fay- A compiler for Fay, a Haskell subset that compiles to JavaScript.

Safe HaskellNone



Some useful debug functions.



printTestCompile :: String -> IO ()Source

Compile a String of Fay and print it as beautified JavaScript.

compileTestAst :: (Show from, Show to, CompilesTo from to) => CompileConfig -> (from -> Compile to) -> String -> IO ()Source

Compile a Haskell source string to a JavaScript source string.

debug :: (Show from, Show to, CompilesTo from to) => (from -> Compile to) -> String -> IO ()Source

Print a useful debug output of a compilation.

printCompile :: (Show from, Show to, CompilesTo from to) => CompileConfig -> (from -> Compile to) -> String -> IO ()Source

Compile the given input and print the output out prettily.