{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings , Rank2Types , ScopedTypeVariables , FlexibleContexts #-} module Main (main, getCredentials) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (mzero) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64) import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Time (parseTime) import Data.Word (Word, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64) import System.Environment (getEnv) import System.Exit (exitFailure) import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError) import qualified Control.Exception.Lifted as E import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.Conduit as C import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import qualified Data.Default as D import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Maybe as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified Data.Time as TI import qualified Facebook as FB import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as H import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC import Test.HUnit ((@?=)) import Test.Hspec.HUnit () import Test.Hspec.Monadic import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck -- | Grab the Facebook credentials from the environment. getCredentials :: IO FB.Credentials getCredentials = tryToGet `E.catch` showHelp where tryToGet = do [appName, appId, appSecret] <- mapM getEnv ["APP_NAME", "APP_ID", "APP_SECRET"] return $ FB.Credentials (B.pack appName) (B.pack appId) (B.pack appSecret) showHelp exc | not (isDoesNotExistError exc) = E.throw exc showHelp _ = do putStrLn $ unlines [ "In order to run the tests from the 'fb' package, you need" , "developer access to a Facebook app. The tests are designed" , "so that your app isn't going to be hurt, but we may not" , "create a Facebook app for this purpose and then distribute" , "its secret keys in the open." , "" , "Please give your app's name, id and secret on the enviroment" , "variables APP_NAME, APP_ID and APP_SECRET, respectively. " , "For example, before running the test you could run in the shell:" , "" , " $ export APP_NAME=\"example\"" , " $ export APP_ID=\"458798571203498\"" , " $ export APP_SECRET=\"28a9d0fa4272a14a9287f423f90a48f2304\"" , "" , "Of course, these values above aren't valid and you need to" , "replace them with your own." , "" , "(Exiting now with a failure code.)"] exitFailure invalidCredentials :: FB.Credentials invalidCredentials = FB.Credentials "this" "isn't" "valid" invalidUserAccessToken :: FB.UserAccessToken invalidUserAccessToken = FB.UserAccessToken "invalid" "user" farInTheFuture where Just farInTheFuture = parseTime (error "farInTheFuture") "%Y" "3000" -- It's actually important to use 'farInTheFuture' since we -- don't want any tests rejecting this invalid user access -- token before even giving it to Facebook. invalidAppAccessToken :: FB.AppAccessToken invalidAppAccessToken = FB.AppAccessToken "invalid" main :: IO () main = H.withManager $ \manager -> liftIO $ do creds <- getCredentials hspec $ do {- -- Run the tests twice, once in Facebook's production tier... facebookTests "Production tier: " manager (C.runResourceT . FB.runFacebookT creds manager) (C.runResourceT . FB.runNoAuthFacebookT manager) -- ...and the other in Facebook's beta tier. facebookTests "Beta tier: " manager (C.runResourceT . FB.beta_runFacebookT creds manager) (C.runResourceT . FB.beta_runNoAuthFacebookT manager) -} -- Tests that don't depend on which tier is chosen. libraryTests manager facebookTests :: String -> H.Manager -> (forall a. FB.FacebookT FB.Auth (C.ResourceT IO) a -> IO a) -> (forall a. FB.FacebookT FB.NoAuth (C.ResourceT IO) a -> IO a) -> Spec facebookTests pretitle manager runAuth runNoAuth = do let describe' = describe . (pretitle ++) describe' "getAppAccessToken" $ do it "works and returns a valid app access token" $ runAuth $ do token <- FB.getAppAccessToken FB.isValid token #?= True it "throws a FacebookException on invalid credentials" $ C.runResourceT $ FB.runFacebookT invalidCredentials manager $ do ret <- E.try $ FB.getAppAccessToken case ret of Right token -> fail $ show token Left (_ :: FB.FacebookException) -> lift $ lift (return () :: IO ()) describe' "isValid" $ do it "returns False on a clearly invalid user access token" $ runNoAuth $ FB.isValid invalidUserAccessToken #?= False it "returns False on a clearly invalid app access token" $ runNoAuth $ FB.isValid invalidAppAccessToken #?= False describe' "getObject" $ do it "is able to fetch Facebook's own page" $ runNoAuth $ do A.Object obj <- FB.getObject "/19292868552" [] Nothing let Just r = flip A.parseMaybe () $ const $ (,,) <$> obj A..:? "id" <*> obj A..:? "website" <*> obj A..:? "name" just x = Just (x :: Text) r &?= ( just "19292868552" , just "http://developers.facebook.com" , just "Facebook Developers" ) describe' "getUser" $ do it "works for Zuckerberg" $ do runNoAuth $ do user <- FB.getUser "zuck" [] Nothing FB.userId user &?= "4" FB.userName user &?= Just "Mark Zuckerberg" FB.userFirstName user &?= Just "Mark" FB.userMiddleName user &?= Nothing FB.userLastName user &?= Just "Zuckerberg" FB.userGender user &?= Just FB.Male describe' "getPage" $ do it "works for FB Developers" $ do runNoAuth $ do page <- FB.getPage "19292868552" [] Nothing FB.pageId page &?= "19292868552" FB.pageName page &?= Just "Facebook Developers" FB.pageCategory page &?= Just "Product/service" FB.pageIsPublished page &?= Just True FB.pageCanPost page &?= Nothing FB.pagePhone page &?= Nothing FB.pageCheckins page &?= Nothing FB.pagePicture page &?= Just "http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash2/276791_19292868552_1958181823_s.jpg" FB.pageWebsite page &?= Just "http://developers.facebook.com" describe' "fqlQuery" $ do it "is able to query Facebook's page name from its page id" $ runNoAuth $ do r <- FB.fqlQuery "SELECT name FROM page WHERE page_id = 20531316728" Nothing FB.pagerData r &?= [PageName "Facebook"] describe' "listSubscriptions" $ do it "returns something" $ do runAuth $ do token <- FB.getAppAccessToken val <- FB.listSubscriptions token length val `seq` return () describe' "fetchNextPage" $ do let fetchNextPageWorks :: FB.Pager A.Value -> FB.FacebookT anyAuth (C.ResourceT IO) () fetchNextPageWorks pager | isNothing (FB.pagerNext pager) = return () | otherwise = FB.fetchNextPage pager >>= maybe not_ (\_ -> return ()) where not_ = fail "Pager had a next page but fetchNextPage didn't work." it "seems to work on a public list of comments" $ do runNoAuth $ do fetchNextPageWorks =<< FB.getObject "/135529993185189_397300340341485/comments" [] Nothing it "seems to work on a private list of app insights" $ do runAuth $ do token <- FB.getAppAccessToken fetchNextPageWorks =<< FB.getObject "/app/insights" [] (Just token) describe' "fetchNextPage/fetchPreviousPage" $ do let backAndForthWorks :: FB.Pager A.Value -> FB.FacebookT anyAuth (C.ResourceT IO) () backAndForthWorks pager = do Just pager2 <- FB.fetchNextPage pager Just pager3 <- FB.fetchPreviousPage pager2 pager3 &?= pager it "seems to work on a public list of comments" $ do runNoAuth $ do backAndForthWorks =<< FB.getObject "/135529993185189_397300340341485/comments" [] Nothing it "seems to work on a private list of app insights" $ do runAuth $ do token <- FB.getAppAccessToken backAndForthWorks =<< FB.getObject "/app/insights" [] (Just token) describe' "fetchAllNextPages" $ do let hasAtLeast :: C.Source IO A.Value -> Int -> IO () src `hasAtLeast` n = src C.$$ go n where go 0 = return () go m = C.await >>= maybe not_ (\_ -> go (m-1)) not_ = fail $ "Source does not have at least " ++ show n ++ " elements." it "seems to work on a public list of comments" $ do runNoAuth $ do pager <- FB.getObject "/135529993185189_397300340341485/comments" [] Nothing src <- FB.fetchAllNextPages pager liftIO $ src `hasAtLeast` 200 -- items it "seems to work on a private list of app insights" $ do runAuth $ do token <- FB.getAppAccessToken pager <- FB.getObject "/app/insights" [] (Just token) src <- FB.fetchAllNextPages pager let firstPageElms = length (FB.pagerData pager) hasNextPage = isJust (FB.pagerNext pager) if hasNextPage then liftIO $ src `hasAtLeast` (firstPageElms * 3) -- items else fail "This isn't an insightful app =(." describe' "createTestUser/removeTestUser/getTestUser" $ do it "creates and removes a new test user" $ do runAuth $ do token <- FB.getAppAccessToken -- New test user information let installed = FB.CreateTestUserInstalled [ "read_stream" , "read_friendlists" , "publish_stream" ] userInfo = FB.CreateTestUser { FB.ctuInstalled = installed , FB.ctuName = Just "Gabriel" , FB.ctuLocale = Just "en_US" } -- Create the test user newTestUser <- FB.createTestUser userInfo token let newTestUserToken = (M.fromJust $ FB.incompleteTestUserAccessToken newTestUser) -- Get the created user createdUser <- FB.getUser (FB.tuId newTestUser) [] (Just newTestUserToken) -- Remove the test user True <- FB.removeTestUser newTestUser token -- Check user attributes FB.userId createdUser &?= FB.tuId newTestUser FB.userName createdUser &?= Just "Gabriel" FB.userLocale createdUser &?= Just "en_US" -- Check if the token is valid FB.isValid newTestUserToken #?= False describe' "makeFriendConn" $ do it "creates two new test users, makes them friends and deletes them" $ do runAuth $ withTestUser D.def $ \testUser1 -> withTestUser D.def $ \testUser2 -> do let Just tokenUserA = FB.incompleteTestUserAccessToken testUser1 let Just tokenUserB = FB.incompleteTestUserAccessToken testUser2 -- Create a friend connection between the new test users FB.makeFriendConn testUser1 testUser2 -- Check if the new test users' tokens are valid FB.isValid tokenUserA #?= True FB.isValid tokenUserB #?= True describe' "getTestUsers" $ do it "gets a list of test users" $ do runAuth $ do token <- FB.getAppAccessToken pager <- FB.getTestUsers token src <- FB.fetchAllNextPages pager oldList <- liftIO $ C.runResourceT $ src C.$$ CL.consume withTestUser D.def $ \testUser -> do let (%?=) = (&?=) `on` fmap FB.tuId (//) = S.difference `on` S.fromList newList <- FB.pagerData <$> FB.getTestUsers token S.toList (newList // oldList) %?= [testUser] newtype PageName = PageName Text deriving (Eq, Show) instance A.FromJSON PageName where parseJSON (A.Object v) = PageName <$> (v A..: "name") parseJSON _ = mzero libraryTests :: H.Manager -> Spec libraryTests manager = do describe "SimpleType" $ do it "works for Bool" $ (map FB.encodeFbParam [True, False]) @?= ["1", "0"] let day = TI.fromGregorian 2012 12 21 time = TI.TimeOfDay 11 37 22 diffTime = TI.secondsToDiffTime (11*3600 + 37*60) utcTime = TI.UTCTime day diffTime localTime = TI.LocalTime day time zonedTime = TI.ZonedTime localTime (TI.minutesToTimeZone 30) it "works for Day" $ FB.encodeFbParam day @?= "2012-12-21" it "works for UTCTime" $ FB.encodeFbParam utcTime @?= "20121221T1137Z" it "works for ZonedTime" $ FB.encodeFbParam zonedTime @?= "20121221T1107Z" let propShowRead :: (Show a, Read a, Eq a, FB.SimpleType a) => a -> Bool propShowRead x = read (B.unpack $ FB.encodeFbParam x) == x prop "works for Float" (propShowRead :: Float -> Bool) prop "works for Double" (propShowRead :: Double -> Bool) prop "works for Int" (propShowRead :: Int -> Bool) prop "works for Int8" (propShowRead :: Int8 -> Bool) prop "works for Int16" (propShowRead :: Int16 -> Bool) prop "works for Int32" (propShowRead :: Int32 -> Bool) prop "works for Int64" (propShowRead :: Int64 -> Bool) prop "works for Word" (propShowRead :: Word -> Bool) prop "works for Word8" (propShowRead :: Word8 -> Bool) prop "works for Word16" (propShowRead :: Word16 -> Bool) prop "works for Word32" (propShowRead :: Word32 -> Bool) prop "works for Word64" (propShowRead :: Word64 -> Bool) let propShowReadL :: (Show a, Read a, Eq a, FB.SimpleType a) => [a] -> Bool propShowReadL x = read ('[' : B.unpack (FB.encodeFbParam x) ++ "]") == x prop "works for [Float]" (propShowReadL :: [Float] -> Bool) prop "works for [Double]" (propShowReadL :: [Double] -> Bool) prop "works for [Int]" (propShowReadL :: [Int] -> Bool) prop "works for [Int8]" (propShowReadL :: [Int8] -> Bool) prop "works for [Int16]" (propShowReadL :: [Int16] -> Bool) prop "works for [Int32]" (propShowReadL :: [Int32] -> Bool) prop "works for [Int64]" (propShowReadL :: [Int64] -> Bool) prop "works for [Word]" (propShowReadL :: [Word] -> Bool) prop "works for [Word8]" (propShowReadL :: [Word8] -> Bool) prop "works for [Word16]" (propShowReadL :: [Word16] -> Bool) prop "works for [Word32]" (propShowReadL :: [Word32] -> Bool) prop "works for [Word64]" (propShowReadL :: [Word64] -> Bool) prop "works for Text" (\t -> FB.encodeFbParam t == TE.encodeUtf8 t) prop "works for Id" $ \i -> let toId :: Int -> FB.Id toId = FB.Id . B.pack . show j = abs i in FB.encodeFbParam (toId j) == FB.encodeFbParam j describe "parseSignedRequest" $ do let exampleSig, exampleData :: B.ByteString exampleSig = "vlXgu64BQGFSQrY0ZcJBZASMvYvTHu9GQ0YM9rjPSso" exampleData = "eyJhbGdvcml0aG0iOiJITUFDLVNIQTI1NiIsIjAiOiJwYXlsb2FkIn0" exampleCreds = FB.Credentials "name" "id" "secret" runExampleAuth :: FB.FacebookT FB.Auth (C.ResourceT IO) a -> IO a runExampleAuth = C.runResourceT . FB.runFacebookT exampleCreds manager it "works for Facebook example" $ do runExampleAuth $ do ret <- FB.parseSignedRequest (B.concat [exampleSig, ".", exampleData]) ret &?= Just (A.object [ "algorithm" A..= ("HMAC-SHA256" :: Text) , "0" A..= ("payload" :: Text)]) it "fails to parse the Facebook example when signature is corrupted" $ do let corruptedSig = B.cons 'a' (B.tail exampleSig) runExampleAuth $ do ret <- FB.parseSignedRequest (B.concat [corruptedSig, ".", exampleData]) ret &?= (Nothing :: Maybe A.Value) describe "FQLTime" $ do it "seems to work" $ do let input = "[1348678357]" output = FB.FQLTime (read "2012-09-26 16:52:37 UTC") A.decode input @?= Just [output] describe "FQLList" $ do let j :: [Int] -> Maybe (FB.FQLList Int) j = Just . FB.FQLList it "parses []" $ do A.decode "[]" @?= j [] it "parses {}" $ do A.decode "{}" @?= j [] it "parses [1234]" $ do A.decode "[1234]" @?= j [1234] it "parses {\"1234\": 1234}" $ do A.decode "{\"1234\": 1234}" @?= j [1234] describe "FQLObject" $ do let j :: [(Text, Int)] -> Maybe (FB.FQLObject (Map.Map Text Int)) j = Just . FB.FQLObject . Map.fromList it "parses []" $ do A.decode "[]" @?= j [] it "parses {}" $ do A.decode "{}" @?= j [] it "parses {\"abc\": 1234}" $ do A.decode "{\"abc\": 1234}" @?= j [("abc", 1234)] it "does not parse [1234]" $ do A.decode "[1234]" @?= (Nothing `asTypeOf` j []) describe "Id" $ do it "can be parsed from a string" $ do A.decode "[\"1234\"]" @?= Just [FB.Id "1234"] it "can be parsed from an integer" $ do A.decode "[1234]" @?= Just [FB.Id "1234"] it "can be parsed from an object with a string" $ do A.decode "{\"id\": \"1234\"}" @?= Just (FB.Id "1234") it "can be parsed from an object with an integer" $ do A.decode "{\"id\": 1234}" @?= Just (FB.Id "1234") -- Wrappers for HUnit operators using MonadIO (&?=) :: (Eq a, Show a, MonadIO m) => a -> a -> m () v &?= e = liftIO (v @?= e) (#?=) :: (Eq a, Show a, MonadIO m) => m a -> a -> m () m #?= e = m >>= (&?= e) -- | Sad, orphan instance. instance QC.Arbitrary Text where arbitrary = T.pack <$> QC.arbitrary shrink = map T.pack . QC.shrink . T.unpack -- | Perform an action with a new test user. Remove the new test user -- after the action is performed. withTestUser :: (C.MonadResource m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => FB.CreateTestUser -> (FB.TestUser -> FB.FacebookT FB.Auth m a) -> FB.FacebookT FB.Auth m a withTestUser ctu action = do token <- FB.getAppAccessToken E.bracket (FB.createTestUser ctu token) (flip FB.removeTestUser token) action