-- | Equality operations

module Feldspar.Core.Functions.Eq where

import qualified Prelude
import Data.Complex
import Data.Int
import Data.Word

import Feldspar.Prelude
import Feldspar.Range
import Feldspar.Core.Types
import Feldspar.Core.Representation
import Feldspar.Core.Constructs

infix 4 ==
infix 4 /=

-- | Redefinition of the standard 'Prelude.Eq' class for Feldspar
class Type a => Eq a
    (==) :: Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool
    (==) = defaultEq
    (/=) :: Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool
    (/=) = defaultNeq

defaultEq :: Eq a => Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool
defaultEq a b
    | a Prelude.== b = true
    | otherwise      = function2 "(==)" fullProp (Prelude.==) a b

defaultNeq :: Eq a => Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool
defaultNeq a b
    | a Prelude.== b = false
    | otherwise      = function2 "(/=)" fullProp (Prelude./=) a b

optEq :: (Eq a, BoundedInt b, Size a ~ Range b) =>
    Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool
optEq a b
    | sa `disjoint` sb = false
    | otherwise        = defaultEq a b
    sa = dataSize a
    sb = dataSize b

optNeq :: (Eq a, BoundedInt b, Size a ~ Range b) =>
    Data a -> Data a -> Data Bool
optNeq a b
    | sa `disjoint` sb = true
    | otherwise        = defaultNeq a b
     sa = dataSize a
     sb = dataSize b

instance Eq ()
instance Eq Bool
instance Eq Float

instance Eq Word8 where
  (==) = optEq
  (/=) = optNeq

instance Eq Int8 where
  (==) = optEq
  (/=) = optNeq

instance Eq Word16 where
  (==) = optEq
  (/=) = optNeq

instance Eq Int16 where
  (==) = optEq
  (/=) = optNeq

instance Eq Word32 where
  (==) = optEq
  (/=) = optNeq

instance Eq Int32 where
  (==) = optEq
  (/=) = optNeq

instance Eq DefaultWord where
  (==) = optEq
  (/=) = optNeq

instance Eq DefaultInt where
  (==) = optEq
  (/=) = optNeq

instance (Eq a, RealFloat a) => Eq (Complex a)

instance Eq a => Eq [a]

instance (Eq a, Eq b)             => Eq (a,b)
instance (Eq a, Eq b, Eq c)       => Eq (a,b,c)
instance (Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d) => Eq (a,b,c,d)