{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Facebook.RealTime
  ( RealTimeUpdateObject(..)
  , RealTimeUpdateField
  , RealTimeUpdateUrl
  , RealTimeUpdateToken
  , modifySubscription
  , RealTimeUpdateSubscription(..)
  , listSubscriptions
  , verifyRealTimeUpdateNotifications
  , getRealTimeUpdateNotifications
  , RealTimeUpdateNotification(..)
  , RealTimeUpdateNotificationUserEntry(..)
  ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Monad (liftM, mzero, void)
import Crypto.Hash.CryptoAPI (SHA1)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Resource as R
import qualified Crypto.Classes as Crypto
import qualified Crypto.HMAC as Crypto
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT

import Facebook.Types
import Facebook.Monad
import Facebook.Base
import Facebook.Graph
import Facebook.Pager

-- | The type of objects that a real-time update refers to.
data RealTimeUpdateObject
  = UserRTUO
  | PermissionsRTUO
  | PageRTUO
  | ErrorsRTUO
  | OtherRTUO Text
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)

rtuoToBS :: RealTimeUpdateObject -> ByteString
rtuoToBS (UserRTUO) = "user"
rtuoToBS (PermissionsRTUO) = "permissions"
rtuoToBS (PageRTUO) = "page"
rtuoToBS (ErrorsRTUO) = "errors"
rtuoToBS (OtherRTUO other) = TE.encodeUtf8 other

instance A.FromJSON RealTimeUpdateObject where
  parseJSON (A.String "user") = return UserRTUO
  parseJSON (A.String "permissions") = return PermissionsRTUO
  parseJSON (A.String "page") = return PageRTUO
  parseJSON (A.String "errors") = return ErrorsRTUO
  parseJSON (A.String other) = return (OtherRTUO other)
  parseJSON _ = mzero

instance A.ToJSON RealTimeUpdateObject where
  toJSON = A.String . TE.decodeUtf8 . rtuoToBS

-- | A field of a 'RealTimeUpdateObject' that you would like to
-- receive notifications when changed.
type RealTimeUpdateField = ByteString

-- | The URL on your server that will receive the real-time
-- updates.  Please refer to Facebook's documentation in order to
-- see what this URL needs to implement.
type RealTimeUpdateUrl = Text

-- | A token that is sent back by Facebook's servers to your
-- server in order to verify that you really were trying to
-- modify your subscription.
type RealTimeUpdateToken = ByteString

-- | Add or modify a subscription for real-time updates.  If
-- there were no previous subscriptions for the given
-- 'RealTimeUpdateObject', then a new subscription is created.
-- If there was any previous subscription for the given
-- 'RealTimeUpdateObject', it's overriden by this one (even if
-- the other subscription had a different callback URL).
  :: (R.MonadResource m, R.MonadUnliftIO m, R.MonadThrow m)
  => RealTimeUpdateObject
     -- ^ Type of objects whose subscription you
     -- and to add or modify.
  -> [RealTimeUpdateField]
     -- ^ Fields that you are interested in
     -- receiving updates.
  -> RealTimeUpdateUrl
     -- ^ Your callback URL.
  -> RealTimeUpdateToken
     -- ^ A verification token.
  -> AppAccessToken
     -- ^ Access token for your app.
  -> FacebookT Auth m ()
modifySubscription object fields callbackUrl verifyToken apptoken = do
  path <- getSubscriptionsPath
  let args =
        [ "object" #= rtuoToBS object
        , "fields" #= fields
        , "callback_url" #= callbackUrl
        , "verify_token" #= verifyToken
  runResourceInFb $
    do req <- fbreq path (Just apptoken) args
       void $
           { H.method = HT.methodPost
  return ()

-- | (Internal)  Get the subscription's path.
  :: Monad m
  => FacebookT Auth m Text
getSubscriptionsPath = do
  creds <- getCreds
  return $ T.concat ["/", appId creds, "/subscriptions"]

-- | Information returned by Facebook about a real-time update
-- notification subscription.
data RealTimeUpdateSubscription = RealTimeUpdateSubscription
  { rtusObject :: RealTimeUpdateObject
  , rtusCallbackUrl :: RealTimeUpdateUrl
  , rtusFields :: [RealTimeUpdateField]
  , rtusActive :: Bool
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance A.FromJSON RealTimeUpdateSubscription where
  parseJSON (A.Object v) =
    RealTimeUpdateSubscription <$> v A..: "object" <*> v A..: "callback_url" <*>
    fmap (map encodeUtf8) (v A..: "fields") <*>
    v A..: "active"
  parseJSON _ = mzero

-- | List current real-time update subscriptions.
  :: (R.MonadResource m, R.MonadUnliftIO m, R.MonadThrow m)
  => AppAccessToken -> FacebookT Auth m [RealTimeUpdateSubscription]
listSubscriptions apptoken = do
  path <- getSubscriptionsPath
  pager <- getObject path [] (Just apptoken)
  src <- fetchAllNextPages pager
  lift $ C.runConduit $ src C..| CL.consume

-- | Verifies the input's authenticity (i.e. it comes from
-- Facebook) and integrity by calculating its HMAC-SHA1 (using
-- your application secret as the key) and verifying that it
-- matches the value from the HTTP request's @X-Hub-Signature@
-- header's value.  If it's not valid, @Nothing@ is returned,
-- otherwise @Just data@ is returned where @data@ is the original
-- data.
  :: Monad m
  => ByteString
     -- ^ @X-Hub-Signature@ HTTP header's value.
  -> L.ByteString
     -- ^ Request body with JSON-encoded notifications.
  -> FacebookT Auth m (Maybe L.ByteString)
verifyRealTimeUpdateNotifications sig body = do
  creds <- getCreds
  let key :: Crypto.MacKey ctx SHA1
      key = Crypto.MacKey (appSecretBS creds)
      hash = Crypto.hmac key body
      expected = "sha1=" <> Base16.encode (Crypto.encode hash)
  return $!
    if sig `Crypto.constTimeEq` expected
      then Just body
      else Nothing

-- | Same as 'verifyRealTimeUpdateNotifications' but also parses
-- the response as JSON.  Returns @Nothing@ if either the
-- signature is invalid or the data can't be parsed (use
-- 'verifyRealTimeUpdateNotifications' if you need to distinguish
-- between these two error conditions).
  :: (Monad m, A.FromJSON a)
  => ByteString
     -- ^ @X-Hub-Signature@ HTTP header's value.
  -> L.ByteString
     -- ^ Request body with JSON-encoded notifications.
  -> FacebookT Auth m (Maybe (RealTimeUpdateNotification a))
getRealTimeUpdateNotifications = (liftM (>>= A.decode) .) . verifyRealTimeUpdateNotifications

-- | When data changes and there's a valid subscription, Facebook
-- will @POST@ to your 'RealTimeUpdateUrl' with a JSON-encoded
-- object containing the notifications.  A
-- 'RealTimeUpdateNotification a' represents such object where
-- 'a' is type of the entries (e.g.,
-- 'RealTimeUpdateNotificationUserEntry').
-- If you have a single 'RealTimeUpdateUrl' for different kinds
-- of notifications, you may parse a @RealTimeUpdateNotification
-- 'A.Value'@ and then manually parse the 'A.Value' depending on
-- the value of 'rtunObject'.
-- We recommend using 'getRealTimeUpdateNotifications'.
data RealTimeUpdateNotification a = RealTimeUpdateNotification
  { rtunObject :: RealTimeUpdateObject
  , rtunEntries :: [a]
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance A.FromJSON a =>
         A.FromJSON (RealTimeUpdateNotification a) where
  parseJSON (A.Object v) =
    RealTimeUpdateNotification <$> v A..: "object" <*> v A..: "entry"
  parseJSON _ = mzero

-- | A notification for the 'UserRTUO' object.
data RealTimeUpdateNotificationUserEntry = RealTimeUpdateNotificationUserEntry
  { rtuneUserId :: Id
  , rtuneChangedFields :: [RealTimeUpdateField]
  , rtuneTime :: Integer
  } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)

instance A.FromJSON RealTimeUpdateNotificationUserEntry where
  parseJSON (A.Object v) =
    RealTimeUpdateNotificationUserEntry <$> v A..: "uid" <*>
    fmap (map encodeUtf8) (v A..: "changed_fields") <*>
    v A..: "time"
  parseJSON _ = mzero