{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}

-- | All Fay types and instances.

module Fay.Types
  ( JsStmt(..)
  , JsExp(..)
  , JsLit(..)
  , JsName(..)
  , CompileError(..)
  , Compile(..)
  , CompileModule
  , Printable(..)
  , Fay
  , CompileReader(..)
  , CompileResult(..)
  , CompileWriter(..)
  , Config(..)
  , CompileState(..)
  , FundamentalType(..)
  , PrintState(..)
  , defaultPrintState
  , PrintReader(..)
  , defaultPrintReader
  , PrintWriter(..)
  , pwOutputString
  , Printer(..)
  , execPrinter
  , indented
  , askIf
  , newline
  , write
  , mapping
  , SerializeContext(..)
  , ModulePath (unModulePath)
  , mkModulePath
  , mkModulePaths
  , mkModulePathFromQName
  ) where

import           Fay.Compiler.ModuleT
import           Fay.Config
import qualified Fay.Exts.NoAnnotation   as N
import qualified Fay.Exts.Scoped         as S
import           Fay.Types.CompileError
import           Fay.Types.CompileResult
import           Fay.Types.FFI
import           Fay.Types.Js
import           Fay.Types.ModulePath
import           Fay.Types.Printer

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad.Except    (ExceptT, MonadError)
import           Control.Monad.Identity  (Identity)
import           Control.Monad.RWS
import           Data.Map                (Map)
import           Data.Set                (Set)
import           Language.Haskell.Names  (Symbols)

-- Compiler types

-- | State of the compiler.
data CompileState = CompileState
  -- TODO Change N.QName to GName? They can never be special so it would simplify.
  { stateInterfaces    :: Map N.ModuleName Symbols           -- ^ Exported identifiers for all modules
  , stateRecordTypes   :: [(N.QName,[N.QName])]              -- ^ Map types to constructors
  , stateRecords       :: [(N.QName,[N.Name])]               -- ^ Map constructors to fields
  , stateNewtypes      :: [(N.QName, Maybe N.QName, N.Type)] -- ^ Newtype constructor, destructor, wrapped type tuple
  , stateImported      :: [(N.ModuleName,FilePath)]          -- ^ Map of all imported modules and their source locations.
  , stateNameDepth     :: Integer                            -- ^ Depth of the current lexical scope, used for creating unshadowing variables.
  , stateModuleName    :: N.ModuleName                       -- ^ Name of the module currently being compiled.
  , stateJsModulePaths :: Set ModulePath                     -- ^ Module paths that have code generated for them.
  , stateUseFromString :: Bool                               -- ^ Use JS Strings instead of [Char] for string literals?
  , stateTypeSigs      :: Map N.QName N.Type                 -- ^ Module level declarations having explicit type signatures
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Things written out by the compiler.
data CompileWriter = CompileWriter
  { writerCons    :: [JsStmt]         -- ^ Constructors.
  , writerFayToJs :: [(String,JsExp)] -- ^ Fay to JS dispatchers.
  , writerJsToFay :: [(String,JsExp)] -- ^ JS to Fay dispatchers.
  } deriving (Show)

-- | Simple concatenating instance.
instance Monoid CompileWriter where
  mempty = CompileWriter [] [] []
  mappend (CompileWriter a b c) (CompileWriter x y z) =
    CompileWriter (a++x) (b++y) (c++z)

-- | Configuration and globals for the compiler.
data CompileReader = CompileReader
  { readerConfig       :: Config -- ^ The compilation configuration.
  , readerCompileLit   :: S.Sign -> S.Literal -> Compile JsExp
  , readerCompileDecls :: Bool -> [S.Decl] -> Compile [JsStmt]

-- | Compile monad.
newtype Compile a = Compile
  { unCompile :: RWST CompileReader CompileWriter CompileState
                      (ExceptT CompileError (ModuleT (ModuleInfo Compile) IO))
                      a -- ^ Uns the compiler
  } deriving
    ( Applicative
    , Functor
    , Monad
    , MonadError CompileError
    , MonadIO
    , MonadReader CompileReader
    , MonadState CompileState
    , MonadWriter CompileWriter

type CompileModule a = ModuleT Symbols IO (Either CompileError (a, CompileState, CompileWriter))

instance MonadModule Compile where
  type ModuleInfo Compile = Symbols
  lookupInCache        = liftModuleT . lookupInCache
  insertInCache n m    = liftModuleT $ insertInCache n m
  readModuleInfo fps n = liftModuleT $ readModuleInfo fps n

liftModuleT :: ModuleT Symbols IO a -> Compile a
liftModuleT = Compile . lift . lift

-- | The JavaScript FFI interfacing monad.
newtype Fay a = Fay (Identity a)
    ( Applicative
    , Functor
    , Monad