module Examples.Simple.Basics where import qualified Prelude import Feldspar import Feldspar.Vector -- Identity function for 32 bit integers. example1 :: Data Int32 -> Data Int32 example1 = id -- Constant function example2 :: Data Int32 example2 = 2 -- A constant core vector example3 :: Data [Int32] example3 = value [42,1,2,3] -- Examples showing some of the integer and boolean operations: example4 :: Data Int32 -> Data Int32 example4 x = negate x example5 :: Data Int32 -> Data Int32 -> Data Int32 example5 x y = x + y example6 :: Data Int32 -> Data Int32 -> Data Bool example6 x y = x == y example7 :: Data Bool example7 = 2 /= (2 :: Data Int32) -- Type of numeric literals sometimes have to be written explicitly. example8 :: Data Bool -> Data Bool example8 b = not b -- Examples on using conditionals: example9 :: Data Int32 -> Data Int32 example9 a = condition (a<5) (3*(a+20)) (30*(a+20)) example10 :: Data Int32 -> Data Int32 example10 a = condition (a<5) (3*(a+a)) (30*(a+a))