-- |
-- Module    : Text.Feed.Translate 
-- Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc. 2008
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer: Don Stewart <dons@galois.com>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability:
-- Translating between RSS formats; work in progress.
module Text.Feed.Translate 
       ( translateItemTo  -- :: FeedKind -> Item -> Item
       , withAtomEntry    -- :: (Atom.Entry -> Atom.Entry) -> Item -> Item
       , withRSSItem      -- :: (RSS.RSSItem -> RSS.RSSItem) -> Item -> Item
       , withRSS1Item     -- :: (RSS1.Item -> RSS1.Item) -> Item -> Item
       ) where

import Text.Feed.Types as Feed
import Text.Feed.Constructor

import Text.RSS.Syntax as RSS
import qualified Text.RSS1.Syntax as RSS1
import Text.Atom.Feed as Atom

import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )

-- functions for performing format-specific transformations.
-- If the item isn't in the of-interest format, no transformation
-- is performed (i.e., no on-the-fly translation into the requested
-- format is performed; the caller is responsible 

withAtomEntry :: (Atom.Entry -> Atom.Entry) -> Item -> Item
withAtomEntry f it = 
  case it of
    Feed.AtomItem e -> Feed.AtomItem (f e)
    _ -> it

withRSSItem :: (RSS.RSSItem -> RSS.RSSItem) -> Item -> Item
withRSSItem f it = 
  case it of
    Feed.RSSItem e -> Feed.RSSItem (f e)
    _ -> it

withRSS1Item :: (RSS1.Item -> RSS1.Item) -> Item -> Item
withRSS1Item f it = 
  case it of
    Feed.RSS1Item e -> Feed.RSS1Item (f e)
    _ -> it

translateItemTo :: FeedKind -> Item -> Item
translateItemTo fk it = 
  case fk of
    AtomKind  -> toAtomItem it
    RSSKind v -> toRSSItem v it
    RDFKind v -> toRDFItem v it

toRSSItem :: Maybe String -> Item -> Item
toRSSItem = error "toRSSItem: unimplemented"

toRDFItem :: Maybe String -> Item -> Item
toRDFItem = error "toRDFItem: unimplemented"

toAtomItem :: Item -> Item
toAtomItem it = 
  case it of
    AtomItem{} -> it
    RSS1Item{} -> error "toAtomItem: unimplemented (from RSS1 item rep.)"
    XMLItem{}  -> error "toAtomItem: unimplemented (from shallow XML rep.)"
    Feed.RSSItem ri -> foldl (\ oi f -> f oi) outIt pipeline_rss_atom
       outIt = 
         (flip withAtomEntry) (newItem AtomKind)
           (\ e -> e{ Atom.entryOther = RSS.rssItemOther ri
                    , Atom.entryAttrs = RSS.rssItemAttrs ri

       pipeline_rss_atom = 
         [ mb withItemTitle       (rssItemTitle ri)
         , mb withItemLink        (rssItemLink  ri)
         , mb withItemDescription (rssItemDescription ri)
         , mb withItemAuthor      (rssItemAuthor ri)
         , ls withItemCategories  (rssItemCategories ri)
         , mb withItemId'         (rssItemGuid ri)
         , mb withItemCommentLink (rssItemComments ri)
         , mb withItemEnclosure'  (rssItemEnclosure ri)
         , mb withItemPubDate     (rssItemPubDate ri)
       withItemEnclosure' e = 
          withItemEnclosure (rssEnclosureURL e)
                            (Just $ rssEnclosureType e)
                            (rssEnclosureLength e)
       withItemId' g = withItemId (fromMaybe True (rssGuidPermanentURL g)) (rssGuidValue g)

       mb _ Nothing  = id
       mb f (Just v) = f v
       ls _ [] = id
        -- hack, only used for cats, so specialize:
       ls f xs = f (map (\ c -> (rssCategoryValue c, rssCategoryDomain c)) xs)

       pipeline_rss_atom =
        [ withItemTitle    (rssItemTitle ri)
        , withItemLink     (rssLink ri)
        , withDescription  (rssDescription ri)
        , \ inp -> mb (\ la -> inp{feedLanguage=...}) (rssLanguage ri)
        , \ inp -> mb (\ ed -> inp{feedAuthors=[nullPerson{personName=ed}]})
                      (rssEditor ri)
        , \ inp -> mb (\ ed -> inp{feedAuthors=[nullPerson{personName=ed}]})
                      (rssWebMaster ri)
        , \ inp -> mb (\ pu -> withPubDate)
                      (rssPubDate ri)
        , \ inp -> mb withLastUpdate
                      (rssLastUpdate ri)
        , \ inp -> withCategories (map (\c -> (RSS.rssCategoryValue c, RSS.rssCategoryDomain c))
                                       (rssCategories ri)) inp
        , \ inp -> mb withGenerator
                      (rssGenerator ri)
        , rssDocs
        , rssCloud
        , rssTTL
        , rssImage
        , rssRating
        , rssTextInput
        , rssSkipHours
        , rssSkipDays