feldspar-language- A functional embedded language for DSP and parallelism

Safe HaskellNone




parallel :: Type a => Data Length -> (Data Index -> Data a) -> Data [a]Source

sequential :: (Type a, Syntax s) => Data Length -> s -> (Data Index -> s -> (Data a, s)) -> Data [a]Source

append :: Type a => Data [a] -> Data [a] -> Data [a]Source

setLength :: Type a => Data Length -> Data [a] -> Data [a]Source

Change the length of the vector to the supplied value. If the supplied length is greater than the old length, the new elements will have undefined value.

getIx :: Type a => Data [a] -> Data Index -> Data aSource

setIx :: Type a => Data [a] -> Data Index -> Data a -> Data [a]Source

(|>) :: (Sized a, CollMap a a) => Patch (CollSize a) (CollSize a) -> Patch (Elem a) (Elem a) -> Patch a aSource

Array patch