-- -- Copyright (c) 2009-2011, ERICSSON AB -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- * Neither the name of the ERICSSON AB nor the names of its contributors -- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software -- without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" -- AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE -- DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR -- SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER -- CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, -- OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -- OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Array where import Control.Monad import Data.List import Data.Map (notMember) import Language.Syntactic import Language.Syntactic.Interpretation.Semantics import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Binding import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Literal import Feldspar.Range import Feldspar.Lattice import Feldspar.Core.Types import Feldspar.Core.Interpretation import Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Binding import Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Num import Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Ord data Array a where Parallel :: Type a => Array (Length :-> (Index -> a) :-> Full [a]) Sequential :: (Type a, Type st) => Array (Length :-> st :-> (Index -> st -> (a,st)) :-> Full [a]) Append :: Type a => Array ([a] :-> [a] :-> Full [a]) GetIx :: Type a => Array ([a] :-> Index :-> Full a) SetIx :: Type a => Array ([a] :-> Index :-> a :-> Full [a]) GetLength :: Type a => Array ([a] :-> Full Length) SetLength :: Type a => Array (Length :-> [a] :-> Full [a]) instance WitnessCons Array where witnessCons Parallel = ConsWit witnessCons Sequential = ConsWit witnessCons Append = ConsWit witnessCons GetIx = ConsWit witnessCons SetIx = ConsWit witnessCons GetLength = ConsWit witnessCons SetLength = ConsWit instance WitnessSat Array where type SatContext Array = TypeCtx witnessSat Parallel = SatWit witnessSat Sequential = SatWit witnessSat Append = SatWit witnessSat GetIx = SatWit witnessSat SetIx = SatWit witnessSat GetLength = SatWit witnessSat SetLength = SatWit instance MaybeWitnessSat TypeCtx Array where maybeWitnessSat = maybeWitnessSatDefault instance Semantic Array where semantics Append = Sem "(++)" (++) semantics GetIx = Sem "(!)" genericIndex semantics GetLength = Sem "getLength" genericLength semantics SetLength = Sem "setLength" (\n as -> genericTake n (as ++ repeat err)) where err = error "reading uninitialized array element" semantics Parallel = Sem "parallel" (\len ixf -> genericTake len $ map ixf [0..]) semantics Sequential = Sem "sequential" (\len i step -> genericTake len $ snd $ mapAccumL (\a ix -> swap (step ix a)) i [0..]) where swap (a,b) = (b,a) semantics SetIx = Sem "setIx" evalSetIx where evalSetIx as i v | i < len = genericTake i as ++ [v] ++ genericDrop (i+1) as | otherwise = error $ unwords [ "setIx: assigning index" , show i , "past the end of an array of length" , show len ] where len = genericLength as instance ExprEq Array where exprEq = exprEqSem; exprHash = exprHashSem instance Render Array where renderPart = renderPartSem instance ToTree Array instance Eval Array where evaluate = evaluateSem instance EvalBind Array where evalBindSym = evalBindSymDefault instance AlphaEq dom dom dom env => AlphaEq Array Array dom env where alphaEqSym = alphaEqSymDefault instance Sharable Array where sharable GetIx = False sharable _ = True instance SizeProp Array where sizeProp Parallel (WrapFull len :* WrapFull ixf :* Nil) = infoSize len :> infoSize ixf sizeProp Sequential (WrapFull len :* init :* WrapFull step :* Nil) = infoSize len :> fst (infoSize step) sizeProp Append (WrapFull arra :* WrapFull arrb :* Nil) = (alen + blen) :> (aelem \/ belem) where alen :> aelem = infoSize arra blen :> belem = infoSize arrb sizeProp GetIx (WrapFull arr :* ix :* Nil) = elem where _ :> elem = infoSize arr sizeProp SetIx (WrapFull arr :* ix :* WrapFull e :* Nil) = len :> (elem \/ infoSize e) where len :> elem = infoSize arr sizeProp GetLength (WrapFull arr :* Nil) = len where len :> _ = infoSize arr sizeProp SetLength (WrapFull len :* WrapFull arr :* Nil) = infoSize len :> elem where _ :> elem = infoSize arr instance ( Array :<: dom , NUM :<: dom , ORD :<: dom , Optimize dom dom ) => Optimize Array dom where optimizeFeat Parallel (len :* ixf :* Nil) = do len' <- optimizeM len let szI = infoSize (getInfo len') ixRange = rangeByRange 0 (szI-1) ixf' <- optimizeFunction optimizeM (mkInfo ixRange) ixf constructFeat Parallel (len' :* ixf' :* Nil) optimizeFeat Sequential (len :* init :* step :* Nil) = do len' <- optimizeM len init' <- optimizeM init let szI = infoSize (getInfo len') ixRange = rangeByRange 0 (szI-1) step' <- optimizeFunction optimizeM -- TODO (optimizeFunctionFix optimizeM (mkInfo universal)) (mkInfo ixRange) step constructFeat Sequential (len' :* init' :* step' :* Nil) -- TODO Should use fixed-point iteration, but `optimizeFunctionFix` only -- works for functions of type `a -> a`. optimizeFeat a args = optimizeFeatDefault a args constructFeatOpt Parallel (len :* ixf :* Nil) | Just 0 <- viewLiteral len = return $ literalDecor [] -- TODO Optimize when length is one. This requires a way to create an -- uninitialized array of length one, and setting the first element. -- Use `betaReduce` to apply `ixf` to the literal 0. constructFeatOpt Parallel (len :* (lam :$ (gix :$ arr2 :$ ix)) :* Nil) | Just (_,Lambda v1) <- prjDecorCtx typeCtx lam , Just (_,GetIx) <- prjDecor gix , Just (_,Variable v2) <- prjDecorCtx typeCtx ix , v1 == v2 , v1 `notMember` infoVars (getInfo arr2) = constructFeat SetLength (len :* arr2 :* Nil) constructFeatOpt Sequential (len :* init :* ixf :* Nil) | Just 0 <- viewLiteral len = return $ literalDecor [] -- TODO Optimize when length is one. This requires a way to create an -- uninitialized array of length one, and setting the first element. -- Use `betaReduce` to apply the step function. constructFeatOpt Append (a :* b :* Nil) | Just [] <- viewLiteral a = return b | Just [] <- viewLiteral b = return a constructFeatOpt GetIx ((op :$ _ :$ ixf) :* ix :* Nil) | Just (_, Parallel) <- prjDecor op = optimizeM $ betaReduce typeCtx (stripDecor ix) (stripDecor ixf) -- TODO should not need to drop the decorations constructFeatOpt GetIx ((op :$ len :$ arr) :* ix :* Nil) | Just (_, SetLength) <- prjDecor op = constructFeat GetIx (arr :* ix :* Nil) constructFeatOpt GetLength (arr :* Nil) | Just as <- viewLiteral arr = return $ literalDecor $ genericLength as constructFeatOpt GetLength (((prjDecor -> Just (_,op)) :$ a :$ _ :$ _) :* Nil) | Sequential <- op = return a | SetIx <- op = constructFeat GetLength (a :* Nil) constructFeatOpt GetLength (((prjDecor -> Just (_,op)) :$ a :$ b) :* Nil) | Append <- op = do aLen <- constructFeat GetLength (a :* Nil) bLen <- constructFeat GetLength (b :* Nil) constructFeatOpt Add (aLen :* bLen :* Nil) | Parallel <- op = return a | SetLength <- op = return a constructFeatOpt SetLength (len :* arr :* Nil) | Just 0 <- viewLiteral len = return $ literalDecor [] constructFeatOpt SetLength ((getLength :$ arr') :* arr :* Nil) | Just (_,GetLength) <- prjDecor getLength , alphaEq arr arr' = return arr constructFeatOpt a args = constructFeatUnOpt a args constructFeatUnOpt = constructFeatUnOptDefault