fgl-visualize-0.1: Convert FGL graphs to dot (graphviz) files



FGL To Dot is an automatic translation and labeling of FGL graphs (see the Graph class) to graphviz Dot format that can be written out to a file and displayed.

    let dot = showDot (fglToDot graph)
    writeFile file.dot dot
    system(dot -Tpng -ofile.png file.dot)



fglToDot :: (Show a, Show b, Graph gr) => gr a b -> Dot ()Source

Generate a Dot graph using the show instances of the node and edge labels as displayed graph labels

fglToDotString :: Graph gr => gr String String -> Dot ()Source

Generate a Dot graph using the Node and Edge strings as labels

fglToDotUnlabeled :: Graph gr => gr a b -> Dot ()Source

Generate a Dot graph without any edge or node labels

fglToDotGeneric :: Graph gr => gr a b -> (a -> String) -> (b -> String) -> ([(String, String)] -> [(String, String)]) -> Dot ()Source

Generate a Dot graph using the provided functions to mutate the node labels, edge labels and list of attributes.