import Data.FileStore import Data.List (sort, isInfixOf) import Test.HUnit import System.Directory (doesFileExist, removeDirectoryRecursive) import Control.Monad (forM) import Prelude hiding (catch) import Control.Exception (catch) import Data.Time import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import System.FilePath import Data.Algorithm.Diff (Diff(..)) import System.Exit data FileStoreType = Darcs | Git | Mercurial deriving (Show, Eq) main = do gc <- testFileStore (gitFileStore "tmp/gitfs") Git -- dc <- testFileStore (darcsFileStore "tmp/darcsfs") Darcs mc <- testFileStore (mercurialFileStore "tmp/mercurialfs") Mercurial removeDirectoryRecursive "tmp" let counts = Counts{ cases = cases gc {- + cases dc -} + cases mc, tried = tried gc {- + tried dc -} + tried mc, failures = failures gc {- + failures dc -} + failures mc, errors = errors gc {- + errors dc -} + errors mc } let errorCode = failures counts + errors counts putStrLn $ "Total " ++ showCounts counts exitWith $ if errorCode == 0 then ExitSuccess else ExitFailure errorCode testFileStore :: FileStore -> FileStoreType -> IO Counts testFileStore fs fsName = do runTestTT $ TestList $ map (\(label, testFn) -> TestLabel (show fsName ++ " (" ++ label ++ ")") $ testFn fs) [ ("pre initialize", preInitializeTest) , ("initialize", initializeTest) , ("create resource", createTest1) , ("create resource in subdirectory", createTest2) , ("create resource with non-ascii name", createTest3) , ("create resource with non-ascii subdirectory", createTest3a) , ("try to create resource outside repo", createTest4) , ("try to create resource in special directory", createTest5 fsName) , ("directory", directoryTest) , ("retrieve resource", retrieveTest1) , ("retrieve resource in a subdirectory", retrieveTest2) , ("retrieve resource with non-ascii name", retrieveTest3) , ("retrieve subdirectory (should raise error)", retrieveTest4) , ("modify resource", modifyTest) , ("delete resource", deleteTest fsName) , ("retrieve deleted file", retrieveTest5) , ("rename resource", renameTest) , ("test for matching IDs", matchTest) , ("history and revision", historyTest) , ("diff", diffTest) , ("search", searchTest) ] testAuthor :: Author testAuthor = Author "Test Suite" "" testContents :: String testContents = "Test contents.\nSecond line.\nThird test line with some Greek αβ." testTitle :: String testTitle = "New resource.txt" subdirTestTitle :: String subdirTestTitle = "subdir/Subdir title.txt" nonasciiTestTitle :: String nonasciiTestTitle = "αβγ" subdirNonasciiTestTitle :: String subdirNonasciiTestTitle = "α/bar" -- index and directory for noexisting repository should raise error: preInitializeTest fs = TestCase $ do catch (do index fs; assertFailure "preInitialize, uncaught error") $ \e -> assertEqual "error status from attempt to get index of nonexistent repo" e NotFound catch (do directory fs "foo"; assertFailure "preInitialize, uncaught error") $ \e -> assertEqual "error status from attempt to get directory of nonexistent repo" e NotFound -- Initialize a repository, check for empty index, and then try to initialize again -- in the same directory (should raise an error): initializeTest fs = TestCase $ do initialize fs ind <- index fs assertEqual "index of just-initialized repository" ind [] catch (initialize fs >> assertFailure "did not return error for existing repository") $ \e -> assertEqual "error status from existing repository" e RepositoryExists -- Create a resource, and check to see that latest returns a revision ID for it: createTest1 fs = TestCase $ do create fs testTitle testAuthor "description of change" testContents revid <- latest fs testTitle assertBool "revision returns a revision after create" (not (null revid)) -- Create a resource in a subdirectory, and check to see that revision returns a revision for it: createTest2 fs = TestCase $ do create fs subdirTestTitle testAuthor "description of change" testContents revid <- latest fs testTitle assertBool "revision returns a revision after create" (not (null revid)) create fs (subdirTestTitle ++ "2") testAuthor "+Second file" testContents -- Create a resource with a non-ascii title, and check to see that revision returns a revision for it: createTest3 fs = TestCase $ do create fs nonasciiTestTitle testAuthor "description of change" testContents revid <- latest fs nonasciiTestTitle assertBool "revision returns a revision after create" (not (null revid)) allfiles <- index fs assertBool "index contains file with nonascii name" (nonasciiTestTitle `elem` allfiles) createTest3a fs = TestCase $ do create fs subdirNonasciiTestTitle testAuthor "description of change" testContents revid <- latest fs subdirNonasciiTestTitle assertBool "revision returns a revision after create" (not (null revid)) allfiles <- index fs assertBool "index contains file with nonascii subdir" (subdirNonasciiTestTitle `elem` allfiles) -- Try to create a resource outside the repository (should fail with an error and NOT write the file): createTest4 fs = TestCase $ do catch (create fs "../oops" testAuthor "description of change" testContents >> assertFailure "did not return error from create ../oops") $ \e -> assertEqual "error from create ../oops" IllegalResourceName e exists <- doesFileExist "tmp/oops" assertBool "file ../oops was created outside repository" (not exists) -- Try to create a resource in special directory (should fail with an error and NOT write the file): createTest5 fsName fs = TestCase $ do let (realpath, special) = case fsName of Git -> ("tmp" "gitfs" ".git" "newfile", ".git/newfile") Darcs -> ("tmp" "darcsfs" "_darcs" "newfile", "_darcs/newfile") Mercurial -> ("tmp" "mercurialfs" ".hg" "newfile", ".hg/newfile") catch (create fs special testAuthor "description of change" testContents >> (assertFailure $ "did not return error from create " ++ special)) $ \e -> assertEqual ("error from create " ++ special) IllegalResourceName e exists <- doesFileExist realpath assertBool ("file " ++ realpath ++ " was created outside repository") (not exists) -- Test directory directoryTest fs = TestCase $ do -- Get directory for top-level files <- directory fs "" assertEqual "result of directory on top-level" (sort [FSDirectory (takeDirectory subdirTestTitle), FSFile testTitle, FSFile nonasciiTestTitle, FSDirectory (takeDirectory subdirNonasciiTestTitle)]) (sort files) -- Get contents of subdirectory subdirFiles <- directory fs "subdir" assertEqual "result of directory on subdir" [FSFile (takeFileName subdirTestTitle), FSFile (takeFileName (subdirTestTitle ++ "2"))] subdirFiles -- Try to get contents of nonexistent subdirectory catch (do directory fs "foo"; assertFailure "nonexistent subdirectory, uncaught error") $ \e -> assertEqual "error status from attempt to get directory listing of nonexistent directory" e NotFound -- Retrieve latest version of a resource: retrieveTest1 fs = TestCase $ retrieve fs testTitle Nothing >>= assertEqual "contents returned by retrieve" testContents -- Retrieve latest version of a resource (in a subdirectory): retrieveTest2 fs = TestCase $ retrieve fs subdirTestTitle Nothing >>= assertEqual "contents returned by retrieve" testContents -- Retrieve latest version of a resource with a nonascii name: retrieveTest3 fs = TestCase $ retrieve fs nonasciiTestTitle Nothing >>= assertEqual "contents returned by retrieve" testContents -- Retrieve a directory (should fail): retrieveTest4 fs = TestCase $ catch ((retrieve fs "subdir" Nothing :: IO String) >> assertFailure "did not return error from retrieve from subdir") $ \e -> assertEqual "error from retrieve from subdir" NotFound e -- Modify a resource: modifyTest fs = TestCase $ do -- Modify a resource. Should return Right (). revid <- latest fs testTitle let modifiedContents = unlines $ take 2 $ lines testContents modResult <- modify fs testTitle revid testAuthor "removed third line" modifiedContents assertEqual "results of modify" (Right ()) modResult -- Now retrieve the contents and make sure they were changed. modifiedContents' <- retrieve fs testTitle Nothing newRevId <- latest fs testTitle newRev <- revision fs newRevId assertEqual "retrieved contents after modify" modifiedContents' modifiedContents -- Now try to modify again, using the old revision as base. This should -- result in a merge with conflicts. modResult2 <- modify fs testTitle revid testAuthor "modified from old version" (testContents ++ "\nFourth line") let normModResult2 = Left MergeInfo {mergeRevision = newRev, mergeConflicts = True, mergeText = "Test contents.\nSecond line.\n<<<<<<< edited\nThird test line with some Greek \945\946.\nFourth line\n=======\n>>>>>>> " ++ newRevId ++ "\n"} assertEqual "results of modify from old version" normModResult2 modResult2 -- Now try it again, still using the old version as base, but with contents -- of the new version. This should result in a merge without conflicts. modResult3 <- modify fs testTitle revid testAuthor "modified from old version" modifiedContents let normModResult3 = Left MergeInfo {mergeRevision = newRev, mergeConflicts = False, mergeText = modifiedContents} assertEqual "results of modify from old version with new version's contents" normModResult3 modResult3 -- Now try modifying again, this time using the new version as base. Should -- succeed with Right (). modResult4 <- modify fs testTitle newRevId testAuthor "modified from new version" (modifiedContents ++ "\nThird line") assertEqual "results of modify from new version" (Right ()) modResult4 -- Delete a resource: deleteTest fsName fs = TestCase $ do -- Create a file and verify that it's there. let toBeDeleted = "Aaack!" create fs toBeDeleted testAuthor "description of change" testContents ind <- index fs assertBool "index contains resource to be deleted" (toBeDeleted `elem` ind) -- Now delete it and verify that it's gone. delete fs toBeDeleted testAuthor "goodbye" ind <- index fs assertBool "index does not contain resource that was deleted" (toBeDeleted `notElem` ind) -- Now make sure you can create and delete it again. create fs toBeDeleted testAuthor "description of change" testContents ind <- index fs assertBool "index contains re-created resource" (toBeDeleted `elem` ind) delete fs toBeDeleted testAuthor "goodbye" ind <- index fs assertBool "index does not contain resource that was deleted" (toBeDeleted `notElem` ind) -- Try to delete a file somewhere we shouldn't be able to delete let (realpath, special) = case fsName of Git -> ("tmp" "gitfs" ".git" "newfile", ".git/newfile") Darcs -> ("tmp" "darcsfs" "_darcs" "newfile", "_darcs/newfile") Mercurial -> ("tmp" "mercurialfs" ".hg" "newfile", ".hg/newfile") catch (delete fs special testAuthor "description of change" >> (assertFailure $ "did not return error from delete " ++ special)) $ \e -> assertEqual ("error from delete " ++ special) IllegalResourceName e -- Retrieve earlier version of deleted file: retrieveTest5 fs = TestCase $ do hist <- history fs ["Aaack!"] (TimeRange Nothing Nothing) Nothing assertBool "history is nonempty" (not (null hist)) let deletedId = revId $ last hist contents <- retrieve fs "Aaack!" (Just deletedId) :: IO String assertEqual "contents returned by retrieve" testContents contents -- Rename a resource: renameTest fs = TestCase $ do -- Create a file and verify that it's there. let oldName = "Old Name" let newName = "newdir/New Name.txt" create fs oldName testAuthor "description of change" testContents ind <- index fs assertBool "index contains old name" (oldName `elem` ind) assertBool "index does not contain new name" (newName `notElem` ind) -- Now rename it and verify that it changed names. rename fs oldName newName testAuthor "rename" ind <- index fs assertBool "index does not contain old name" (oldName `notElem` ind) assertBool "index contains new name" (newName `elem` ind) -- Try renaming a file that doesn't exist. catch (rename fs "nonexistent file" "other name" testAuthor "rename" >> assertFailure "rename of nonexistent file did not throw error") $ \e -> assertEqual "error status from rename of nonexistent file" NotFound e -- Try to rename a file to a location we shouldn't be able to write in. let badName = "../eek" let cmd = "rename " ++ newName ++ " " ++ badName catch (rename fs newName badName testAuthor "description of change" >> (assertFailure $ "did not return error from " ++ cmd)) $ \e -> assertEqual ("error from " ++ cmd) IllegalResourceName e -- Test history and revision historyTest fs = TestCase $ do let testDescription = "history test message" save fs testTitle testAuthor testDescription testContents -- Get history for three files hist <- history fs [testTitle, subdirTestTitle, nonasciiTestTitle] (TimeRange Nothing Nothing) Nothing assertBool "history is nonempty" (not (null hist)) now <- getCurrentTime rev <- latest fs testTitle >>= revision fs -- get latest revision assertBool "history contains latest revision" (rev `elem` hist) assertEqual "revAuthor" testAuthor (revAuthor rev) assertBool "revId non-null" (not (null (revId rev))) assertEqual "revDescription" testDescription (revDescription rev) assertEqual "revChanges" [Modified testTitle] (revChanges rev) let revtime = revDateTime rev histNow <- history fs [testTitle] (TimeRange (Just $ addUTCTime (60 * 60 * 24) now) Nothing) Nothing assertBool "history from now + 1 day onwards is empty" (null histNow) histOne <- history fs [testTitle] (TimeRange Nothing Nothing) (Just 1) assertBool "history with limit = 1 contains one item" (length histOne == 1) -- Test diff diffTest fs = TestCase $ do -- Create a file and modiy it. let diffTitle = "difftest.txt" create fs diffTitle testAuthor "description of change" testContents save fs diffTitle testAuthor "removed a line" (unlines . init . lines $ testContents) [secondrev, firstrev] <- history fs [diffTitle] (TimeRange Nothing Nothing) Nothing diff' <- diff fs diffTitle (Just $ revId firstrev) (Just $ revId secondrev) let subtracted' = [s | First s <- diff'] assertEqual "subtracted lines" [[last (lines testContents)]] subtracted' -- Diff from Nothing should be diff from empty document. diff'' <- diff fs diffTitle Nothing (Just $ revId firstrev) let added'' = concat [x | Second x <- diff''] assertEqual "added lines from empty document to first revision" (lines testContents) added'' -- Diff to Nothing should be diff to latest. diff''' <- diff fs diffTitle (Just $ revId firstrev) Nothing assertEqual "diff from first revision to latest" diff' diff''' -- Test search searchTest fs = TestCase $ do -- Search for "bing" create fs "foo" testAuthor "my 1st search test doc" "bing\nbong\nbang\nφ" create fs "bar" testAuthor "my 2nd search test doc" "bing BONG" create fs "baz" testAuthor "my 3nd search test doc" "bingbang\nbong" -- Search for "bing" with whole-word matches. res1 <- search fs SearchQuery{queryPatterns = ["bing"], queryWholeWords = True, queryMatchAll = True, queryIgnoreCase = True} assertEqual "search results 1" [SearchMatch "bar" 1 "bing BONG", SearchMatch "foo" 1 "bing"] res1 -- Search for regex "BONG" case-sensitive. res2 <- search fs SearchQuery{queryPatterns = ["BONG"], queryWholeWords = True, queryMatchAll = True, queryIgnoreCase = False} assertEqual "search results 2" [SearchMatch "bar" 1 "bing BONG"] res2 -- Search for "bong" and "φ" res3 <- search fs SearchQuery{queryPatterns = ["bong", "φ"], queryWholeWords = True, queryMatchAll = True, queryIgnoreCase = True} assertEqual "search results 3" [SearchMatch "foo" 2 "bong", SearchMatch "foo" 4 "φ"] res3 -- Search for "bong" and "φ" but without match-all set res4 <- search fs SearchQuery{queryPatterns = ["bong", "φ"], queryWholeWords = True, queryMatchAll = False, queryIgnoreCase = True} assertEqual "search results 4" [SearchMatch "bar" 1 "bing BONG", SearchMatch "baz" 2 "bong", SearchMatch "foo" 2 "bong", SearchMatch "foo" 4 "φ"] res4 -- Search for "bing" but without whole-words set res5 <- search fs SearchQuery{queryPatterns = ["bing"], queryWholeWords = False, queryMatchAll = True, queryIgnoreCase = True} assertEqual "search results 5" [SearchMatch "bar" 1 "bing BONG", SearchMatch "baz" 1 "bingbang", SearchMatch "foo" 1 "bing"] res5 -- Test IDs match matchTest fs = TestCase $ do assertBool "match with two identical IDs" (idsMatch fs "abcde" "abcde") assertBool "match with nonidentical but matching IDs" (idsMatch fs "abcde" "abcde5553") assertBool "non-match" (not (idsMatch fs "abcde" "abedc"))