-- | Reexports the "Prelude" hiding all identifiers that are redefined in the
-- "Feldspar" library.

module Feldspar.Prelude
  ( module Prelude
  ) where

import Prelude hiding
  ( Eq
  , (==), (/=)
  , Ord
  , (<), (>), (<=), (>=)
  , not, (&&), (||)
  , min, max
  , (^)
  , Integral
  , quot, rem
  , div, mod
  , (>>)
  , maximum, minimum
  , length
  , (++)
  , splitAt
  , take, drop
  , dropWhile
  , head, last, tail, init
  , reverse
  , replicate
  , enumFromTo
  , zip, unzip
  , map
  , zipWith
  , sum
  , Real
  , truncate, round, ceiling, floor