{-# INCLUDE <fftw3.h> #-}
{-# LINE 1 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable
{-# LINE 2 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}
  , FlexibleContexts, NoMonomorphismRestriction  #-}
module Math.FFT.Base where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array.CArray
import Data.Array.CArray.Base ( shapeToStride, sBounds, mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned
                              , mapCArrayInPlace)
import Data.Complex
import Data.Bits
import Data.Generics
import Data.List
import Data.Typeable
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Storable.Complex
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

{-# LINE 28 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}

-- | Our API is polymorphic over the real data type.  FFTW, at least in
-- principle, supports single precision 'Float', double precision 'Double' and
-- long double 'CLDouble' (presumable?).
class (Storable a, RealFloat a) => FFTWReal a where
    plan_guru_dft   :: CInt -> Ptr IODim -> CInt -> Ptr IODim -> Ptr (Complex a)
                    -> Ptr (Complex a) -> FFTWSign -> FFTWFlag -> IO Plan
    plan_guru_dft_r2c :: CInt -> Ptr IODim -> CInt -> Ptr IODim -> Ptr a
                      -> Ptr (Complex a) -> FFTWFlag -> IO Plan
    plan_guru_dft_c2r :: CInt -> Ptr IODim -> CInt -> Ptr IODim -> Ptr (Complex a)
                      -> Ptr a -> FFTWFlag -> IO Plan
    plan_guru_r2r :: CInt -> Ptr IODim -> CInt -> Ptr IODim -> Ptr a
                  -> Ptr a -> Ptr FFTWKind -> FFTWFlag -> IO Plan

-- | Using this instance requires linking with @-lfftw3@.
instance FFTWReal Double where
    plan_guru_dft = c_plan_guru_dft
    plan_guru_dft_r2c = c_plan_guru_dft_r2c
    plan_guru_dft_c2r = c_plan_guru_dft_c2r
    plan_guru_r2r = c_plan_guru_r2r

-- | This lock must be taken during /planning/ of any transform.  The FFTW
-- library is not thread-safe in the planning phase.  Thankfully, the lock is
-- not needed during the execute phase.
lock = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar ()
{-# NOINLINE lock #-}

withLock :: IO a -> IO a
withLock = withMVar lock . const

-- | A plan is an opaque foreign object.
type Plan = Ptr FFTWPlan

type FFTWPlan = ()

-- | The 'Flag' type is used to influence the kind of plans which are created.
-- To specify multiple flags, use a bitwise '.|.'.
newtype Flag = Flag { unFlag :: FFTWFlag }
    deriving (Eq, Show, Num, Bits)

type FFTWFlag = CUInt

c_measure          :: FFTWFlag
c_measure          =  0
c_destroy_input    :: FFTWFlag
c_destroy_input    =  1
c_unaligned        :: FFTWFlag
c_unaligned        =  2
c_conserve_memory  :: FFTWFlag
c_conserve_memory  =  4
c_exhaustive       :: FFTWFlag
c_exhaustive       =  8
c_preserve_input   :: FFTWFlag
c_preserve_input   =  16
c_patient          :: FFTWFlag
c_patient          =  32
c_estimate         :: FFTWFlag
c_estimate         =  64

{-# LINE 79 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}

-- | Default flag.  For most transforms, this is equivalent to setting 'measure'
-- and 'preserveInput'.  The exceptions are complex to real and half-complex to
-- real transforms.
nullFlag :: Flag
nullFlag = Flag 0

-- Algorithm restriction flags

-- | Allows FFTW to overwrite the input array with arbitrary data; this can
-- sometimes allow more efficient algorithms to be employed.
-- Setting this flag implies that two memory allocations will be done, one for
-- work space, and one for the result.  When 'estimate' is not set, we will be
-- doing two memory allocations anyway, so we set this flag as well (since we
-- don't retain the work array anyway).
destroyInput :: Flag
destroyInput = Flag c_destroy_input

-- | 'preserveInput' specifies that an out-of-place transform must not change
-- its input array. This is ordinarily the default, except for complex to real
-- transforms for which 'destroyInput' is the default. In the latter cases,
-- passing 'preserveInput' will attempt to use algorithms that do not destroy
-- the input, at the expense of worse performance; for multi-dimensional complex
-- to real transforms, however, no input-preserving algorithms are implemented
-- so the Haskell bindings will set 'destroyInput' and do a transform with two
-- memory allocations.
preserveInput :: Flag
preserveInput = Flag c_preserve_input

-- | Instruct FFTW not to generate a plan which uses SIMD instructions, even if
-- the memory you are planning with is aligned.  This should only be needed if
-- you are using the guru interface and want to reuse a plan with memory that
-- may be unaligned (i.e. you constructed the 'CArray' with
-- 'unsafeForeignPtrToCArray').
unaligned :: Flag
unaligned = Flag c_unaligned

-- | The header claims that this flag is documented, but in reality, it is not.
-- I don't know what it does and it is here only for completeness.
conserveMemory :: Flag
conserveMemory = Flag c_conserve_memory

-- Planning rigor flags

-- | 'estimate' specifies that, instead of actual measurements of different
-- algorithms, a simple heuristic is used to pick a (probably sub-optimal) plan
-- quickly. With this flag, the input/output arrays are not overwritten during
-- planning.
-- This is the only planner flag for which a single memory allocation is possible.
estimate :: Flag
estimate = Flag c_estimate

-- | 'measure' tells FFTW to find an optimized plan by actually computing
-- several FFTs and measuring their execution time. Depending on your machine,
-- this can take some time (often a few seconds). 'measure' is the default
-- planning option.
measure :: Flag
measure = Flag c_measure

-- | 'patient' is like 'measure', but considers a wider range of algorithms and
-- often produces a "more optimal" plan (especially for large transforms), but
-- at the expense of several times longer planning time (especially for large
-- transforms).
patient :: Flag
patient = Flag c_patient

-- | 'exhaustive' is like 'patient' but considers an even wider range of
-- algorithms, including many that we think are unlikely to be fast, to
-- produce the most optimal plan but with a substantially increased planning
-- time.
exhaustive :: Flag
exhaustive = Flag c_exhaustive

-- | Determine which direction of DFT to execute.
data Sign = DFTForward | DFTBackward
    deriving (Eq,Show)

type FFTWSign = CInt

c_forward  :: FFTWSign
c_forward  =  (-1)
c_backward  :: FFTWSign
c_backward  =  1

{-# LINE 167 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}

unSign DFTForward = c_forward
unSign DFTBackward = c_backward

-- | Real to Real transform kinds.
data Kind = R2HC | HC2R                             -- half-complex transforms
          | DHT                                     -- discrete Hartley transformm
          | REDFT00 | REDFT10 | REDFT01 | REDFT11   -- discrete cosine transforms
          | RODFT00 | RODFT01 | RODFT10 | RODFT11   -- discrete sine transforms
    deriving (Eq,Show)

unKind :: Kind -> FFTWKind
unKind k = case k of
               R2HC -> c_r2hc
               HC2R -> c_hc2r
               DHT -> c_dht
               REDFT00 -> c_redft00
               REDFT10 -> c_redft10
               REDFT01 -> c_redft01
               REDFT11 -> c_redft11
               RODFT00 -> c_rodft00
               RODFT01 -> c_rodft01
               RODFT10 -> c_rodft10
               RODFT11 -> c_rodft11

type FFTWKind = CInt

c_r2hc     :: FFTWKind
c_r2hc     =  0
c_hc2r     :: FFTWKind
c_hc2r     =  1
c_dht      :: FFTWKind
c_dht      =  2
c_redft00  :: FFTWKind
c_redft00  =  3
c_redft10  :: FFTWKind
c_redft10  =  5
c_redft01  :: FFTWKind
c_redft01  =  4
c_redft11  :: FFTWKind
c_redft11  =  6
c_rodft00  :: FFTWKind
c_rodft00  =  7
c_rodft10  :: FFTWKind
c_rodft10  =  9
c_rodft01  :: FFTWKind
c_rodft01  =  8
c_rodft11  :: FFTWKind
c_rodft11  =  10

{-# LINE 206 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}

-- | Corresponds to the @fftw_iodim@ structure.  It completely describes the
-- layout of each dimension, before and after the transform.
data IODim = IODim { n :: Int, is :: Int, os :: Int }
    deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Storable IODim where
    sizeOf _ = (12)
{-# LINE 214 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
    peek p = do
        n' <- (\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 0) p
{-# LINE 217 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}
        is' <- (\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 4) p
{-# LINE 218 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}
        os' <- (\hsc_ptr -> peekByteOff hsc_ptr 8) p
{-# LINE 219 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}
        return (IODim n' is' os')
    poke p (IODim n' is' os') = do
        (\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 0) p n'
{-# LINE 222 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}
        (\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 4) p is'
{-# LINE 223 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}
        (\hsc_ptr -> pokeByteOff hsc_ptr 8) p os'
{-# LINE 224 "Math/FFT/Base.hsc" #-}

-- | Tuple of transform dimensions and non-transform dimensions of the array.
type TSpec = ([IODim],[IODim])

-- | Types of transforms.  Used to control 'dftShape'.
data DFT = CC | RC | CR | CRO | RR
    deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Verify that a plan is valid.  Thows an exception if not.
check :: Plan -> IO ()
check p = when (p == nullPtr) . ioError $ userError "invalid plan"

-- | Confirm that the plan is valid, then execute the transform.
execute :: Plan -> IO ()
execute p = check p >> c_execute p

-- | In-place normalization outside of IO.  You must be able to prove that no
-- reference to the original can be retained.
unsafeNormalize :: (Ix i, Shapable i, Fractional e, Storable e)
                   => [Int] -> CArray i e -> CArray i e
unsafeNormalize tdims a = mapCArrayInPlace (* s) a
    where s = 1 / fromIntegral (product $ map (shape a !!) tdims)

-- | Normalized general complex DFT
dftG :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => Sign -> Flag -> [Int] -> CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i (Complex r)
dftG s f tdims ain = case s of 
    DFTForward -> dftGU s f tdims ain
    DFTBackward -> unsafeNormalize tdims (dftGU s f tdims ain)

-- | Normalized general complex to real DFT where the last transformed dimension
-- is logically even.
dftCRG :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => Flag -> [Int] -> CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i r
dftCRG f tdims ain = unsafeNormalize tdims (dftCRGU f tdims ain)

-- | Normalized general complex to real DFT where the last transformed dimension
-- is logicall odd.
dftCROG :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => Flag -> [Int] -> CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i r
dftCROG f tdims ain = unsafeNormalize tdims (dftCROGU f tdims ain)

-- | Multi-dimensional forward DFT.
dftN :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i (Complex r)
dftN = dftG DFTForward estimate
-- | Multi-dimensional inverse DFT.
idftN :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i (Complex r)
idftN = dftG DFTBackward estimate
-- | Multi-dimensional forward DFT of real data.
dftRCN :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i (Complex r)
dftRCN = dftRCG estimate
-- | Multi-dimensional inverse DFT of Hermitian-symmetric data (where only the
-- non-negative frequencies are given).
dftCRN :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i r
dftCRN = dftCRG estimate
-- | Multi-dimensional inverse DFT of Hermitian-symmetric data (where only the
-- non-negative frequencies are given) and the last transformed dimension is
-- logically odd.
dftCRON :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i r
dftCRON = dftCROG estimate

fzr = flip zip . repeat
drr = (dftRRN .) . fzr

-- | Multi-dimensional real to real transform.  The result is not normalized.
dftRRN :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [(Int,Kind)] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dftRRN = dftRRG estimate

-- The following do the same type of transform in each dimension specified.
-- | Multi-dimensional real to half-complex transform.  The result is not normalized.
dftRHN :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dftRHN = drr R2HC
-- | Multi-dimensional half-complex to real transform.  The result is not normalized.
dftHRN :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dftHRN = drr HC2R
-- | Multi-dimensional Discrete Hartley Transform.  The result is not normalized.
dhtN :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dhtN = drr DHT
-- | Multi-dimensional Type 1 discrete cosine transform.
dct1N :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dct1N = drr REDFT00
-- | Multi-dimensional Type 2 discrete cosine transform.  This is commonly known
-- as /the/ DCT.
dct2N :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dct2N = drr REDFT01
-- | Multi-dimensional Type 3 discrete cosine transform.  This is commonly known
-- as /the/ inverse DCT.  The result is not normalized.
dct3N :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dct3N = drr REDFT10
-- | Multi-dimensional Type 4 discrete cosine transform.
dct4N :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dct4N = drr REDFT11
-- | Multi-dimensional Type 1 discrete sine transform.
dst1N :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dst1N = drr RODFT00
-- | Multi-dimensional Type 2 discrete sine transform.
dst2N :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dst2N = drr RODFT01
-- | Multi-dimensional Type 3 discrete sine transform.
dst3N :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dst3N = drr RODFT10
-- | Multi-dimensional Type 4 discrete sine transform.
dst4N :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dst4N = drr RODFT11

-- Transform in the first dimension only.

-- | 1-dimensional complex DFT.
dft :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i (Complex r)
dft    = dftN    [0]
-- | 1-dimensional complex inverse DFT.  Inverse of 'dft'.
idft :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i (Complex r)
idft   = idftN   [0]
-- | 1-dimensional real to complex DFT.
dftRC :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i (Complex r)
dftRC  = dftRCN  [0]
-- | 1-dimensional complex to real DFT with logically even dimension.  Inverse of 'dftRC'.
dftCR :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i r
dftCR  = dftCRN  [0]
-- | 1-dimensional complex to real DFT with logically odd dimension.  Inverse of 'dftRC'.
dftCRO :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i r
dftCRO = dftCRON [0]
-- | 1-dimensional real to half-complex DFT.
dftRH :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i r
dftRH  = dftRHN  [0]
-- | 1-dimensional half-complex to real DFT.  Inverse of 'dftRH' after normalization.
dftHR :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i r
dftHR  = dftHRN  [0]
-- | 1-dimensional Discrete Hartley Transform.  Self-inverse after normalization.
dht :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i r
dht    = dhtN    [0]
-- | 1-dimensional Type 1 discrete cosine transform.
dct1 :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i r
dct1   = dct1N   [0]
-- | 1-dimensional Type 2 discrete cosine transform.  This is commonly known as /the/ DCT.
dct2 :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i r
dct2   = dct2N   [0]
-- | 1-dimensional Type 3 discrete cosine transform.  This is commonly known as /the/ inverse DCT.
dct3 :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i r
dct3   = dct3N   [0]
-- | 1-dimensional Type 4 discrete cosine transform.
dct4 :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i r
dct4   = dct4N   [0]
-- | 1-dimensional Type 1 discrete sine transform.
dst1 :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i r
dst1   = dst1N   [0]
-- | 1-dimensional Type 2 discrete sine transform.
dst2 :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i r
dst2   = dst2N   [0]
-- | 1-dimensional Type 3 discrete sine transform.
dst3 :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i r
dst3   = dst3N   [0]
-- | 1-dimensional Type 4 discrete sine transform.
dst4 :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => CArray i r -> CArray i r
dst4   = dst4N   [0]

-- Check if a flag is set.
infix 7 `has`
a `has` b = a .&. b == b

-- | Try to transform a CArray with only one memory allocation (for the result).
-- If we can find a way to prove that FFTW already has a sufficiently good plan
-- for this transform size and the input will not be overwritten, then we could
-- call have a version of this that does not require 'estimate'.  Since this is
-- not currently the case, we require 'estimate' to be set.  Note that we do not
-- check for the 'preserveInput' flag here.  This is because the default is to
-- preserve input for all but the C->R and HC->R transforms.  Therefore, this
-- function must not be called for those transforms, unless 'preserveInput' is
-- set.
{-# NOINLINE transformCArray #-}
transformCArray :: (Ix i, Storable a, Storable b)
                   => Flag -> CArray i a -> (i,i) -> (FFTWFlag -> Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO Plan) -> CArray i b
transformCArray f a lu planner = if f `has` estimate
                                 && not (any (f `has`) [measure, patient, exhaustive])
                                 then go else transformCArray' f a lu planner
    where go = unsafePerformIO $ do
              ofp <- mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned (rangeSize lu)
              withCArray a $ \ip ->
                  withForeignPtr ofp $ \op -> do
                      p <- withLock $ planner (unFlag f) ip op
                      execute p
              unsafeForeignPtrToCArray ofp lu

-- | Transform a CArray with two memory allocations.  This is entirely safe with
-- all transforms, but it must allocate a temporary array to do the planning in.
{-# NOINLINE transformCArray' #-}
transformCArray' :: (Ix i, Storable a, Storable b)
                    => Flag -> CArray i a -> (i,i) -> (FFTWFlag -> Ptr a -> Ptr b -> IO Plan) -> CArray i b
transformCArray' f a lu planner = unsafePerformIO $ do
    ofp <- mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned (rangeSize lu)
    wfp <- mallocForeignPtrArrayAligned sz
    withCArray a $ \ip ->
        withForeignPtr ofp $ \op ->
            withForeignPtr wfp $ \wp -> do
                p <- withLock $ planner (unFlag $ f') wp op
                copyArray wp ip sz
                execute p
    unsafeForeignPtrToCArray ofp lu
    where sz = size a
          f' = f .&. complement preserveInput .|. destroyInput

-- | All the logic for determining shape of resulting array, and how to do the transform.
dftShape :: (Ix i, Shapable i, IArray CArray e)
             => DFT -> [Int] -> CArray i e -> ((i,i),TSpec)
dftShape dft tdims arr = assert valid (oBounds,tspec)
    where shp = shape arr
          rnk = rank arr
          strides = shapeToStride shp
          valid = not (null tdims) && 0 <= minimum tdims
                  && maximum tdims < rnk && nub tdims == tdims
          tspec = (d,d')
              where d = zipWith3 IODim (filt lShape) (filt strides) (filt oStrides)
                    d' = zipWith3 IODim (filt' lShape) (filt' strides) (filt' oStrides)
                    filt s = map (s !!) tdims
                    filt' s = map (s !!) ([0 .. rnk - 1] \\ tdims)
          oShape = adjust f ldim shp -- Physical shape of the output array
              where f = case dft of
                            RC  -> (\n -> n `div` 2 + 1)
                            CR  -> (\n -> (n - 1) * 2)
                            CRO -> (\n -> (n - 1) * 2 + 1)
                            _   -> id
          lShape = adjust f ldim shp -- Logical shape of the output array
              where f = case dft of
                            CR  -> (\n -> (n - 1) * 2)
                            CRO -> (\n -> (n - 1) * 2 + 1)
                            _   -> id
          oBounds = sBounds oShape
          oStrides = shapeToStride oShape
          ldim = last tdims

-- | A simple helper.
withTSpec :: TSpec -> (CInt -> Ptr IODim -> CInt -> Ptr IODim -> IO a) -> IO a
withTSpec (dims,dims') f = withArrayLen dims $ \r ds ->
                           withArrayLen dims' $ \hr hds ->
                           f (fromIntegral r) ds (fromIntegral hr) hds

-- | A generally useful list utility
adjust :: (a -> a) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
adjust f i = uncurry (++) . second (\(x:xs) -> f x : xs) . splitAt i

-- | Complex to Complex DFT, un-normalized.
dftGU :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => Sign -> Flag -> [Int] -> CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i (Complex r)
dftGU s f tdims ain = transformCArray f ain bds go
    where go f ip op = withTSpec tspec $ \r ds hr hds ->
                         plan_guru_dft r ds hr hds ip op (unSign s) f
          (bds,tspec) = dftShape CC tdims ain

-- | Real to Complex DFT.
dftRCG :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => Flag -> [Int] -> CArray i r -> CArray i (Complex r)
dftRCG f tdims ain = transformCArray f ain bds go
    where go f ip op = withTSpec tspec $ \r ds hr hds ->
                         plan_guru_dft_r2c r ds hr hds ip op f
          (bds,tspec) = dftShape RC tdims ain

-- | Complex to Real DFT.  The first argument determines whether the last
-- transformed dimension is logically odd or even.  'True' implies the dimension
-- is odd.
dftCRG_ :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => Bool -> Flag -> [Int] -> CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i r
dftCRG_ odd f tdims ain = tCArr f ain bds go
    where go f ip op = withTSpec tspec $ \r ds hr hds ->
                         plan_guru_dft_c2r r ds hr hds ip op f
          (bds,tspec) = dftShape (if odd then CRO else CR) tdims ain
          tCArr = if length tdims == 1 && f `has` preserveInput
                  -- A multi-dimensional C->R transform destroys its input.
                  -- Also, a one-dimensional transform is faster if it can
                  -- destroy input.
                  then transformCArray
                  else transformCArray'

-- | Complex to Real DFT where last transformed dimension is logically even.
dftCRGU :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => Flag -> [Int] -> CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i r
dftCRGU = dftCRG_ False

-- | Complex to Real DFT where last transformed dimension is logically odd.
dftCROGU :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => Flag -> [Int] -> CArray i (Complex r) -> CArray i r
dftCROGU = dftCRG_ True

-- | Real to Real transforms.
dftRRG :: (FFTWReal r, Ix i, Shapable i) => Flag -> [(Int,Kind)] -> CArray i r -> CArray i r
dftRRG f tk ain = tCArr f ain bds go
    where go f ip op = withTSpec tspec $ \r ds hr hds ->
                         withArray (map unKind ks) $ \pk ->
                             plan_guru_r2r r ds hr hds ip op pk f
          (bds,tspec) = dftShape RR tdims ain
          (tdims,ks) = unzip tk
          tCArr = if any (== HC2R) ks && not (f `has` preserveInput)
                  then transformCArray'
                  else transformCArray

-- | Queries the FFTW cache.  The 'String' can be written to a file so the
-- wisdom can be reused on a subsequent run.
exportWisdomString :: IO String
exportWisdomString = do
    pc <- c_export_wisdom_string
    peekCString pc `finally` c_free pc

-- | Add wisdom to the FFTW cache.  Returns 'True' if it is successful.
importWisdomString :: String -> IO Bool
importWisdomString str =
    (==1) <$> withCString str c_import_wisdom_string

-- | Tries to import wisdom from a global source, typically @/etc/fftw/wisdom@.
-- Returns 'True' if it was successful.
importWisdomSystem :: IO Bool
importWisdomSystem = (==1) <$> c_import_wisdom_system

-- We use "safe" calls for anything which could take a while so that it won't block
-- other Haskell threads.

-- | Plan a complex to complex transform using the guru interface.
foreign import ccall safe "fftw3.h fftw_plan_guru_dft" c_plan_guru_dft
    :: CInt -> Ptr IODim -> CInt -> Ptr IODim -> Ptr (Complex Double)
    -> Ptr (Complex Double) -> FFTWSign -> FFTWFlag -> IO Plan

-- | Plan a real to complex transform using the guru interface.
foreign import ccall safe "fftw3.h fftw_plan_guru_dft_r2c" c_plan_guru_dft_r2c
    :: CInt -> Ptr IODim -> CInt -> Ptr IODim -> Ptr Double
    -> Ptr (Complex Double) -> FFTWFlag -> IO Plan

-- | Plan a complex to real transform using the guru interface.
foreign import ccall safe "fftw3.h fftw_plan_guru_dft_c2r" c_plan_guru_dft_c2r
    :: CInt -> Ptr IODim -> CInt -> Ptr IODim -> Ptr (Complex Double)
    -> Ptr Double -> FFTWFlag -> IO Plan

-- | Plan a real to real transform using the guru interface.
foreign import ccall safe "fftw3.h fftw_plan_guru_r2r" c_plan_guru_r2r
    :: CInt -> Ptr IODim -> CInt -> Ptr IODim -> Ptr Double
    -> Ptr Double -> Ptr FFTWKind -> FFTWFlag -> IO Plan

-- | Simple plan execution
foreign import ccall safe "fftw3.h fftw_execute" c_execute
    :: Plan -> IO ()

-- Execute a plan on different memory than the plan was created for.
-- Alignment /must/ be the same.  If we parallelize a transform of
-- multi-dimensional data by making separate calls within an un-transformed
-- dimension, it is possible that the alignment constraint would not be
-- fulfilled.  However, this only poses a problem for real transforms with odd
-- transform dimension.
foreign import ccall safe "fftw3.h fftw_execute_dft" c_execute_dft
    :: Plan -> Ptr (Complex Double) -> Ptr (Complex Double) -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "fftw3.h fftw_execute_dft_r2c" c_execute_dft_r2c
    :: Plan -> Ptr Double -> Ptr (Complex Double) -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "fftw3.h fftw_execute_dft_c2r" c_execute_dft_c2r
    :: Plan -> Ptr (Complex Double) -> Ptr Double -> IO ()
foreign import ccall safe "fftw3.h fftw_execute_r2r" c_execute_r2r
    :: Plan -> Ptr Double -> Ptr Double -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "fftw3.h fftw_export_wisdom_to_string"
        c_export_wisdom_string :: IO CString

foreign import ccall unsafe "fftw3.h fftw_import_wisdom_from_string"
        c_import_wisdom_string :: CString -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "fftw3.h fftw_import_system_wisdom"
        c_import_wisdom_system :: IO CInt

-- | Frees memory allocated by 'fftw_malloc'.  Currently, we only need this to
-- free the wisdom string.
foreign import ccall unsafe "fftw3.h fftw_free" c_free :: Ptr a -> IO ()