fay-dom ======= A FFI wrapper for DOM functions for use with [Fay](http://www.fay-lang.org). It includes functions for the more commonly used DOM features. See [fay-jquery](https://github.com/faylang/fay-jquery) if you want wrappers for jQuery. Usage ----- ``` git clone git://github.com/bergmark/fay-dom.git cd fay-dom cabal install ``` The library is now installed in your cabal directory and can be seen in haskell-mode auto-completion and such. To use this with Fay, use the `--include` flag: ``` fay --include=~/.cabal/share/fay-dom- myfile.hs ``` To typecheck `myfile.hs` with ghc, do: ``` ghc ~/.cabal/share/fay-dom- myfile.hs ``` Development Status ------------------ Rudimentary at the moment. Functions will be added when people find the need for them. A lot of what this library could do already exists in fay-jquery, but if anyone wants to write Fay without jQuery feel free to add whatever is missing. Contributions ------------- Fork on! Any enhancements are welcome. The github master might require the latest fay master, available at [faylang/fay](https://github.com/faylang/fay/).