{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Feldspar.Compiler.Backend.C.Plugin.PrettyPrint where

import Feldspar.Transformation
import Feldspar.Compiler.Backend.C.CodeGeneration
-- import Feldspar.Compiler.Backend.C.Plugin.PrettyPrintHelp
import Feldspar.Compiler.Backend.C.Platforms
import Feldspar.Compiler.Backend.C.Options
import Feldspar.Compiler.Error

import qualified Data.List as List (last,find)

-- ===========================================================================
--  == DebugToC plugin
-- ===========================================================================

data DebugToC = DebugToC

data DebugToCSemanticInfo

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Module where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Module = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Definition where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Definition = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Struct where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Struct = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Procedure where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Procedure = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo StructMember where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo StructMember = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Block where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Block = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Program where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Program = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Empty where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Empty = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Assign where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Assign = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo ProcedureCall where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo ProcedureCall = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Sequence where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Sequence = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Branch where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Branch = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo SeqLoop where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo SeqLoop = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo ParLoop where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo ParLoop = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo ActualParameter where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo ActualParameter = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Declaration where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Declaration = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Expression where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Expression = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo FunctionCall where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo FunctionCall = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo SizeOf where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo SizeOf = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo ArrayElem where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo ArrayElem = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo StructField where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo StructField = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Constant where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Constant = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo IntConst where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo IntConst = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo FloatConst where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo FloatConst = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo BoolConst where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo BoolConst = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo ArrayConst where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo ArrayConst = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo ComplexConst where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo ComplexConst = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Variable where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Variable = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo UnionField where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo UnionField = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Cast where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Cast = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo SwitchCase where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo SwitchCase = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))    

instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Switch where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Switch = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Comment where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Comment = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))    
instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo UnionMember where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo UnionMember = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))    
instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo GlobalVar where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo GlobalVar = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))    
instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Prototype where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Prototype = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))    
instance Annotation DebugToCSemanticInfo Union where
    type Label DebugToCSemanticInfo Union = ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))    

instance Transformation DebugToC where
    type From DebugToC    = ()
    type To DebugToC      = DebugToCSemanticInfo
    type Down DebugToC    = (Options, Place, Int)  -- Platform, Place and Indentation
    type Up DebugToC      = String
    type State DebugToC   = (Int, Int)

instance Plugin DebugToC where
    type ExternalInfo DebugToC = ((Options, Place), Int)
    executePlugin DebugToC ((options, place), line) procedure =
        result $ transform DebugToC (line, 0) (options, place, 0) procedure

compToC :: ((Options, Place), Int) -> Module () -> (String, (Int, Int))
compToC ((options, place), line) procedure = (up res, state res) where
    res = transform DebugToC (line, 0) (options, place, 0) procedure

compToCWithInfos :: ((Options, Place), Int) -> Module () -> (Module DebugToCSemanticInfo, (String, (Int, Int)))
compToCWithInfos ((options, place), line) procedure = (result res, (up res, state res)) where
    res = transform DebugToC (line, 0) (options, place, 0) procedure

instance Transformable DebugToC Variable where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x@(Variable name typ role inf) = Result (Variable name typ role newInf) (line, newCol) cRep where
        newInf = ((line, col),(line, newCol))
        newCol = col + length cRep
        cRep = toC options place x

instance Transformable1 DebugToC [] Constant where
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) [] = Result1 [] (line, col) ""
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:[]) = Result1 ((result newX):[]) (state newX) (up newX) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:xs) = Result1 ((result newX):(result1 newXs)) (state1 newXs) (up newX ++ ", " ++ up1 newXs) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
        (line2, col2) =  state newX
        newSt = (line2, col2 + length ", ") 
        newXs = transform1 t newSt (options, place, indent) xs

instance Transformable DebugToC Constant where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (ArrayConst list inf1 inf2) = Result (ArrayConst (result1 newList) newInf newInf) (line2, newCol) cRep where
        newList = transform1 t (line, col + length "{") (options, place, indent) list
        (line2, col2) = state1 newList
        newCol = col2 + length "}"
        newInf = ((line, col),(line, newCol))
        cRep = "{" ++ up1 newList ++ "}"

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) const@(IntConst c inf1 inf2) = Result (IntConst c newInf newInf) (line, newCol) cRep where
        newInf = ((line, col),(line, newCol))
        newCol = col + length cRep
        cRep = case (List.find (\(t',_) -> t' == typeof const) $ values $ platform options) of
            Just (_,f) -> f const
            Nothing    -> show c
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) const@(FloatConst c inf1 inf2) = Result (FloatConst c newInf newInf) (line, newCol) cRep where
        newInf = ((line, col),(line, newCol))
        newCol = col + length cRep
        cRep = case (List.find (\(t',_) -> t' == typeof const) $ values $ platform options) of
            Just (_,f) -> f const
            Nothing    -> show c ++ "f"

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) const@(BoolConst False inf1 inf2) = Result (BoolConst False newInf newInf) (line, newCol) cRep where
        newInf = ((line, col),(line, newCol))
        newCol = col + length cRep
        cRep = case (List.find (\(t',_) -> t' == typeof const) $ values $ platform options) of
            Just (_,f) -> f const
            Nothing    -> "0"

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) const@(BoolConst True inf1 inf2) = Result (BoolConst True newInf newInf) (line, newCol) cRep where
        newInf = ((line, col),(line, newCol))
        newCol = col + length cRep
        cRep = case (List.find (\(t',_) -> t' == typeof const) $ values $ platform options) of
            Just (_,f) -> f const
            Nothing    -> "1"

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) const@(ComplexConst real im inf1 inf2) 
        = case (List.find (\(t',_) -> t' == typeof const) $ values $ platform options) of
            Just (_,f) -> 
                Result (ComplexConst (result newReal) (result newIm) newInf newInf) (line, newCol) cRep where
                    newInf = ((line, col),(line, newCol))
                    newCol = col + length cRep
                    cRep = f const          
                    newReal = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) real -- TODO: Is this case valid 
                    newIm = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) im     -- TODO:   by ComplexConst ??? 
            Nothing    -> 
                Result (ComplexConst (result newReal) (result newIm) newInf newInf) (line3, newCol) cRep where
                    newReal = transform t (line, col + length "complex(") (options, place, indent) real
                    (line2, col2) = state newReal
                    newIm = transform t (line2, col2 + length ",") (options, place, indent) im
                    (line3, col3)  = state newIm
                    newCol = col3 + length ")"
                    newInf = ((line, col),(line, newCol))
                    cRep = "complex(" ++ up newReal ++ "," ++ up newIm ++ ")"

instance Transformable DebugToC ActualParameter where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (In param@(VarExpr (Variable _ (StructType _) _ _) _) inf) = Result (In (result newParam) newInf) newSt cRep where
        newParam = transform t (line, col) (options, AddressNeed_pl, indent) param
        (line2, col2) = state newParam 
        newSt  = (line2, col2)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up newParam

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (In param inf) = Result (In (result newParam) newInf) newSt cRep where
        newParam = transform t (line, col) (options, FunctionCallIn_pl, indent) param
        (line2, col2) = state newParam 
        newSt  = (line2, col2)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up newParam

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Out param inf) = Result (Out (result newParam) newInf) newSt cRep where
        newParam = transform t (line, col) (options, AddressNeed_pl, indent) param
        (line2, col2) = state newParam 
        newSt  = (line2, col2)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up newParam

instance Transformable1 DebugToC [] Expression where
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) [] = Result1 [] (line, col) ""
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:[]) = Result1 ((result newX):[]) (state newX) (up newX) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:xs) = Result1 ((result newX):(result1 newXs)) (state1 newXs) (up newX ++ ", " ++ up1 newXs) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
        (line2, col2) =  state newX
        newSt = (line2, col2 + length ", ") 
        newXs = transform1 t newSt (options, place, indent) xs

instance Transformable DebugToC Expression where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (VarExpr val inf) = Result (VarExpr (result newVal) newInf) newSt cRep where
        newVal = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) val
        (line2, col2) = state newVal 
        newSt  = (line2, col2)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up newVal

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) e@(ArrayElem name index inf1 inf2) = Result (ArrayElem (result newName) (result newIndex) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where
        prefix = case place of
            AddressNeed_pl  -> "&"
            _               -> ""
        at = prefix ++ "at(" ++ show_type options MainParameter_pl (typeof e) NoRestrict ++ ","
        newName = transform t (line, col + length at) (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent) name
        (line2, col2) = state newName
        newIndex = transform t (line2, col2 + length ",") (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent) index
        (line3, col3) = state newIndex
        newSt  = (line3, col3 + length ")")
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = at ++ up newName ++ "," ++ up newIndex ++ ")"
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (StructField str field inf1 inf2) = Result (StructField (result newStr) field newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newStr = transform t (line, col) (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent) str
        (line2, col2) = state newStr
        newSt  = (line2, col2 + length ("." ++ field))
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up newStr ++ "." ++ field

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (UnionField targetUnion field inf1 inf2) = Result (StructField (result newTarget) field newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newTarget = transform t (line, col) (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent) targetUnion
        (line2, col2) = state newTarget
        newSt  = (line2, col2 + length ("." ++ field))
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up newTarget ++ "." ++ field

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (ConstExpr val inf) = Result (ConstExpr (result newVal) newInf) newSt cRep where
        newVal = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) val
        (line2, col2) = state newVal 
        newSt  = (line2, col2)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up newVal

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (FunctionCall "!" typ role [a,b] inf1 inf2) = Result (FunctionCall "!" typ role [result newA, result newB] newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newA = transform t (line, col+3) (options, place, indent) a
        (line2, col2) = state newA
        newB = transform t (line2, col2 + length ",") (options, place, indent) b
        (line3, col3) = state newB
        newSt = (line3, col3 + length ")")
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = "at(" ++ up newA ++ "," ++ up newB ++ ")"

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (FunctionCall fun typ InfixOp [a,b] inf1 inf2) = Result (FunctionCall fun typ InfixOp [result newA, result newB] newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newA = transform t (line, col + length "(") (options, place, indent) a
        (line2, col2) = state newA
        newB = transform t (line2, col2 + length (" " ++ fun ++ " ")) (options, place, indent) b
        (line3, col3) = state newB
        newSt = (line3, col3 + length ")")
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = "(" ++ up newA ++ " " ++ fun ++ " " ++ up newB ++ ")"
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (FunctionCall fun typ role paramlist inf1 inf2) =  Result (FunctionCall fun typ role (result1 newParamlist) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newParamlist = transform1 t (line, col + length (fun ++ "(")) (options, place, indent) paramlist        
        (line2, col2) = state1 newParamlist
        newSt = (line2, col2 + length ")")
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = fun ++ "(" ++ up1 newParamlist ++ ")"

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Cast typ exp inf1 inf2) =  Result (Cast typ (result newExp) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        prefix = concat ["(", toC options place typ, ")("]
        newExp = transform t (line, col + length prefix) (options, place, indent) exp
        (line2, col2) = state newExp
        newSt  = (line2, col2 + length ")")
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = prefix ++ up newExp ++ ")" 

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (SizeOf (Left typ) inf1 inf2) = Result (SizeOf (Left typ) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        col2 = col + length cRep
        newSt = (line, col2)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = "sizeof(" ++ toC options place typ ++ ")"
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (SizeOf (Right exp) inf1 inf2) = Result (SizeOf (Right (result newExp)) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newExp = transform t (line, col + length "sizeof(") (options, place, indent) exp
        (line2, col2) = state newExp
        newSt  = (line2, col2 + length ")")
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = "sizeof(" ++ up newExp ++ ")"   

instance Transformable1 DebugToC [] Definition where
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) [] = Result1 [] (line, col) ""
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:xs) = Result1 ((result newX):(result1 newXs)) (state1 newXs) (up newX ++ up1 newXs) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
        (line2, col2) =  state newX
        newSt = (line2, col2) 
        newXs = transform1 t newSt (options, place, indent) xs

instance Transformable DebugToC Module where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Module defList inf) = Result (Module (result1 newDefList) newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newDefList = transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) defList        
        (line2, col2) = state1 newDefList
        newSt = (line2, col2)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up1 newDefList

instance Transformable1 DebugToC [] Variable where
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) [] = Result1 [] (line, col) ""
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:[]) = Result1 ((result newX):[]) (state newX) (up newX) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:xs) = Result1 ((result newX):(result1 newXs)) (state1 newXs) (up newX ++ ", " ++ up1 newXs) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
        (line2, col2) =  state newX
        newSt = (line2, col2 + length ", ") 
        newXs = transform1 t newSt (options, place, indent) xs

instance Transformable1 DebugToC [] StructMember where
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) [] = Result1 [] (line, col) ""
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:xs) = Result1 ((result newX):(result1 newXs)) (state1 newXs) ((putIndent indent ++ up newX ++"\n" ) ++ up1 newXs) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
        (line2, col2) =  state newX
        newSt = (line2 + 1, indent) 
        newXs = transform1 t newSt (options, place, indent) xs

instance Transformable1 DebugToC [] UnionMember where
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) [] = Result1 [] (line, col) ""
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:xs) = Result1 ((result newX):(result1 newXs)) (state1 newXs) ((putIndent indent ++ up newX ++"\n" ) ++ up1 newXs) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
        (line2, col2) =  state newX
        newSt = (line2 + 1, indent) 
        newXs = transform1 t newSt (options, place, indent) xs

instance Transformable DebugToC Definition where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Struct name members inf1 inf2) = Result (Struct name (result1 newMembers) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newIndent = indent + 4
        newMembers = transform1 t (line + 1, newIndent) (options, place, newIndent) members 
        (line2, col2) = state1 newMembers
        newSt = (line2 + 1, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = name ++ " {\n"  ++ up1 newMembers ++ putIndent indent ++ "};\n" 

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Union name members inf1 inf2) = Result (Union name (result1 newMembers) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newIndent = indent + 4
        newMembers = transform1 t (line + 1, newIndent) (options, place, newIndent) members 
        (line2, col2) = state1 newMembers
        newSt = (line2 + 1, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = name ++ " {\n"  ++ up1 newMembers ++ putIndent indent ++ "};\n" 

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Procedure name inParam outParam body inf1 inf2) = Result (Procedure name (result1 newInParam) (result1 newOutParam) (result newBody) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newInParam = transform1 t (line, col + length ("void " ++ name ++ "(")) (options, MainParameter_pl, indent) inParam
        (line2, col2) = state1 newInParam
        (newSt1, newInPStr) | up1 newInParam == ""  = ((line2, col2), "")
                            | otherwise             = ((line2, col2 + length ", "), up1 newInParam ++ ", ")
        newOutParam = transform1 t newSt1 (options, MainParameter_pl, indent) outParam
        (line3, col3) = state1 newOutParam
        newIndent = indent + 4
        newBody = transform t (line3 + 2, newIndent) (options, Declaration_pl, newIndent) body
        (line4, col4) = state newBody
        newSt = (line4 + 1, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = putIndent indent ++ "void "++ name ++ "(" ++ newInPStr ++ up1 newOutParam ++ ")\n" ++ putIndent indent ++ "{\n"  ++ up newBody ++ putIndent indent ++ "}\n" 

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Prototype returnType name inParam outParam inf1 inf2) = Result (Prototype returnType name (result1 newInParam) (result1 newOutParam) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newInParam = transform1 t (line, col + length (" " ++ name ++ "(")) (options, MainParameter_pl, indent) inParam
        (line2, col2) = state1 newInParam
        (newSt1, newInPStr) | up1 newInParam == ""  = ((line2, col2), "")
                            | otherwise             = ((line2, col2 + length ", "), up1 newInParam ++ ", ")
        newOutParam = transform1 t newSt1 (options, MainParameter_pl, indent) outParam
        (line3, col3) = state1 newOutParam
        newSt = (line3 + 1, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = putIndent indent ++ " "++ name ++ "(" ++ newInPStr ++ up1 newOutParam ++ ");\n"  

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (GlobalVar decl inf1 inf2) = Result (GlobalVar (result newDecl) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where 
        newDecl = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) decl
        (line2, col2) = state newDecl
        newSt = (line2 + 1, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up newDecl ++ ";\n"
instance Transformable DebugToC StructMember where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) dsm@(StructMember str typ inf) = Result (StructMember str typ newInf) newSt cRep where   
        col2 = col + length cRep
        newSt = (line, col2)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = case structMemberType dsm of
            ArrayType len innerType -> show_variable options place Value (structMemberType dsm)
                                                 (structMemberName dsm) ++ ";"
            otherwise -> (toC options place $ structMemberType dsm) ++ " " ++ structMemberName dsm ++ ";"

instance Transformable DebugToC UnionMember where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) dsm@(UnionMember str typ inf) = Result (UnionMember str typ newInf) newSt cRep where   
        col2 = col + length cRep
        newSt = (line, col2)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = case unionMemberType dsm of
            ArrayType len innerType -> show_variable options place Value (unionMemberType dsm)
                                                 (unionMemberName dsm) ++ ";"
            otherwise -> (toC options place $ unionMemberType dsm) ++ " " ++ unionMemberName dsm ++ ";"

instance Transformable1 DebugToC [] Declaration where
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) [] = Result1 [] (line, col) ""
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:xs) = Result1 ((result newX):(result1 newXs)) (state1 newXs) ((putIndent indent ++ up newX ++ ";\n" ) ++ up1 newXs) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
        (line2, col2) =  state newX
        newSt = (line2 + 1, indent) 
        newXs = transform1 t newSt (options, place, indent) xs

instance Transformable DebugToC Block where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Block locs body inf) = Result (Block (result1 newLocs) (result newBody) newInf) newSt cRep where   
        newLocs = transform1 t (line, col) (options, Declaration_pl, indent) locs
        (line2, col2) = state1 newLocs
        newSt1  | up1 newLocs == "" = (line2, col2)
                | otherwise         = (line2 + 1, indent) 
        newBody = transform t newSt1 (options, place, indent) body
        (line3, col3) = state newBody
        newSt = (line3, col3) 
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        --cRep = up1 newLocs ++ "\n"  ++ up newBody
        cRep =  listprint id "\n" [up1 newLocs, up newBody]
instance Transformable DebugToC Declaration where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Declaration declVar Nothing inf) = Result (Declaration (result newDeclVar) Nothing newInf) newSt cRep where
        newDeclVar = transform t (line, col) (options, Declaration_pl, indent) declVar
        (line2, col2) = state newDeclVar
        newSt = (line2, col2)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up newDeclVar
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Declaration declVar (Just expr) inf) = Result (Declaration (result newDeclVar) (Just (result newExpr)) newInf) newSt cRep where
        newDeclVar = transform t (line, col) (options, Declaration_pl, indent) declVar
        (line2, col2) = state newDeclVar
        newExpr = transform t (line2, col2 + length " = ") (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent) expr
        (line3, col3) = state newExpr
        newSt = (line3, col3)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up newDeclVar ++ " = " ++ up newExpr

instance Transformable1 DebugToC [] ActualParameter where
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) [] = Result1 [] (line, col) ""
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) [x] = Result1 [(result newX)] (state newX) (up newX)
            newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:xs) =
        Result1 ((result newX):(result1 newXs)) (state1 newXs) ((up newX ++ ", ") ++ up1 newXs)
            newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
            (line2, col2) =  state newX
            newSt = (line2 , col2 + length ", ") 
            newXs = transform1 t newSt (options, place, indent) xs

instance Transformable1 DebugToC [] Program where
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) [] = Result1 [] (line, col) ""
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:xs) = Result1 ((result newX):(result1 newXs)) (state1 newXs) (up newX ++ up1 newXs) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
        (line2, col2) =  state newX
        newSt = (line2, col2) 
        newXs = transform1 t newSt (options, place, indent) xs

instance Transformable1 DebugToC [] SwitchCase where
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) [] = Result1 [] (line, col) ""
    transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (x:xs) = Result1 ((result newX):(result1 newXs)) (state1 newXs) ((up newX ++"break;\n" ) ++ up1 newXs) where
        newX = transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) x
        (line2, col2) =  state newX
        newSt = (line2 + 1, indent) 
        newXs = transform1 t newSt (options, place, indent) xs

instance Transformable DebugToC Program where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Empty inf1 inf2) = Result (Empty newInf newInf) newSt cRep where 
        newSt = (line, col)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)      
        cRep = ""  

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Comment True comment inf1 inf2) = Result (Comment True comment newInf newInf) newSt cRep where 
        lineNum = length $ lines $ comment ++ "a"
        newSt = (lineNum + 1, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)      
        cRep = "/* " ++ comment ++ " */\n"  

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Comment False comment inf1 inf2) = Result (Comment False comment newInf newInf) newSt cRep where 
        newSt = (line + 1, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)      
        cRep = "// " ++ comment ++ "\n"  

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Assign lhs rhs inf1 inf2) = Result (Assign (result newLhs) (result newRhs) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where 
        newLhs = transform t (line, col) (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent) lhs
        (line2, col2) = state newLhs
        newRhs = transform t (line2, col2 + length " = ") (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent) rhs
        (line3, col3) = state newRhs
        newSt = (line3 + 1, indent)    
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = putIndent indent ++ up newLhs ++ " = " ++ up newRhs ++ ";\n" 

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (ProcedureCall name param inf1 inf2) = Result (ProcedureCall name (result1 newParam) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where 
        newParam = transform1 t (line, col + length name + length "(") (options, place, indent) param 
        (line2, col2) = state1 newParam
        newSt = (line2 +1, indent) 
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = putIndent indent ++ name ++ "(" ++ up1 newParam ++ ");\n" 

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Sequence prog inf1 inf2) = Result (Sequence (result1 newProg) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where 
        newProg = transform1 t (line, col) (options, place, indent) prog
        (line2, col2) = state1 newProg
        newSt = (line2, col2) 
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = up1 newProg
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Branch con tPrg ePrg inf1 inf2) = Result (Branch (result newCon) (result newTPrg) (result newEPrg) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where 
        newCon = transform t (line, col + length "if(") (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent) con
        (line2, col2) = state newCon
        newTPrg = transform t (line2 + 2, indent + 4) (options, place, indent + 4) tPrg
        (line3, col3) = state newTPrg
        newEPrg = transform t (line3 + 3, indent + 4) (options, place, indent + 4) ePrg
        (line4, col4) = state newEPrg
        newSt = (line4 + 1, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = putIndent indent ++ "if(" ++ up newCon ++ ")\n" ++ putIndent indent ++ "{\n" ++
            up newTPrg ++ putIndent indent ++ "}\n" ++ putIndent indent ++ "else\n" ++ putIndent indent 
            ++ "{\n" ++ up newEPrg ++ putIndent indent ++ "}\n"

    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (Switch cond cases inf1 inf2) = Result (Switch (result newCond) (result1 newCases) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where 
        newCond = transform t (line, col + length "switch (") (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent) cond
        (line2, col2) = state newCond
        newCases = transform1 t (line + 2, indent + 4) (options, place, indent + 4) cases
        (line3, col3) = state1 newCases
        newSt = (line3 + 1, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = "switch (" ++ up newCond ++")\n" ++ putIndent indent ++ "{\n" ++ up1 newCases ++ putIndent indent ++ "}\n"
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (SeqLoop con conPrg blockPrg inf1 inf2) = Result (SeqLoop (result newCon) (result newConPrg) (result newBlockPrg) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where     
        newConPrg = transform t (line + 1, indent + 4) (options, place, indent + 4) conPrg
        (line2, col2) = state newConPrg
        newCon = transform t (line2, indent + 4 + length "while(") (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent + 4) con
        (line3, col3) = state newCon
        newBlockPrg = transform t (line2 + 2, indent + 4 + length "{\n") (options, place, indent + 8) blockPrg
        (line4, col4) = state newBlockPrg
        loopEnd = transform t (line4, col4) (options, place, indent + 8) (blockBody conPrg)
        (line5, col5) = state loopEnd
        newSt = (line5 + 2, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = putIndent indent ++ "{\n" ++ up newConPrg ++ putIndent (indent + 4) ++ "while(" ++
            up newCon ++ ")\n" ++ putIndent (indent + 4) ++ "{\n" ++ up newBlockPrg ++ up loopEnd ++ 
            putIndent (indent + 4) ++ "}\n" ++ putIndent indent ++ "}\n"
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (ParLoop count bound step prog inf1 inf2) = Result (ParLoop (result newCount) (result newBound) step (result newProg) newInf newInf) newSt cRep where     
        newCount = transform t (line + 1, indent + 4) (options, Declaration_pl, indent + 4) count
        (line2, col2) = state newCount
        for_init = transform t (line2 + 1, indent + 4 + length "for(") (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent + 4) count
        (line3, col3) = state for_init
        for_test = transform t (line3, col3 + length " = 0; ") (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent + 4) count 
        (line4, col4) = state for_test
        newBound = transform t (line4, col4 + length " < ") (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent + 4) bound
        (line5, col5) = state newBound
        for_inc = transform t (line5, col5 + length "; ") (options, ValueNeed_pl, indent + 4) count
        (line6, col6) = state for_inc
        newProg = transform t (line6 + 2, indent + 8) (options, place, indent + 8) prog
        (line7, col7) = state newProg
        newSt = (line7 + 2, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep = putIndent indent ++ "{\n" ++ putIndent (indent + 4) ++ up newCount ++ ";\n" ++ putIndent (indent + 4) ++ 
            "for(" ++ up for_init ++ " = 0; " ++ up for_test ++ " < " ++ up newBound ++ "; " ++ up for_inc ++
            " += " ++ show step ++  ")\n" ++ putIndent (indent + 4) ++ "{\n" ++ up newProg ++ putIndent (indent + 4) ++  
            "}\n" ++ putIndent indent ++ "}\n"
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (BlockProgram prog inf) = Result (BlockProgram (result newProg) newInf) newSt cRep where     
        newProg = transform t (line + 1, indent + 4) (options, place, indent + 4) prog
        (line2, col2) = state newProg
        newSt = (line2 + 1, indent)
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)
        cRep =  putIndent indent ++ "{\n" ++ up newProg ++ putIndent indent ++ "}\n"  

instance Transformable DebugToC SwitchCase where
    transform t (line, col) (options, place, indent) (SwitchCase matcher impl inf) = Result (SwitchCase (result newMatcher) (result newImpl) newInf) newSt cRep where 
        newMatcher = transform t (line, indent + length "case ") (options, place, indent) matcher
        (line2, col2) = state newMatcher
        newImpl = transform t (line2 + 1, indent + 4) (options, place, indent + 4) impl
        (line3, col3) = state newImpl
        newSt = (line3, col3 + length "}")
        newInf = ((line, col), newSt)      
        cRep = "case " ++ up newMatcher ++ ": {\n" ++ up newImpl ++ putIndent indent ++ "}"  

putIndent ind = concat $ replicate ind " "