pos (T name), rest'') <- extractInfixConstructor rest' =
            mkTag pos name Constructor : collectRest rest''
        | Pos pos (T name) : rest'' <- rest' =
            mkTag pos name Constructor
                : collectRest (dropUntilNextCaseOrRecordStart rest'')
        | Pos _ LParen : Pos pos (T name) : Pos _ RParen : rest'' <- rest' =
            mkTag pos name Constructor
                : collectRest (dropUntilNextCaseOrRecordStart rest'')
        | otherwise = error $
            printf "syntax error@%d: | not followed by tokens\n"
                (unLine $ posLine pipePos)
        rest' = stripOptBang $ stripOptContext $ stripOptForall rest
    collectRest (_ : rest) = collectRest rest
    collectRest [] = []

    stripOptBang :: [Token] -> [Token]
    stripOptBang ((Pos _ ExclamationMark) : rest) = rest
    stripOptBang ts = ts

    extractInfixConstructor :: [Token] -> Maybe (Token, [Token])
    extractInfixConstructor = extract . stripTypeParam
        extract :: [Token] -> Maybe (Token, [Token])
        extract (tok@(Pos _ (T name)) : rest)
            | ":" `T.isPrefixOf` name = Just (tok, stripTypeParam rest)
        extract (Pos _ Backtick : tok@(Pos _ _) : Pos _ Backtick : rest) =
            Just (tok, stripTypeParam rest)
        extract _ = Nothing

        stripTypeParam :: [Token] -> [Token]
        stripTypeParam input@((Pos _ LParen) : _) =
            stripBalancedParens input
        stripTypeParam input@((Pos _ LBracket) : _) =
            stripBalancedBrackets input
        stripTypeParam ts = drop 1 ts

    dropUntilNextCaseOrRecordStart :: [Token] -> [Token]
    dropUntilNextCaseOrRecordStart = dropWithStrippingBalanced $
        not . \case { Pipe -> True; LBrace -> True; _ -> False }

    dropUntilNextField :: [Token] -> [Token]
    dropUntilNextField = dropWithStrippingBalanced $
        not . \case { Comma -> True; RBrace -> True; Pipe -> True; _ -> False }

stripOptForall :: [Token] -> [Token]
stripOptForall (Pos _ KWForall  : rest) = dropUntil Dot rest
stripOptForall xs                       = xs

stripParensKindsTypeVars :: [Token] -> [Token]
stripParensKindsTypeVars (Pos _ LParen : xs)  =
    stripParensKindsTypeVars xs
stripParensKindsTypeVars (Pos _ DoubleColon : xs) =
    stripParensKindsTypeVars $ drop 1 $
    dropWithStrippingBalanced (\case { RParen -> False; _ -> True }) xs
stripParensKindsTypeVars (Pos _ (T name) : xs)
    | isTypeVarStart name = stripParensKindsTypeVars xs
stripParensKindsTypeVars xs = xs

stripOptContext :: [Token] -> [Token]
stripOptContext (stripBalancedParens     -> Pos _ Implies : xs) = xs
stripOptContext (stripSingleClassContext -> Pos _ Implies : xs) = xs
stripOptContext xs                                              = xs

stripSingleClassContext :: [Token] -> [Token]
stripSingleClassContext (Pos _ (T name) : xs)
    | maybe False Char.isUpper (headt name) =
        dropWithStrippingBalanced f xs
    f (T name) = isTypeVarStart name
    f _        = False
stripSingleClassContext xs = xs

-- | Drop all tokens for which @pred@ returns True, also drop () or []
-- parenthesized expressions.
dropWithStrippingBalanced :: (TokenVal -> Bool) -> [Token] -> [Token]
dropWithStrippingBalanced pred input@(Pos _ LParen : _) =
    dropWithStrippingBalanced pred $ stripBalancedParens input
dropWithStrippingBalanced pred input@(Pos _ LBracket : _) =
    dropWithStrippingBalanced pred $ stripBalancedBrackets input
dropWithStrippingBalanced pred (Pos _ tok : xs)
    | pred tok  = dropWithStrippingBalanced pred xs
dropWithStrippingBalanced _ xs = xs

stripBalancedParens :: [Token] -> [Token]
stripBalancedParens = stripBalanced LParen RParen

stripBalancedBrackets :: [Token] -> [Token]
stripBalancedBrackets = stripBalanced LBracket RBracket

stripBalancedBraces :: [Token] -> [Token]
stripBalancedBraces = stripBalanced LBrace RBrace

stripBalanced :: TokenVal -> TokenVal -> [Token] -> [Token]
stripBalanced open close (Pos _ tok : xs)
    | tok == open = go 1 xs
    go :: Int -> [Token] -> [Token]
    go 0 xs = xs
    go !n (Pos _ tok' : xs)
        | tok' == open  = go (n + 1) xs
        | tok' == close = go (n - 1) xs
    go n (_: xs) = go n xs
    go _ []      = []
stripBalanced _ _ xs = xs

gadtTags :: UnstrippedTokens -> [Tag]
gadtTags = fst . functionTags True . stripNewlines

-- | * => X where X :: * ...
classTags :: SrcPos -> UnstrippedTokens -> [Tag]
classTags prevPos unstripped =
    maybeToList tag ++ concatMap classBodyTags (whereBlock wherePart)
    (classPart, wherePart) = spanUntil KWWhere unstripped
    (tag, _, _) = recordVanillaOrInfixName isTypeName Class prevPos
        "class * =>" $ stripUntilImplies $ stripNewlines classPart

stripUntilImplies :: [Token] -> [Token]
stripUntilImplies xs =
    case dropUntil Implies xs of
        []  -> xs
        xs' -> xs'

classBodyTags :: UnstrippedTokens -> [Tag]
classBodyTags unstripped = case stripNewlines unstripped of
    Pos _ KWType : Pos pos (T name) : _ -> [mkTag pos name Type]
    Pos _ KWData : Pos pos (T name) : _ -> [mkTag pos name Type]
    tokens                              -> fst $ functionTags False tokens

-- | Skip to the where and split the indented block below it.
whereBlock :: UnstrippedTokens -> [UnstrippedTokens]
whereBlock = breakBlocks . mapTokens (dropUntil KWWhere)

instanceTags :: SrcPos -> UnstrippedTokens -> [Tag]
instanceTags prevPos unstripped =
    -- instances can offer nothing but some fresh data constructors since
    -- the actual datatype is really declared in the class declaration
    concatMap (newtypeTags prevPos . stripNewlines)
        (filter isNewtypeDecl block)
    ++ concatMap (dataConstructorTags prevPos)
        (filter isDataDecl block)
    block = whereBlock unstripped

    isNewtypeDecl :: UnstrippedTokens -> Bool
    isNewtypeDecl (UnstrippedTokens (Pos _ KWNewtype : _)) = True
    isNewtypeDecl _ = False

    isDataDecl :: UnstrippedTokens -> Bool
    isDataDecl (UnstrippedTokens (Pos _ KWData : _)) = True
    isDataDecl _ = False

-- * util

mkTag :: SrcPos -> Text -> Type -> Tag
mkTag pos name typ = Tag $ Pos pos (TagVal name typ)

mkRepeatableTag :: SrcPos -> Text -> Type -> Tag
mkRepeatableTag pos name typ =
    RepeatableTag $ Pos pos (TagVal name typ)

warning :: SrcPos -> String -> Tag
warning pos warn = Warning $ Pos pos $ show pos ++ ": " ++ warn

unexpected :: SrcPos -> UnstrippedTokens -> [Token] -> String -> Tag
unexpected prevPos (UnstrippedTokens tokensBefore) tokensHere declaration =
    warning pos ("unexpected " ++ thing ++ " after " ++ declaration)
    thing = maybe "end of block" (show . valOf) (mhead tokensHere)
        | Just t <- mhead tokensHere = posOf t
        | Just t <- mlast tokensBefore = posOf t
        | otherwise = prevPos

isNewline :: Token -> Bool
isNewline (Pos _ (Newline _)) = True
isNewline _                   = False

-- * generic utils

-- | Drop until the element before the matching one.  Return [] if the function
-- never matches.
dropBefore :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
dropBefore f = go
    go [] = []
    go [_] = []
    go xs@(_ : rest@(y:_))
        | f y = xs
        | otherwise = go rest

dropDups :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
dropDups cmp (x:xs) = go x xs
    go a [] = [a]
    go a (b:bs)
        | cmp a b   = go a bs
        | otherwise = a : go b bs
dropDups _ [] = []

dropUntil :: TokenVal -> [Token] -> [Token]
dropUntil token = drop 1 . dropWhile (not . (== token) . valOf)

spanUntil :: TokenVal -> UnstrippedTokens
    -> (UnstrippedTokens, UnstrippedTokens)
spanUntil token =
    (UnstrippedTokens *** UnstrippedTokens) .
    span (not . (== token) . valOf) . unstrippedTokensOf

sortOn :: (Ord k) => (a -> k) -> [a] -> [a]
sortOn key = List.sortBy (compare `on` key)

-- | Split list into chunks delimited by specified element.
split :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
split _ [] = []
split x xs = xs': split x (drop 1 xs'')
    where (xs', xs'') = break (==x) xs

-- | Crude predicate for Haskell files
isHsFile :: FilePath -> Bool
isHsFile fn = ".hs" `List.isSuffixOf` fn  || ".hsc" `List.isSuffixOf` fn
    || isLiterateFile fn

isLiterateFile :: FilePath -> Bool
isLiterateFile fn = ".lhs" `List.isSuffixOf` fn

merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge = mergeBy compare

mergeOn :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
mergeOn f = mergeBy (compare `on` f)

mergeBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
mergeBy f xs ys = go xs ys
    go []     ys     = ys
    go xs     []     = xs
    go (x:xs) (y:ys) = case f x y of
        EQ -> x: y: go xs ys
        LT -> x: go xs (y:ys)
        GT -> y: go (x:xs) ys

headt :: Text -> Maybe Char
headt = fmap fst . T.uncons

mhead :: [a] -> Maybe a
mhead [] = Nothing
mhead (x:_) = Just x

mlast :: [a] -> Maybe a
mlast xs
    | null xs = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (last xs)