module Main where import Foundation import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.Traversable import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as Attoparsec import qualified Data.ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 import qualified Data.Char import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.List import qualified GHC.Base import qualified System.Environment import qualified System.Exit import System.Directory import System.FilePath -- | Files and file names are parsed into a list of this type. data Content = PromptVar ByteString -- ^ prompt the user for a substitution | EnvVar ByteString -- ^ a shell environment variable | String ByteString -- ^ normal text -- | Parse one chunk of 'Content'. parseChunk :: Attoparsec.Parser Content parseChunk = Attoparsec.choice [ do s <- Attoparsec.takeWhile1 (/=questionMark) -- '?' question mark pure (String s) , Attoparsec.try $ do Attoparsec.word8 questionMark mode <- Attoparsec.takeWhile validChar Attoparsec.word8 questionMark name <- Attoparsec.takeWhile validChar Attoparsec.word8 questionMark case mode of "env" -> pure $ EnvVar name "" -> pure $ PromptVar name _ -> fail $ "Couldn't recognize mode: " <> bsToChars mode -- Allow for stand-alone question marks, like in the common ternary operator ? : , (String . Data.ByteString.singleton) <$> Attoparsec.word8 questionMark ] where questionMark = 63 space = 32 validChar c = c /= questionMark && c /= space bsToChars :: ByteString -> [Char] bsToChars = fmap (Data.Char.chr . fromIntegral) . Data.ByteString.unpack charsToBs :: [Char] -> ByteString charsToBs = Data.ByteString.pack . fmap (fromIntegral . Data.Char.ord) parseBS :: ByteString -> Either GHC.Base.String [Content] parseBS = Attoparsec.parseOnly (Attoparsec.many' parseChunk <* Attoparsec.endOfInput) -- | Given a list of variables, that the user has already given a meaning to, -- convert a list of 'Content's into a bytestring, by substituting the strings -- given by the user and the content of environment variables for the 'Content' variables -- and concatenating the resulting strings (without spaces, etc.). convert :: [Content] -> StateT (HashMap ByteString ByteString) IO ByteString convert con = do asked <- get bss <- forM con $ \c -> case c of String bs -> pure bs EnvVar var -> do menv <- lift $ System.Environment.lookupEnv (bsToChars var) case menv of Nothing -> lift $ throwIO $ CouldntFindEnvVar var Just str -> pure $ charsToBs str PromptVar var -> case HashMap.lookup var asked of Just res -> pure res Nothing -> do lift $ Data.ByteString.putStr $ "Please give a value for '" <> var <> "': " res <- lift Data.ByteString.getLine modify' (HashMap.insert var res) pure res pure (mconcat bss) -- | Return all files in a directory. -- > allFiles "/home/xyz" -- [".zsh_rc", "Documents/CV.docx", ..] allFiles :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] allFiles = flip go "" where go dir prefix = do content <- listDirectory dir dirs <- filterM (doesDirectoryExist . () dir) content subfiles <- mconcat <$> traverse (\d -> go (dir d) (prefix d)) dirs let files = fmap (prefix ) $ diff content dirs pure $ files <> subfiles -- Unlike \\, this works in O(n) time relative to the first list. diff (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = diff xs ys diff (x:xs) (y:ys) | x /= y = x : diff xs (y:ys) diff xs [] = xs diff [] ys = undefined data TemplateExceptions = CouldntParseFilename ByteString GHC.Base.String -- ^ name and attoparsec info | CouldntParseFile ByteString GHC.Base.String -- ^ name and attoparsec info | CouldntFindEnvVar ByteString deriving (Eq, Show) instance Exception TemplateExceptions where displayException (CouldntParseFilename name info) = "Couldn't parse filename '" <> bsToChars name <> "': \n" <> info displayException (CouldntParseFile name info) = "Couldn't parse file '" <> bsToChars name <> "': \n" <> info displayException (CouldntFindEnvVar var) = "Couldn't find the environment variable '" <> bsToChars var <> "'." -- | Print the first argument and then the second, -- and wait for 'j' or 'n' (spaces get trimmed, case-insensitive). -- When the user enters something else, print the second argument -- and wait for another input and so forth. -- > askUser "This is bad." "Continue? [j/N]" askUser :: ByteString -> ByteString -> IO Bool askUser msg repeat = do Data.ByteString.Char8.putStrLn msg go where go = do Data.ByteString.Char8.putStr repeat r <- Data.ByteString.Char8.getLine let trimmed = fst $ Data.ByteString.Char8.spanEnd Data.Char.isSpace $ Data.ByteString.Char8.dropWhile Data.Char.isSpace r let lower = Data.Char.toLower trimmed case lower of "j" -> pure True "n" -> pure False _ -> go main :: IO () main = do [name] <- getArgs templateDir <- ( toList name) <$> getAppUserDataDirectory "templates" templateFiles <- allFiles templateDir -- Parse the filenames and resolve the variables in them. (destFiles, asked) <- runStateT (mapM (convert <=< parseFilename . charsToBs) templateFiles) HashMap.empty -- Check whether some files are already present. existingFiles <- filterM (doesFileExist . bsToChars) destFiles when (not $ null existingFiles) $ do overwrite <- askUser ("The following files already exist:\n" <> Data.ByteString.Char8.unlines (fmap (" "<>) existingFiles) ) "Overwrite? [y/N]" when (not overwrite) $ do System.Exit.exitFailure -- Copy the file content. flip evalStateT asked $ forM_ ( (fmap (templateDir ) templateFiles) (fmap bsToChars destFiles)) $ \(tf, df) -> do bs <- lift $ Data.ByteString.readFile tf cs <- parseFile df bs completed <- convert cs lift $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (dropFileName df) lift $ Data.ByteString.writeFile df completed where parseFilename bs = case parseBS bs of Right a -> pure a Left s -> lift $ throwIO $ CouldntParseFilename bs s parseFile name bs = case parseBS bs of Right a -> pure a Left s -> lift $ throwIO $ CouldntParseFile (Data.ByteString.Char8.pack name) s