Cabal-Version: 2.2 Name: fftw-ffi Version: 0.1 License: BSD-3-Clause License-File: LICENSE Author: Henning Thielemann Maintainer: Henning Thielemann Homepage: Category: Math Synopsis: Low-level interface to FFTW (Fast Fourier Transform) Description: FFTW claims to be the fastest Fourier Transform in the West. This is a low-level interface to @libfftw@. We re-use the type classes from @netlib-ffi@. . See also package @fft@. Tested-With: GHC==7.4.2, GHC==7.8.4, GHC==8.6.5 Build-Type: Simple Extra-Source-Files: Makefile src/Numeric/FFTW/FFI/Common.h Flag buildTools Description: Build the Foreign Import generator Manual: True Default: False Source-Repository this Tag: 0.1 Type: darcs Location: Source-Repository head Type: darcs Location: Library PkgConfig-Depends: fftw3f >=3.3 && <4, fftw3 >=3.3 && <4 Build-Depends: enumset >=0.0.5 && <0.2, netlib-ffi >=0.0 && <0.2, base >=4.5 && <5 GHC-Options: -Wall Hs-Source-Dirs: src Include-Dirs: src Default-Language: Haskell98 Exposed-Modules: Numeric.FFTW.FFI Numeric.FFTW.FFI.Float Numeric.FFTW.FFI.Double Other-Modules: Numeric.FFTW.FFI.Generic Numeric.FFTW.FFI.Type Numeric.FFTW.FFI.Function Executable fftw-generate If flag(buildTools) Build-Depends: base >=4.5 && <5 Else Buildable: False GHC-Options: -Wall Default-Language: Haskell98 Main-Is: tool/GenerateForeignImport.hs