ffeed-0.3.1: Haskell binding to the FriendFeed API

MaintainerSigbjorn Finne <sof@forkIO.com>



Actions for publishing entries, comments, likes etc. to FriendFeed.



publishLink :: String -> URLString -> Maybe String -> FFm ()Source

Publish a new entry on the authenticated user's feed.

addComment :: EntryID -> String -> FFm CommentIDSource

Add a comment or edit an existing comment on a FriendFeed entry.

editComment :: EntryID -> String -> CommentID -> FFm ()Source

add a comment or edit an existing comment on a FriendFeed entry.

deleteComment :: EntryID -> CommentID -> FFm ()Source

delete an existing comment.

addLike :: EntryID -> FFm ()Source

add a Like to a FriendFeed entry for the authenticated user.

deleteLike :: EntryID -> FFm ()Source

delete an existing Like.

deleteEntry :: EntryID -> Bool -> FFm ()Source

Delete an existing entry, but un-delete if 2nd arg is True.

hideEntry :: EntryID -> Bool -> FFm ()Source

Hide an entry, but un-hide/expose if 2nd arg is True.