-- |
-- Module    : Text.RSS1.Syntax
-- Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc. 2008,
--             (c) Sigbjorn Finne 2009-
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer: Sigbjorn Finne <sof@forkIO.com>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability: portable
module Text.RSS1.Syntax
  ( URIString
  , TitleString
  , TimeString
  , TextString
  , Feed(..)
  , Channel(..)
  , Image(..)
  , Item(..)
  , TextInputInfo(..)
  , TaxonomyTopic(..)
  , UpdatePeriod(..)
  , ContentInfo(..)
  , nullFeed
  , nullChannel
  , nullImage
  , nullItem
  , nullTextInputInfo
  , nullTaxonomyTopic
  , nullContentInfo
  ) where

import Prelude.Compat

import Data.Text
import Data.XML.Compat
import Data.XML.Types as XML
import Text.DublinCore.Types

type URIString = Text

type TitleString = Text

type TimeString = Text

type TextString = Text

data Feed = Feed
  { feedVersion :: Text
  , feedChannel :: Channel
  , feedImage :: Maybe Image
  , feedItems :: [Item]
  , feedTextInput :: Maybe TextInputInfo
  , feedTopics :: [TaxonomyTopic]
  , feedOther :: [XML.Element]
  , feedAttrs :: [Attr]
  } deriving (Show)

data Channel = Channel
  { channelURI :: URIString
  , channelTitle :: TitleString
  , channelLink :: URIString
  , channelDesc :: TextString
           -- these are indirect RDF associations to elements declared
           -- outside the channel element in the RDF \/ feed document.
  , channelImageURI :: Maybe URIString
  , channelItemURIs :: [URIString]
  , channelTextInputURI :: Maybe URIString
  , channelDC :: [DCItem]
  , channelUpdatePeriod :: Maybe UpdatePeriod
  , channelUpdateFreq :: Maybe Integer
  , channelUpdateBase :: Maybe TimeString -- format is yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm
  , channelContent :: [ContentInfo]
  , channelTopics :: [URIString]
  , channelOther :: [XML.Element]
  , channelAttrs :: [Attr]
  } deriving (Show)

data Image = Image
  { imageURI :: URIString -- the image resource, most likely.
  , imageTitle :: TextString -- the "alt"ernative text.
  , imageURL :: URIString
  , imageLink :: URIString -- the href of the rendered img resource.
  , imageDC :: [DCItem]
  , imageOther :: [XML.Element]
  , imageAttrs :: [Attr]
  } deriving (Show)

data Item = Item
  { itemURI :: URIString
  , itemTitle :: TextString
  , itemLink :: URIString
  , itemDesc :: Maybe TextString
  , itemDC :: [DCItem]
  , itemTopics :: [URIString]
  , itemContent :: [ContentInfo]
  , itemOther :: [XML.Element]
  , itemAttrs :: [Attr]
  } deriving (Show)

data TextInputInfo = TextInputInfo
  { textInputURI :: URIString
  , textInputTitle :: TextString
  , textInputDesc :: TextString
  , textInputName :: TextString
  , textInputLink :: URIString
  , textInputDC :: [DCItem]
  , textInputOther :: [XML.Element]
  , textInputAttrs :: [Attr]
  } deriving (Show)

data TaxonomyTopic = TaxonomyTopic
  { taxonomyURI :: URIString
  , taxonomyLink :: URIString
  , taxonomyTitle :: Maybe Text
  , taxonomyDesc :: Maybe Text
  , taxonomyTopics :: [URIString]
  , taxonomyDC :: [DCItem]
  , taxonomyOther :: [XML.Element]
  } deriving (Show)

data UpdatePeriod
  = Update_Hourly
  | Update_Daily
  | Update_Weekly
  | Update_Monthly
  | Update_Yearly
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data ContentInfo = ContentInfo
  { contentURI :: Maybe URIString
  , contentFormat :: Maybe URIString
  , contentEncoding :: Maybe URIString
  , contentValue :: Maybe Text -- should be: RDFValue
  } deriving (Eq, Show)

--default constructors:
nullFeed :: URIString -> TitleString -> Feed
nullFeed uri title =
    { feedVersion = "1.0"
    , feedChannel = nullChannel uri title
    , feedImage = Nothing
    , feedItems = []
    , feedTextInput = Nothing
    , feedTopics = []
    , feedOther = []
    , feedAttrs = []

nullChannel :: URIString -> TitleString -> Channel
nullChannel uri title =
    { channelURI = uri
    , channelTitle = title
    , channelLink = uri
    , channelDesc = title
    , channelImageURI = Nothing
    , channelItemURIs = []
    , channelTextInputURI = Nothing
    , channelDC = []
    , channelUpdatePeriod = Nothing
    , channelUpdateFreq = Nothing
    , channelUpdateBase = Nothing
    , channelContent = []
    , channelTopics = []
    , channelOther = []
    , channelAttrs = []

nullImage :: URIString -> Text -> URIString -> Image
nullImage imguri title link =
    { imageURI = imguri
    , imageTitle = title
    , imageURL = imguri
    , imageLink = link
    , imageDC = []
    , imageOther = []
    , imageAttrs = []

nullItem :: URIString -> TextString -> URIString -> Item
nullItem uri title link =
    { itemURI = uri
    , itemTitle = title
    , itemLink = link
    , itemDesc = Nothing
    , itemDC = []
    , itemTopics = []
    , itemContent = []
    , itemOther = []
    , itemAttrs = []

nullTextInputInfo :: URIString -> TextString -> TextString -> URIString -> TextInputInfo
nullTextInputInfo uri title nm link =
    { textInputURI = uri
    , textInputTitle = title
    , textInputDesc = title
    , textInputName = nm
    , textInputLink = link
    , textInputDC = []
    , textInputOther = []
    , textInputAttrs = []

nullTaxonomyTopic :: URIString -> URIString -> TaxonomyTopic
nullTaxonomyTopic uri link =
    { taxonomyURI = uri
    , taxonomyLink = link
    , taxonomyTitle = Nothing
    , taxonomyDesc = Nothing
    , taxonomyTopics = []
    , taxonomyDC = []
    , taxonomyOther = []

nullContentInfo :: ContentInfo
nullContentInfo =
    { contentURI = Nothing
    , contentFormat = Nothing
    , contentEncoding = Nothing
    , contentValue = Nothing